Why was Goose okay with this bitch implanting memory in him to do her bidding?
Why was Goose okay with this bitch implanting memory in him to do her bidding?
Femdom fetish
Was anyone else disappointed that she turned out to be Deckard's kid?
>this bitch implanting memory in him
she makes the memories, she doesn't assemble the Replicants and she doesn't install the memories
Deckard and other replicants (the #resistance?) created the decoy
No. cause that scene made me like her.
No. It was the only thing that made sense.
A new kind of organism would need quarantine in order to survive in such a hostile environment.
She didn't get to control which replicant they'd put that memory in, but she did supply it to Tyrell in hope some replicant will be embedded with that memory.
He didn't understand it in that moment. Afterwards he was already too fed up with life to care.
I loved it.
2 possibilities
1st, the immune compromised state is a lie to keep her isolated and limit her interactions with others (thus limiting the probability she'd be discovered
2nd, turns out Replicant babies are a genetic mess and while you can make em breed-able you cannot make the offspring viable
either way this movie is fucking incredible and you Yankee fucks should be ashamed of yourselves for letting it flop (personally I blame Blade Runner 1982 fans who turned their noses up at this seemingly determined to hate it just for existing)
How many Replicants got the horse memory?
Hundreds? Thousands?
none because it wasnt an implant Human Deckard just had the dream and the origami was coincidental, only two kinds of people think Deckard is a replicant ridley scott and people with IQ's lower than 90
In 2049, Gaff thinks that Deckard is a replicant.
when did he say that?
He says it without being explicit
>I didn't think he was going to be around for much longer
>He was going to .... Retire
>I could see it in his eyes
That's all replicant shit.
The limited life span.
The "retirement" thing
The eye shine
American audiences are the worst. They literally only go to the theater for the latest quip fest trash film. I'm American and I'm ashamed.
I'm gonna see it again this weekend just to give it 15 more dollars.
Goddamn, I'm dumb. Her story was so neat and compact I completely overlooked her and bought directly into the red herring. Misunderstood the dark mirror and thought that K and Luv were somehow the twin repli-babies. Really enjoyed this flick.
dont feel bad took me till viewing 3 to notice that Luv was flirting with K in the data vault (first couple of viewings i though she was subtly needling him about Joi "asking personal questions makes you feel wanted" I thought that was a reference to the way the Joi program operates as opposed to her flirting)
Probably the first. Must an excuse to keep her safe. The (half-blind) leader of the Replicant Liberation Army said she was hidden until the time was right, implying that the intention was to reveal Stelline at the most opportune moment to push past the civilizational tipping point.
I didn't see it over the weekend to try and avoid crowds, but it was pretty packed last night
Dennis made a classic but he really didnt bother explaining things. Its okay not to get all of it in the first viewing.
This movie definitely deserves to be watched couple times.
I don't think there should be been any dialogue in the final minutes. I think K was so far gone mentally he didn't care. he was so scared that he meant something special, but when they took that from him he shut down. If he had deleted the memories he wouldn't have put anyone in danger.
I've already seen it twice. Watching it a second time I noticed a few hints that totally went over my head the first time, like in the scene where Goose recalls his memory of the orphanage, "he" was the only boy with hair, and when he goes to investigate the orphanage later all of the boys have shaved heads while only the girls have hair.
damn i didnt notice that
>he thinks a human is living just fine in one of the most highly irradiated zones in North America, living on nothing but whiskey and honey
because he realized it's not about what you have, it's about what you do with it
>dude lets make a weaker replicant to hunt replicants
you are retarded, if tyrell wanted deckard to fuck rachel he would have dont it since the beginning why make it complicated
>successfully hunted and defeated all of the replicants
we dont know how long he has been living there and maybe he is already dying
>we dont know how long he has been living there
at least 28 years
>maybe he is already dying
i don't think you understand how much radiation there was there and what that would do to a normal human
Should I just submit to the theory that Deckard is a replicant and deal with the fact that it completely takes away from the first? This sucks
doesn't take away from the first, just takes away from your ego because it hurts having to accept that you're wrong
What the fuck are you people talking about.
She never manipulated anyone, the character was kind and sweet.
He asked her if the memory was real,she said yes. He assumed it was because he was a real boy , but she just said the truth the memory was real, it belonged to her.
