/BSE 4/

It's less than 8 hours away. It might be nothing, though.

Mystery fake bank notes have showed up across the country. What do they mean? Why do they link to FBcom/ThankMrTeeth and BadSelfEater.com ? Nobody knows. Help us find out!

>dropbox.com/s/h80yqx65n9hca1e/Bill Back.psd?dl=0
>dropbox.com/s/916w7mn58j3rwcv/Bill Face.psd?dl=0

>FBcom/thankmrteeth (NOW DELETED)
>badselfeater.com/ (with countdown to September 14th at 7pm EST)

>Department of Defense demo by Minerva initiative minerva.dtic.mil/
>Wikileaks/Assange fucking with people (not their style)
>WW3 with the end result of a one world government
>Metal dump
>Fed leak
>Historical info for McKinley or JFK assassination
>NEW POLITICO SITE (had info prior to their FOIA article about Clinton Library) hughhewitt.com/politico-co-founder-jim-vandehei-msm-anti-trump-bias-2016/
>CERN opening gateway to Hell/Saturn to bring Lucifer to Earth
>Misc major happening
>Muh nbc south park manson viral media

[YouTube] Madvillain - Figaro - Madvillainy (Full Album) (embed)
[YouTube] LUTVU KARTAL (KARTAL ZURNA 2014) official video (embed)
[YouTube] Godspeed You! Black Emperor - F#A#∞ (1998) (embed)

If you intend to be there when the clock ends, consider using a Firefox based browser hardened at least with NoScript/uMatrix and Public Fox, ran in a Virtual Machine, for maximum security.


Other urls found in this thread:


First for daco romans

The cock is in my mouth
The gun bursts from my freedom
Those who don't cum won't
My penis is erect and I am a giant faggot

Those that refuse to see will never witness.

New video if you wait 3 minutes, this isn't the one from before.

Very spoopy shit, not a clue what it means though.



Technically first belongs to UAE because I made the post so kek

fuck off you shill faggots. stop spreading your shitty ad campaign and kill yourself already.

witnessed :DD

Here is the conference that happens to start today: minerva.dtic.mil/mm16.html

And here is the "about" section: minerva.dtic.mil/overview.html

"The Minerva Initiative is a Department of Defense (DoD)-sponsored, university-based social science research initiative launched by the Secretary of Defense in 2008 focusing on areas of strategic importance to U.S. national security policy.

The goal of the Minerva Initiative is to improve DoD's basic understanding of the social, cultural, behavioral, and political forces that shape regions of the world of strategic importance to the U.S."

We have all been played

I want this to be something as much as the next habbenfag, unfortunately, I know it won't be and here's why:

>when was the last time someone built anticipation to a "happening" with a domain countdown?

>when has cryptic shit posted on the internet ever proven to be more than RP? >inb4 cicada, no proof not RP

Sorry gents, I can nearly guarantee to 100% certainty this is a marketing campaign either for a show or an artist.

But wait! Normies aren't seeing this so it's CLEARLY not a marketing stunt?
>Blair Witch
>Planet of the Apes
>countless others

>viral marketing is usually a shit, but it's a cheap gamble

>If you intend to be there when the clock ends, consider using a Firefox based browser hardened at least with NoScript/uMatrix and Public Fox, ran in a Virtual Machine, for maximum security

At most you would need a modern browser with Flash disabled to avoid exploits being used.


The truth is only true to those will to look behind it.

Anons, i slept during the past 2 threads

what did i miss?

Also, any good shit from the leaks yet?

Calm before the storm??????

how do i do this? i'm an idiot.

Artwork I commissioned

sage and hide this viral marketing bullshit

it's viral marketing for a show, first episode is today Sept 14

you've all been duped by marketers


who cares about security if you do not work for wikileaks and do not have anything to hide

hehehehe a good old fashioned rick-roll.

that is an edited copy of the speech

and in context JFK is talking about the reds infiltrating the US not the jews or the fed

Edward Snowden has a live Q&A with Oliver Stone tonight before the premier of the Snowden Movie in theaters across the country, and the live interview starts a half hour after countdown ends. How has nobody mentioned this yet, its being advertised all over the net.

fugg xDDd

Only those willing to put the effort into understanding the complexities of reality will grasp the utter simplicity of reality.

If only the times matched

This was linked on that website

Fucking Decide You Shills

>modern browser with Flash disabled to avoid exploits being used.
there are various exploits out there likely not yet patched, using some obscure css3, webgl, webRTC, java etc backdoors.
Don't fall for the disable flash and I'm safe meme



Then let us be duped. The show sucks, if it's a ad campaign for it we can drop it


On Firefox, enter about:addons into the URL bar and click the tab that says "plugins."

Then just change Shockwave Flash to "never activate" or "ask to activate"

Lots of shills spamming right now

So it is viral marketing!


>Some of the bodies found in the Gisel site deserve special mention for the pattern of disposal, as well as for the association with strange technological objects, in particular with the so called Cassini Diskus
>Cassini Diskus

>Cassini Diskus is not a language. It is a device to encode information using sound and images and transforming that encoded information into a signal, that is then transmitted at a frequency 27 Hz and/or 12.704 GHz.

>If only the times matched
if only it mattered; they don't need to match for this to work as marketing, genius

Its a new Childish Gambino album

One must simply manipulate the time of the posts to ensure they match.

Surprise Fed rate hike?

