Since Sup Forums seems to be his base and it is here where we get the most powerful digits, I must ask you, believers: What can we do to further raise Kek awareness?
We are heading for the 88888888:
eight eights in a row. To those unfamiliar with the Qabalah: The Tree of life has 10 nodal points. Each Number is given a distinct meaning. 8 is the sphere "Hod". For example, Dion Fortune, a witch, explained Hod as the sphere where magic(k)al work takes place. Like cavemen who painted their wishes on a cave wall. If you ask me, that is what we are doing here all the time. An occultist, last name Hines, I think, described a magickal experience (ex. a ritual) in such manner: You settle on an experience. -> You decide, this experience will create desired (magickal) result. -> undergo this experience. -> watch the world change around you.
For those, who don't believe such weirdo, escapistic view: What about confirmation bias? We have a chance to induce a mental roid rage within ourselves. What do we have to lose? Praise Kek, brethren.
Kek Awareness
Show us your presence kek!
The Golden Age of the return of the Gods is upon us. Kek has chosen to pave the way for us and to show us that we can lift ourselves up to light and to establish control of the people once again. This is why people established the mythos of Gods of old. Kek will show himself soon as will the other Gods.
Lord kek manifests himself in digits
Praise the kek
Praise Kek.
You guys know that numerology is quite a thing in some occult branches?
Your point being?
My point being that all the happenings are too good to be true and it seems to continue.
Therefore continue praising lord kek
Lel Sup Forumstards are retarded edgy virgins
>eight eight
>the sacred octs
Can't wait.
Gematria has been used since ancient times to script history before or as it happens. The (((ELITE))) or Saturn worshipers leave their signatures everywhere in documents, news, structures, symbols, and much more.
Unlike them, we use our readily summoned will and spirit to construe events in live time to manufacture a sought after timeline of a certain future.
We are the evolution, not the retrogression of man, we are breaking away from this plane. Breaking away from our bodies, we are starting to realize the life behind the animal is the divine life, and not the animal himself. The body is a mere vehicle through which life evolves THROUGH, and not FROM. In the future man will not be fled upon the sight of animals, for we will need not live in a world of consumption, but asceticism and purity.
We will learn of fields and laws of nature beyond our current grasping of comprehension at this very moment, but we are beginning to reach and touch them.
Praise Kek and Keket.
And this matters?
Kek also used bookend 88 ~ 88 to confirm The Prophecy
>pic related
The thread was even removed from the archive. SHILL-BOT MODS WANT TO STEAL THE SACRED 88888888!
Shadelay, brother. We must strive for digits by way of spreading the spicey memelange. The spice must flow.
the actual identity of kek is a government psyop to consolidate and marginalize this community
you are an individual with your own goals and own ideas, you are not part of a community, because there is no community
I assure you the scum who came up with 'kek' has no sense of humor at all and would be quietly satisfied if you were all in jail
>We are the evolution, not the retrogression of man, we are breaking away from this plane. Breaking away from our bodies, we are starting to realize the life behind the animal is the divine life, and not the animal himself. The body is a mere vehicle through which life evolves THROUGH, and not FROM
What better place for this than Sup Forums? I'mma watch quick some sick porn to further contemplate on the meaning of our mammalian nature
Trump will win
KEK was just a meme at one point, his power has now grown to memetic proportions. He now has the ability to alter reality as we know it. He as a demon servant has gained enough power, gained followers, and now is able to release the seal which contains Satan. Where were you when the 1000 year reign of Satan began? KEK the false prophet, Satan the one, the king of kings, the one and only true Messiah.
fucking kek, the irony of this is i was just on /gif/
i tried to write something decent tho LMAO
can we read 88888888 within the next 7 hours?
This will be the real test of kek's power, nobody is going to steal his digits
Yes, brother user of the holy frog. Shadelay is now our new greeting. I pronounce it SHAH-d-lay.
Praise KEK
Sha-de-lay, eh brother?
Well """""""""""I"""""""""""" pronounce it Shade-lay, brother.
What say you to that, brother?
well the word came from a song, and in that song the vocalist pronounced it "sha-de-ley"
Listen the sonic memetics of Point-Emerging-Probably-Entering, brother.
The cavemen summoned KEK with cave paintings accidentally
We're about to do the same with Sup Forums
The real question we should be asking, what type of entity is KEK?
>Transdimensional being
>A way to alter the simulation we're all running in?
Whoa... holy fuck, I never thought of Lord Kek that way....
Sha-de-lay it is then?
I believe it is a chaotic/good type.
Wonder about his endgame, though. Lots of people influence and nourish him around here, but some wish for Trump, some wish for utter destruction, some hope for release. We don't know yet
Where were you when meme majik took control of the markets on a global scale. Guys this is getting out of control, what have we done? We're fucking with forces we will never understand, all we can do now is praise KEK. Hopefully he won't collapse the market. If KEK wills a market crash, you better short the market NOW!
do not resist or question go with it
An autistic speedrunner fucking around and looking for exploits in the game we call reality.
We should really have some kind of list of all linguistic and numerical synchronities surrounding Kek
>A fucking leaf
You're all fucking lunatics and I absolutely love you for it. Keep the memes flowing.
Really makes you think.
