How do i redpill my family
How do i redpill my family
With a power-point slideshow while they are duct taped to chairs with gags in their mouth
"Accidentally" leave your "briefcase" of "work" graphs, charts, and nigger memes lying around. Tell them the boss has you working overtime on how to reach out to the black demographic or something
Guys this just isnt working
It really depends on how deep in the bluepill they are. Sometimes it just isnt worth trying.
You don't you fucking mongoloid, you pull your head out of your ass work hard, make something of yourself and promot to views to a wider audience.
Fucking pleb.
This. Show them cuck porn with Beethoven on the background till they vomit.
>1 post by this ID
First you make people look up to you by doing something with your life, THEN you start to hand out small redpills covered in "butter" so they can easily swallow it with their weak minds. Dont ever show your true power level in public.
Pistol whip the motherfukers
Tell them you work for cartels now
They are not going to build that wall
I see you watched the Sam Hyde pbuh video about socializing and sitcom humor
Can you post the original?
>not even Donkey Kong's body
You had one job
You're too keen to talk.
Just drop things in here and there. If they're receptive to it, turn it up, if not, shut the fuck up.
>doesn't know about Lanky Kong
Barbosa's head didn't deserve to sit on DK's chiseled body.
>being boring on purpose to signal low intelligence so people dont think you're a nerd like some black cunt
>he doesnt know about the best kong
what a nerd