Didn't Wikipedia used to have future dates with all the events listed

Where were you when meme majik took control of the markets on a global scale. Guys this is getting out of control, what have we done? We're fucking with forces we will never understand, all we can do now is praise KEK. Hopefully he won't collapse the market. If KEK wills a market crash, you better short the market NOW!

Stop replying to shills and only post when you have new shit. The last few threads have been totally worthless

Anyone in Dallas available to check out if the Dallas Book Depository/JFK Museum is where the first video was filmed?

markets to 2000 people if that actively try to stay away from mainstream tv and music, and will not pay for some shitty tshirt.

shit strategy if you ask me..

It all began after the truths of languages were revealed.



The amount of roleplaying in these threads now is downright cancerous. I might just watch the clock on my own.

so the 88888888 post will appear roughly around the time the countdown stops i guess
it needs about an hour to get through 10000 posts

Need to see her naked

>that pic
>still thinks its dems vs reps

i bet he thinks hes redpilled

winning the influence of those people is pretty key

they are the cultural vanguards

Truth. What the fuck, guys? Sage this shit.


>Stop replying to "shills"
>stay focused on my viral marketing hoax i'm being paid to hype
top wew

>Hype for a new show
>Site revels hype after the show's aired

I agree, the absolute truth is being clouded by peddlers of lies and deception.

It's clearly a bad dragon marketing scheme.


don't you mean


That would be so fucking great. I'd buy a dildo just for this.
>New ouroboros dildo


leaks confirm FBI contributed to Clinton Foundation

>leaks confirm government runs the media (even Fox)

>leaks confirm Soros directly dictates Clinton policy

>democratic nominee is passing out and by all indication has been poisoned

>the clock ends when Trump takes stage

>the dollars show him with a whole in his head

>Kennedy's (((them))) speech plays on the website

>Russia, anarchists, nationalists, and patriots all want the progressive state to die

>Assange keeps promising radical news in October

Seriously wtf is the Cassini Diskus? Does it have to do with the tower of babel on the bills?

>According to the story, a united humanity of the generations following the Great Flood, speaking a single language and migrating from the east, came to the land of Shinar (Hebrew: שנער). There they agreed to build a city and a tower "tall enough to reach heaven"; seeing this, God confounded their speech so that they could no longer understand each other and scattered them around the world.


Thank white baby Jesus, soon this dumb shit will be over and I can laugh at you dumb nignogs for following it.

Some really interesting shit here. Thanks.

Are you shilling or is this legit

I wish they would pay me to be a shill

Basically No idea where the forgottenlanguages link got dropped or how it's related to the bills. Better to just wait it out for some new info.

Shilling, but very subtle

My goal is to be myself, and to challenge stereotypes,
and to follow the rules, and break them, and make new rules.
It's not about doing something that's already been done.
That would be silly.
Only the truth is the truth.


>Cassini Diskus

It's the machine

Encodes thoughts

Oh ye of little faith.

Stop shilling for your shitty viral marketing campaign for some shitty movie

That's how you know it's good.

i was fucking wondering. i looked up the snowden movie, but it's not released until friday? i just shrugged it off.

>that JFK speech
Fucking dropped. He's not talking about the Illuminati or whoever in that speech, just the commies.

Give me a tl:dr on this.

Where do the notes come from?

I'd believe it. He's always edgy.


The OP is the tl;dr you spaz. it's been going on for ages


Those who want to live, let them fight,
and those who do not want to fight in this world of eternal struggle do not deserve to live.

Finding deeper truths is the struggle to survive against encroaching one-world powers.

Dig deeper into this.

Either end of the world or we got meme'd.
All will be clear in 7 hours.

This better be good or I'll kick your ass


The secret is that there is no secret.

The truth behind the curtain will remain there until the curtains are finally drawn.

guys im on hydros and dont give a shit about you

I'm just trying to figure out if it can relate to these bills at all. Seeing as the tower of babel is on the bills and it had to do with languages.

>Sweden held its largest northern military exercise since the end of the Second World War. About 12,000 troops, 50 aircraft and several warships were involved. The exercise was closely monitored by unfriendly forces and at least one large USO was detected by military radars.

>times don't match
>before, after, during, who cares
why does it matter? you're spending days hyping this shit here and on plebbit, creating buzz. you're engaged in viral marketing, and too stupid to even understand what that is or how it works.

happening freaks and tinfags are fucking cancer

you need to go back

God damnit with the cryptic speak, just fucking be normal.

Even if you are real, how do people deal with you irl?

You're so annoying. You aren't gandalf faggot.


Rantic did the exact same shit 2 years ago. 2 fucking years ago. Goddamn newfags

I blame Trump for this, he brought reddit into Sup Forums

Yes there's an endless amount of retarded garbage in this board with 'muh dying white race' at the top. Can't keep track of it all.

I don't understand why edgelords with arg puzzles like this have to speak in riddles, just speak english tb.h

The illuminati is a PSYOP designed to distract you from the commie infiltration you dingus.


It's a promo for the new American Horror Story season which premieres tonight. They released 24 trailers for the season, all with different themes. Some of the imagery seems somewhat similar. Also the pictures from Mr. Teeth's Facebook seem to fit the classic American Horror Story theme.

Here is a link to one of the 24 differently themed promo trailers.


I don't have time to watch all 24 to see if any fit the exact narrative of the website.