Please tell us, Dr. Physicist
>(personally I blame Blade Runner 1982 fans who turned their noses up at this seemingly determined to hate it just for existing)
Really? I know a lot of BR fans besides myself, both IRL and online, and a lot of them were going nuts waiting for this movie (I'm not including this board in that group btw) And the majority have had nothing but praise for it. The most hate I've seen for it is coming from the average retard audience who wanted an action-filled quip fest, not neo-noir kino.
They never outright said Decard was a replicant dumbasses. Wallace was just throwing the theory around as an explanation of how Rachel got pregnant, they never confirmed it. If he was a replicant he was probably the most advanced one as not even Wallace could tell
Underwhelmed, maybe. She hadn't had much relevance to the story prior and seemed kind of like an arbitrary pick.
I never said they outright said it, but the evidence is just piled up now and anyone denying it is in denial.
All the replicants had the horse memory you mong
The very intention of the filmmakers was to leave the question open.
Wallace even says something like
" was it love or scientific calculation". Point is it doesn't matter. They leave it open and you can believe what you want.
no they didn't
Did you realize that yourself? Very thoughtful and really rounds the mystery out, thanks for that.
he wasn't the type to get angry or lash out, and he wasn't a cop anymore anyway.
>took me till viewing 3 to notice that Luv was flirting with K in the data vault
This could also be literal. If he looked like he didn’t want to keep killing replicants he could have a look in his eyes and be retiring soon. It’s not defininitve and purposefully can be argued either way. The point isn’t that he could or could not be a replicant, it’s the bigger picture of being human if you act like one.
>successfully hunted
oh you forgot the part where Rutger Hauer was fucking with him and even save him at the end?
you really are retarded
Yes, they did. the hooker had the exact same memory.
I want to agree with you but why else would the hooker recognize the horse
That's probably just a cover. Remember that she lived in that filthy orphanage/sweat shop as a kid? The rebellion is probably keeping her until the time is right.
Where does my ego fit into the fact that Ridley Scott was like a child with legos when it came to Blade Runner? And if you don't think it takes away from it then you're a fucking pleb-tier chud who only thought "HUH HUH DUDE WHAT A TWIST HE AKCHUALLY A REPLICANT!"
Blade Runner is made for Deckard t be human. Anything else is as lame as every other sci-fi garbage out there
>at least 28 years
where is this implied? how do you know Deckard hasnt been moving around places for years?
she was part of the rebelion
what would Drumpf's replicant policy be?
you're getting this from where?
It does not make any sense for them to have the same memory. They probably have different memories depending on the function or their location.
It would make the most sense if some memories are reused
>you're a fucking pleb-tier chud who only thought "HUH HUH DUDE WHAT A TWIST HE AKCHUALLY A REPLICANT!"
>implying that's the only value to be had in Deckard being a replicant
see, personal attacks are coming out. You ego is fighting harder now. You have no argument. Just clinging to your ego.
Deckars is not a replicant there is no evidence to that
why does that mean she would recognize the horse
Pretty sure Goose's little camera drone showed nominal radiation levels in that specific location
>Rachel kills Leon
>Roy has him at his mercy and then saves him in the end
There's lots of evidence in 2049.
Gaff is cheeky as fuck and hints at it massively.
Wallace implies that Deckard and Rachel were Tyrell's masterpiece. A pair of replicating replicants.
It's never outright said and it doesn't really matter either way.
But there is a LOT of hints towards it
its true it did
>if Tyrell wanted Deckard to fuck Rachel he would have done it since the beginning
That's not me.
Because he wanted them to fall in love.
Tyrell was playing God, not a kid mashing action figures together
Anybody else really like her soft soothing voice? Replicant ASMR when?
>Wallace implies that Deckard and Rachel were Tyrell's masterpiece.
He doesn't imply, he's wondering outloud. In the same scene he wonders if it was a conincednce or calculated by Tyrell
>tfw no Joi ASMR JOI
I like the way she said " a visitor? " when Kay showed up.
it was real wood
one thing I realized in my third viewing is that Wallace's personal facilities, the platform and the birthing chamber, are made entirely of wood. as we know from Dr. Badger, wood is incredibly rare and valuable.
didnt she said her inmune deficiency hit her when she was 8?
