How can we as Canadians save our country from the PM jew?
How can we as Canadians save our country from the PM jew?
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We can't. He's a hapless idiot whose never worked a real day in his life. Everyone in the elite knows it. He LOVES muslims for some perverted reason and will continue to dump more rapefugees as soon as he has the political capital to do so.
We're fucked.
Ex-pat here,
Your only option now is to start a fucking insurgency with all of the semi auto rifles and 10 round mags you can. You must turn leafland into Pakistan if you want it to be free again.
Or just help raise awareness and fund pro-freedom political groups, whatever you want... Just be aware that thanks to state-approved speech, some of the true things you say might be hateful and deserving of jailtime.
Is he gay? He seems really really gay.
(Not Montreal though. Montreal is turning dogshit).
Its already dof shit
a 308 to the frontal lobe
There's no country left to save. Abandon ship.
>Is he gay? He seems really really gay.
Really? What could ever give you THAT impression.... ;^)
Might be a lot worse, if he isn't tbqh.
>Brad Butts is the real leader, and he knows all the tricks to get his way
He's already doing a good job of burying himself, the east coast and alberta are literal poverty tier shitholes with rampant unemployment lately and PM Dude Weed decided to give MILLIONS to fund some silly African intervention army.
It's only a matter of time until that poverty strikes Ontario/Quebec and people start asking "Hey, why is this guy giving our money to Mbecki Mbutu in MumboJumbo land?"
Pic related, Justin hanging with convicted jewish pedophile Benjamin Levin, at a gay pride parade just 1 week before the child porn producer and distributor was arrested and charged
This man oversaw the making of sex ed. curriculum for school kids - The same one that teaches kids there are 6 genders, about anal, fisting, etc
>Mr. Levin only got 3 years
>This man oversaw the making of sex ed. curriculum for school kids - The same one that teaches kids there are 6 genders, about anal, fisting, etc
>>>The same one that teaches kids there are 6 genders, about anal, fisting, etc
;^) How progressive!
>Reisman has been a delegate for several years at the annual conference of the Bilderbergs. In Istanbul, Turkey, 31 May - 3 June 2007 she was in the company of other notable Canadians: Jason Kenney, Member of Parliament; and Gerald Butts, Principal Secretary in the Office of the Premier of Ontario."
>>Gerald Butts, Principal Secretary in the Office of the Premier of Ontario
>He also helped McGuinty & Wynne destroy Ontario, when in power as the Principle Secretary in the Office. Now he is the main handler of Trudeau.
Think the corruption of Ontario, but now across the ENTIRE country....
Harper used GOP strategists from Dubya's campaign to win, so did Netanyahu. It's common for Americans to outsource their political strategists.
Jewdeau is unlikely to survive the next election though unless he hides the fact we have no money
kek. most of ontario voted for mr.kid now hes fucking them over. finally something i can laugh at.
Montreal or Quebec?
Literally FUCK OFF LEAF. I hope your country goes to shit because it's the least you leafs deserve. I hope your wives and daughters get culturally enriched by your new shitskin betters.
Nope, just French
Jewdeau will win.
> Good looking
> Weed
> Change Voting System
> Climate Change
He just has to learn some main talking points. but he's got it in the bag. Canada is sick of right wingers. Jewdeau will be there for a while
>Harper used GOP strategists from Dubya's campaign to win, so did Netanyahu. It's common for Americans to outsource their political strategists.
Yep. Just trying to point out what to expect (Turdeau is our Obongo)
>Jewdeau is unlikely to survive the next election though unless he hides the fact we have no money
I've seen it happen in Ontario with the corrupt Wynne & McGuinty...
I have lost faith in people here, they are just to goddamn apathetic and willfully naive.
>mfw he wins a 2nd term and fucks over even more people
>kek. most of ontario voted for mr.kid now hes fucking them over. finally something i can laugh at.
Pic related, me too man. When the whole province crashes and burns, I'll be laughing my ass off
Always look for the handler, they are always kid fuckers, homo sex etc.
If basec canuks need a place to crash and rebuild Canadian Liberation Front U.P. of the mitten welcomes you.
>Jewdeau will win.
This is the unpleasant reality. People here are fucked, they deserve everything they get.
