Isa PBUH may not have been white, but Muhammad PBUH was. Why haven't you joined the religion of peace that was started by a white man, that also supports white nationalism?
>Muhammad was white
Muhammad wasn't white, camel fucker.
OP I smoke hash and go sit in a dark cave and all kindsa angels and gabriel wannabes descend from the heaven to check shit with me and they have told me I can slam tight punani because im the one true profit. why haven't you accepted me as your one true religion yet?
>Why haven't you joined the religion of peace
Because the sun doesn't settle in a muddy spring at night.
It's obviously figurative language.
Fuck off haji
And people wonder why ISIS wants to kill us
because they're faggot goat fuckers that want to kill everyone.
>Smiling next to a dead child shot in the head
>"hurr they want us dead because they're goatfuckers!"
Sure thing, pal.
>camel fucker
Nope, urine of camel drinker
Except he was.
>mfw that is like your average lemonade in Saudi Arabia
>mfw one of the shops recently got closed down by Saudi authorities cause the owner was caught filling the bottles with his own urine
Wtf I love Islam now
Him being white wouldn't change him from being a pedo, rapist, murderer, warlord. Please jihad yourself.
>Implying those aren't desirable white virtues
LOL I'm trolling guys soo edgy lol
Well at least they're trying to maintain some level of food safety. Camel urine is just like Gatorade, except not.
I'm a moderator at 8ch/islam/.
No, Islam is not compatible with white nationalism or any other racial favoritism. No, Muhammad (salallahu alayhi wa salam) was not white.
Any questions?
>Any questions?
Why did he copy Galen's false embryology and put it in the book that's supposed to be the unaltered word of an omniscient god?
ya allah, prophet muhammed was white?
alhamdulillah I am now proud to be a shitskin.
You people don't even value each others lives but when we come after you suddenly you give a shit.
You hajis are literally a dime a dozen, I've seen a haji have a rifle pointed at his face and he just stood there, not because he was brave or standing up against us, he was just not aware of what the fuck was happening to him.
It was like pointing a rifle at a pig, the pig simply doesn't know or comprehend what is happening, you're all bunch of fucking animals
Checkmate atheists!
Fuckoff imbreed
daily reminder that muhammad was a pedophile
I'm not a scientist, so I don't really feel qualified to tackle this question.
Would you accept Islam as wrong and abandon it if the Quran turns out to be wrong?
Yeah we already have a white nationalist Islam, started in burgerland by this big dicked gangsta right here.
Joseph Smith is the second biggest fraud in religion after L Ron Hubbard.
Are you even allowed to think like that in pakistan?
>Devil's trips
I had no idea ISIS had operatives in Mexico and that they have a board on pedochan. And yes, Muhammad was white, see
White man abandoned Christianity and became very weak as a result. Theu can save themselves by learning the ways of islam and that will get them back to former glory.
Back to your Middle-Eastern shithole Ahmed
but islam was always weak you fucking bimbo we are now still stronger than you guys and call it god or how you want in what we believe made us the real conqueres while your allah gave you nothing but a dessert and you lost every meaningful war against us.
you guys are like little children who throw themselve on the ground kickin and punchin in every direction while you cry and shout stuff nobody can explain but at the end of the day we will slap you infront of all the people and grab your ear and throw in the car..
islam is weak..allah is a false idol and mohammed was a cocksucking insecure faggot who would get broken in half by one of our normal soldiers back then..
weak pathetic satanic sandnigger cult who can't get over it that even their false idol didn't gave them shit while everyone who believes in the real god and Jesus has food and lives a good life compared to yours and we fuck you up if we want to wr can make you guys suffer that you want to be in hell so shut the fuck up
>Jack Chick tract