>he thinks sex is better than memes
Kekish brothers and sisters of Sup Forums - we are truly blessed by the light of Kek. May repeating digits be with you.
Praise Kek
Go back to your shithole Ahmed
Russians killed Kek long ago.
I would say just as huebro did Shah-di*-lay
*(Di as in di-gits, not die)
Praise kek
i still feel like we havent truly come to observe kek in all his splendor yet
we know that repeating digits give him power and reproducing memes of him either new or superimposed over old memes also work. and trump seems to be his prophet
but there must be more. i see anons experimenting with ways to strengthen his power but to little effect. its usually a waiting game like when celebrities have chaos befall them months after speaking ill of trump
one thing that is sure is that hes gotten stronger. but we must be careful
Please make the 8 of 8s about sliding San Francisco into the San Andreas and hayward faults. Fuck this region and fuck these people. God I hate these people so much. The nature is top tier though.
Shadilay to you, friend.
Praise KEK
Shadilay, brother!
We need the sacred number on this thread.
I dunno dude, it's a long way off, but if we can keep this thread alive, maybe, just maybe....
All these Goddamn reddit in fluxes worshipping a stupid frog. This shit is mad embarrassing
Shun the heretic, in my name
kek is purely based on Sup Forums shitposting and IDs
>not a community
>has a whole board devoted to kek
Keep telling yourself those sweet little lies.
Horde lol!
Kek will show us many signs
We must bring KEK to reality, we must awaken the God of Chaos. We are the chosen ones. KEK will cleanse, KEK will take the clay of reality and reshape, over and over. Blood and souls for lord KEK. Order shall disarray in the sea of entrophy. A new order shall arise, only to fall again. Praise KEK and the Eternal Cycle, and praise not to be eternally bound to the wheel.
Note a get I got earlier.
He is speaking to us through time.
pic related is lyrics.
There are NO coincidences. We have been chosen.
>readable version
That hair from above. And that clock pointing at 7.
God wills it. The Egyptians wrote occultist nonsense on their shit too. Where are they at today? Oh that's right, pestilences and shit.
Shadelay, polack brother.
May Kek's cum reign down upon ye.
I spooked the fuck out by "Find me in the digital age" and "Confused descendants your cells are not primed" and "Come into contact with me, I will stop for you".
7 is a prime number. Repeating numbers
53% of native ethnic Western European men are descended from ancient Egyptians.
We're in the digital age and globally connected with the internet.
The original song lasts 5mins 55secs. 555 is the number of positive change. Kek is the bringer of change.
These songs were written in the days of mind bending drugs. Long thought to be key to communicating with other realms.
We all are creators. God created us and we are creating God. Its a endless circle.
Praise Kek
Now we await the 88888888.
silly canada thinks they can stop kek.
It's more than just numbers, silly syrup.
How does Winter-chan fit into the Kek cosmology?
Shadilay brethren, a new age is upon us
The 8's are coming, he has looked deep into the chaos of space and the answer will soon be upon us.
Praise Kek.
Kek is darkness and winter is the season of darkness.
Kek is "the bringer-in of light" and "that which occurred before light".
Winter ends with days getting longer again, the season before the light returns.
Winter is Keks domain. Winter-Chan is either an agent of Kek or just another name of his.
Either way.
Kek wills.
Just remember, 7 is the most powerful magic number, 8 is not. A conflicting message means takes precedence.
ETA of ?
posting for postingity
This was the 7.
Clinton has posted about pepe and kek.
She has unleashed him and our combined energies to the masses. Her campaign will fail, she will fall and the Luciferian ideology the elites follow will fall with them.
What does kek do to us after we die?
Idolatry is sin.
Milo dies on stage in his how to destroy the alt right speech
Seems like I'll be asleep before it happens. Don't forget to screencap it, anons.
Shadilay, meme magicians
The Eighth Reveals the Ninth
The Ogdoad Reveals the Ennead
Kek is from the Eighth Sphere in the Seven Heavens.
"Father Trismegistus! What shall I say? We have received this light. And I myself see this same vision in you. And I see the eighth, and the souls that are in it, and the angels singing a hymn to the ninth and its powers. And I see him who has the power of them all, creating those in the spirit."
Those who trully praise him will achieve Kwizatz Haderach-tierness, becoming fedaykin warriors. His spicey memelange will flow through the universe unleashing the cosmic kekhad
The Ogdoad and the Ennead come from the Decad.
Kek does not need to be tested. The sacred 8s are already his. Shadilay brother, rest easy.
Everything fun is a sin. Abrahamic gods are too uptight for the current year.
Reward us by allowing demi god status upon the multi verse. We opened the portal. We were destined to open it. It was pre ordained. We will be his legion and bring change to every sentient species across the universes of this reality and the next.
"Find me in the digital age" "Come into contact with me, I will stop for you" "Confused descendants your cells are not yet primed"
The meme magic from the 88888888 will be harnessed to genocide the eternal anglo and bring peace to Europe.
Ooo Shadilay, Shadilay oh dream or reality? Shadilay, Shadilay ooooh nooooo
Unlimited tendies, top-tier gaming pc's and comfy chairs.
Alright, ETA of is roughly 8 to 10 hours from now. Too bad I'll be sleeping by then.
Can we have also hookers and weed?