Also, Jewdeau's popularity is soaring high. He's the most popular politician in Canada. In fact, he would easily win in the UK and the US in the elections. Probably the most popular politician in the western world since Obongo.
Unlucky Canacucks
>Always look for the handler, they are always kid fuckers, homo sex etc.
Yep. I just followed the trail, it was rather easy.
Also, young Justin was MKULTRA'd in Quebec when he was a kid, he was raised on marxist socialism from birth
Pic related, he dad was literally a communist during the cold war...
>Is he gay?
Pretty much this. There is no amount of evidence you can show liberals about the dangers of mass Muslim immigration that will deter them.
We are inviting a completely incompatible culture and religion into our country and liberals will pat themselves on the back as we are being killed. I'm really starting to fucking hate this place.
What is it with gay people that they can't shut up about it? Must not be as fulfilling as they claim.
>hurr durr how do we get rid of justin trudeau
Justin's here to stay.
What you guys fail to understand is Justin's charm.
PC leader is a flip flopper and NDP is forever in shambles after the death of Layton (RIP).
No political leader can match his youth, tenacity or charm, and he's got all 3.
He can't be stopped. He'll be PM 4 years from now.
He'll be PM 20 years from now. Trudeau is the face of Canada
Justin Trudeau est commande!
yup, I forgot that commie went to the funereal.
For every action there will be a reaction right?
>There is no amount of evidence you can show liberals about the dangers of mass Muslim immigration that will deter them
>We are inviting a completely incompatible culture and religion into our country and liberals will pat themselves on the back as we are being killed
Take solace in the fact it will be the liberals that will be the first to get killed by the same people they let in.
See Muslims were the ONLY group to openly protest having a pedophile kike making the perverted sex ed. curriculum.
Most of them pulled their kids out of school as a result, and moved to group homeschooling. Shit is going to get interesting in the next 20 years when we have lots of small terrorist cells popping up here
>all those DYEL faggots
I even know of Quebecois who vote for him because he looks good.
Canada is doomed. Quebec is full of niggers. Toronto jesus christ. Worse than Londonistan
Go by twinks I believe, have you seen the lumberjack bears? sorry I don't have pics though.
I wonder how they justify the high crime rates among blacks here in Canada, seeing how they can't use the "we waz slaves" excuse.
We are not even at the point yet where we can openly say not all races are equal. Fucking hell.
>Gay Weedman Dump?
Yep. Gay Weedman Dump time
take some of our guns and stage a citizens' coop
Canadian military is a joke.
>We are not even at the point yet where we can openly say not all races are equal
I do it all the time m8
I do genuinely feel bad for Canada. I mean you can at least control your own immigration system yet you choose to cuck yourself. We have (and now had) no choice. But you always did.
Canada's military swears an allegiance to the Queen. Thus a coup is literally impossible.
>you can at least control your own immigration system
Corrupt government and apathetic voters, there is no real control here
Also this. I have spoken with a few soldier... They'd have no problems fucking over people here if given the order. They don't have allegiance with the people like in the USA, they care about their cheques 1st, and the people 2nd.
Finally someone who gets why they still use royal in their military.
>Is he gay? He seems really really gay.
I made you a picture collage m8
Surely you could get one of those meth head pozz loaders to gang bang him and give him the worst aids ever right?
You voted for him, fuckwit. Now lie in it.
Our system is fucked. 60.5% DIDN'T vote for him, he only got 39.5% of votes....
Yet, that gives a full majority.
Shit is whack, and you're right, people deserve everything they get.
bi-sexual effeminant weak glass jaw muslium loving faggot.
thats what you cucknuks got as a PM.
makes oboma look like an alpha. thats sad that americas hat needs to be nuked and tossed in the garbage.
stay weak and mad cucknadians.
feminist also
>feminist also
>Justin Turdeau urges men to be Feminists
>weak glass jaw
Obligatory webm related
That's depressing.
I live in South Dakota and I swear if I ever see a muzzie in my life I'm going to assume it hopped across our border. I hope we build two walls.
Didnt you have like a 30% voter turnout last time? There lies the problem.
Live a righteous lifestyle in accordance with biblical law
I want this edited to have Canada burning in the background.
Basically spread awareness about his spending, our gdp, and our debt that he's created and make it seem as bad as it sounds