Wait, what? How did she implant that memory inside him? He knew about it before he even met her.
she said something about it being from a dream when she saw it
she didn't.
she was interested because it was a real wood and she always wanted to see a tree.
she didn't say anything
>Gaff is cheeky
>Wallace implies
nice evidence
and by the way Wallace says is scientic because love is a quimical reaction but Villeneu leave that line there so stupid people like you and Riddley Scott keep entertaining the EPIC twist that Deckard is a replicant
she also said that she was going offworld with her parents. that must have been true too....
no wonder this movie flopped so badly, you stupid americans can't understand it for shit
yes she did. I watched the movie three times.
Don't blame them, blame their government that intentionally quells their critical thinking skills and makes their compulsory learning as shitty as possible in order to maintain maximum population control.
As a fan of the original, I had no hope, cause I have no hope for any product of modern Hollywood. But I really liked it.
Help me understand this:
Decker and a replicant fuck, and produce this girl. The replicant dies, Decker goes into hiding, and then this girl is raised by... That guy that got killed at the start? I guess?
Okay so this girl is raised by whoever, and then becomes super allergic or whatever and ends up in her bubble. From her bubble she makes memories to be implanted in replicants, and is paid for this.
Does she not know about replicants and how her mother was one? If she does, doesn't she feel kinda fucked up that she's doing this service for Jared Leto?
Also what's the significance of Decker finding her? Like aside from muh sentimentality, does this imply some sort of step forward in that "resistance" shit that K was told about?
What's with the resistance? What am I supposed to understand about it by the end? That Jared Leto is about to be taken down? Because Decker is working with his daughter now?
>he wanted them to fall in love
by doing absolutely nothing? or did he planned Deckard to hunt down Roy and fall in love with Rachel have sex become fugitives and hide the child?
is Tyrell the Joker now? what if Roy killed Deckard first like he could have but he refused
She was looking at the unicorn because it's made out of wood and she recognized wood as something very rare and expensive.
you had me going for 2 lines
why scientist can replicate humans more humans than the real ones but cant make wood more woodier?
I get that, but once I saw some of the concept art and first screenshots with beautiful cinematography, I was sold. I had never seen any of Villeneuve's other films so I had no bar of expectation other than that it needed to feel similar to the original.
>and then becomes super allergic or whatever and ends up in her bubble.
no, that's a cover story. she's being hidden in plain sight.
>Does she not know about replicants and how her mother was one? If she does, doesn't she feel kinda fucked up that she's doing this service for Jared Leto?
She knows, and she sees the creation of pleasant memories to be very fulfilling, and a huge service for replicants as she explains when she says something along the lines of "replicants have to do such terrible jobs, at least I can give them happy memories to look back on". she sees this as helping them in a way that she can.
>What's with the resistance? What am I supposed to understand about it by the end? That Jared Leto is about to be taken down? Because Decker is working with his daughter now?
Knowing that the Alien universe and Blade Runner universe are connected, and that this is something like 200 years before Alien, it should be obvious that the resistance eventually fails, and that humanity either IS the replicants in the future, or that they abandon replicant technology and Weyland-Yutani decides to roll with full on robots/androids instead for the forseeable future (which also turn out to be as unpredictable and uncontrollable as replicants are)
I don't understand why people think it would detract from the movie if Deckard is a replicant. the whole point of the movie is that replicants ARE people, so what;s the problem?
they probably can make wood, but people can tell it's not real wood
I suppose the Earth isn't a suitable environment for tree growth anymore, which is why so many people go offworld instead. Genuine wood is probably so hard to come by specifically because one would have to chop down an actual tree to get it. That's how rich and powerful Wallace is that he has bigass rooms made entirely of wood.
>he Alien universe and Blade Runner universe are connected
go to bed Riddley, you have a great eye but you are also a retard
Another thing I noticed on third viewing was the little police horse ashtray is what made Kay go check out the furnace and indulge the possibility of the wooden horse being there. Like a little nudge/reminder.
If Deckard isn't a replicant, why didnt Tyrell just knock her up instead?
>by doing absolutely nothing?
By programming them to fall in love at first sight you retarded subfaggot.
>what if Roy killed Deckard first like he could have but he refused
Oh wow what a problem that would have been, how ever would Tyrell replace his artificially manufactured person if it got killed, if only he owned some kind of replicant manufacturing facility so he could just make another copy!
the point is that Roy Batty a replicant valued life more than Deckard a human and Roy actually had a purpose that he choose to follow to the bitter end unlike Deckard who hates his job and his life but keeps doing it like an automaton