Letterboxd thread: pls respond edition
Post profiles and discuss what you have been recently watching
Letterboxd thread: pls respond edition
Post profiles and discuss what you have been recently watching
don't even bother
why not
it'll suck
Why don't you post to make it good instead
What have you watched lately, anything you would recommend ?
i'd recommend Science Crazed
Good tip
Hi, this is a public service announcement.
This general is being heavily forced/propped up by a few Discord users in this thread (ie: dropout_gorro, amdjeet, Smoothhands, Jackieray, etc.). They have all tried to get recognition by frequently posting their profiles here, but have all pretty much failed. Not surprising since they are all completely lacking in film knowledge and intellect.
They all post as Anons in this thread, and post shit flinging memes in a not-so-clever Sup Forumseddit-ish way. Basically, they are trying to keep this up so other newfags will think it's the good thing to do, and join in, adding to their clout. They have managed to pull in a few unsuspecting newfags to their game.
The group basically shuns any competing users: machill54, petethecat, Originalname3, farre, etc. Any user that takes attention from their circlejerk assclownery is ignored, degraded, and shunned.
Their pleb film habits, their self-centeredness, their failing quest for internet glory and their obsession with their safe space chat room has resulted in overall deteriorating thread quality, misleading of newfags, decreased activity, and the general appearance to the rest of the board that our thread is full of posturing psuedo-intellectual teenagers. They're right.
Years ago, /lbg/ had huge backing, it had a purpose and a meaning. It was well loved even in it's early stages, much like old Sup Forums. /lbg as of now, nobody cares for. It's just plain trash.
I'm letting you all know this, and expected the usual response from the thread Discordfag-as-user regulars: "newfag", "butthurt embryo", "he doesn't know how the General works", "tl;dr", etc.
All bullshit, the general sucks, it's no Patrician Central, and never will be. It's truly sad you sit here and waste your life protecting the honor of this shithole. What a tragic existence.
Thank you, and take care.
that feel when you think 'the hardcore eraserhead' means even more experimental and increased horror elements but it actually refers to frequent hardcore sex
Back to the festival tomorrow, most likely will watch Good Manners and Foxtrot before evening lecture with Kim Newman on how to talk about psychotronic cinema
Battlefront II.
Eh, pretty bad level design to be honest. Way too small. But combination of air and ground tactics in one game mode is fantastic.
Hopefully they make the maps larger and allow for 128 / 256 players.
>Battlefront II already being made
wtf i tought BF1 just came out
It did, EA is a disgusting company.
The Fog (1980)
The Ward
The Funhouse
The Girl in the Photographs
The Toolbox murders (original and remake)
It (2017)
About to watch both Village of the Damned movies
>The Girl in the Photographs
This movie is a dumpster fire.
bought this lads
Don't farreget to select your favorite films!
I'll watch Rebecca now, and I want to download some feel good movies for later, any recs?
how to get cancer in 5 minutes - start reading reviews/lists on letterboxd. 100% guaranteed, all doctors throughout the world recommend it!
follow 4 follow
i don't want cancer, do you know what the opposite of cancer is
You've seen more films made this decade than you have films made in the 1910s, 1920s, 1930s, 1940s, 1950s and 1960s combined.
Fucks sake just fuck off already.
how to get cancer in 5 seconds - look at this profile. 100% guaranteed, all doctors throughout the world recommend it!
never be this pleb
I'm not. I'm just saying that guy is.
They didn't have my little pony cartoons back then
Who was in the wrong here?
that katie bitch annoys the fuck out of me. her 'reviews' are 1 sentence in caps locks referencing how she's gay or cried or some shit. she also follows me
I love Katie ;~;
going to see the new Lanthimos film tomorrow.
Then the new Claire Denis film followed by You were never really here on Sat.
Festival has been a bit dead this year for me, Loveless was ok but everything else has been a bit shit.
>new Lanthimos film
The Favorite?
no silly.
Killing of a Sacred Deer
>mfw machill tries to shoehorn Emily Jean into a conversation
wow rude
who are you
>logging comedy specials
>logging pony shit
>logging kung fu panda rip offs
this is stat padding and u know it
will Retard Pete ever recover?
can you repeat the question
can you repete the question
Boys gonna have hard time contemplating his love for a traditionally conservative Christian film maker like Malick and his leaning on faggotry and sodomy.
He says that the bible's translations make it's stance on homosexuality very iffy
>Retard Pete
>bumping the thread just so people can see your shit
Yeah, you're safe to fuck off, faggot. Although I'm sure somewhere someone gives a shit about the pent-up vainglory of single handedly turning a metathread about a scuffed-critic social media platform into a sample platter that showcases the frightening extent of your brain damage.
>b-but I intelligently converse, in a special Discord chat, because I am afraid to actually browse the thread, and wouldn't have a complete stranglehold on the situation like I do when I play Moderator in my trademark hugbox that supplants my ability to start a conversation like a functioning creature
Oh yes, someone out there will feign fascination for you. Now back to eating shit from your Vimeo playlist.
>bumping the thread just so people can see your shit
Yeah, you're safe to fuck off, faggot. Although I'm sure somewhere someone gives a shit about the pent-up vainglory of single handedly turning a metathread about a scuffed-critic social media platform into a sample platter that showcases the frightening extent of your brain damage.
>b-but I intelligently converse, in a special Discord chat, because I am afraid to actually browse the thread, and wouldn't have a complete stranglehold on the situation like I do when I play Moderator in my trademark hugbox that supplants my ability to start a conversation like a functioning creature
Oh yes, someone out there will feign fascination for you. Now back to eating shit from your Vimeo playlist.
>bumping the thread just so people can see your shit
Yeah, you're safe to fuck off, faggot. Although I'm sure somewhere someone gives a shit about the pent-up vainglory of single handedly turning a metathread about a scuffed-critic social media platform into a sample platter that showcases the frightening extent of your brain damage.
>b-but I intelligently converse, in a special Discord chat, because I am afraid to actually browse the thread, and wouldn't have a complete stranglehold on the situation like I do when I play Moderator in my trademark hugbox that supplants my ability to start a conversation like a functioning creature
Oh yes, someone out there will feign fascination for you. Now back to eating shit from your Vimeo playlist.
cry some more, Retard Pete
>too scared to make a counter-argument
>repost with angry meme and claim it's Pete so I don't risk replying to him and sparking an actual conversation
>Retard Pete
>Retard Pete
Dodsvordbiggers on suicide watch
>Retard Pete
>Retard Pete
>Retard Pete
>being this butthurt
>Bruce Melvin on damage control
>Retard Pete
Yeah you snicker every time you see this I bet.
Hands down the best time I've had at the movies all year. It is a fucking blast!
>Retard Pete
so the thread is gonna keep sucking now, i'll ketchup w/ you later
c ya wouldnt wanna b ya
are you a 7 year old girl
wanna know the best thing about fucking 47 year olds... There's 40 of them
Who is Pete and why does he keep shitting up these threads?
>who is Pete
he's a neet
>why does he keep shitting up these threads
he's a neet
Concise answer.
Pete the Neet
>Pete the Neet