Wtf why has no one told me this before? I hate Jesus now ...
I wanted to become a Christian but it looks like it's just another one of (((their))) inventions to cuck the white man. ISISlam the answer?
Wtf why has no one told me this before? I hate Jesus now ...
I wanted to become a Christian but it looks like it's just another one of (((their))) inventions to cuck the white man. ISISlam the answer?
Other urls found in this thread:
No, Woden is
>I didn't know Jesus was a Semite
>is another Semitic religion the answer?
Semite questions. lol
Fuck it im becoming a jew then.
Jesus was the antithesis of Jewish nature. He once fashioned a belt and beat them for selling holy trinkets in the temple.
what's the point of the parenthesis? It looks stupid
The Jews murdered Him.
How can god be murdered?
Ohmegod this shit is confusing. Brony4Life then.
Convert to islam
Kek wills it
if it was their "invention" then why would they hate it so much?
Because he is god , he could also eat and take a shit if he wanted to
God is so strong he can be murdered?
He let his son get murdered for our sins.
Why his innocent son tho? Why don't the sinners get murdered instead?
Ah, I miss the stories of based Jesus. Flipping the fuck out because the Jews turned the temple into a merchant house and chasing them out.
The "Jews" mentioned in the Old Testament are not the "Jews" of today. Any person who truly knows God would know God's son. The "Jews" could not see Christ for who he was because they are born of Satan/Cane. In the Old Testament they were not even called Jews, they are the Hebrews. Any true Hebrew would have become a Christian by seeing Christ and recognizing him for who he is.
Jesus explains more about this in Revelations 2:9 & 3:9.
In all likelihood, you are a descendant of the true Hebrews, a descendant of Noah as long as you have no connection to what are now called "Jews".
Because then all of humanity would get murdered. The point is that God recognizes humans as sinners, and we were forgiven.
Do you feel intelligent after making this post?
With His permission, obviously.
Nice argument my Somalian friend.
So we can sin all we want and we are forgiven?
Both murdered Him.
Neither murdered Him.
It's a God thing; you wouldn't understand.
Alright, lets get this out of the way.
The clear answer is to become a pagan
Implying Jesus didn't hate what are now the jews and that paganism is worthy of being the religion of non savages.
Well the character clearly hated the jews of the time and the usual jewish traits.
who cares? just another white guy murdered
no, the bible says you need to repent. so if you have committed sin and found jesus and repented, and turned away from sin you will be forgiven.
"Repentance means a sincere resolve to turn away from sin and toward God.
From that time on Jesus began to preach, "Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is near." (NIV, Matthew 4:17)
True repentance involves sorrow for acts of sin and leads to a fundamental change in attitude. We are all sinners in our own ways (Romans 3:23, 1 John 1:8), and we may fail time and again in our attempt to avoid sin. God is always willing for us to start over and make another attempt. However, if we ask for forgiveness with the intention of sinning again, we have not really repented."
uh oh, the kike is triggered
No no, you see. Worshipping a Jew and believing that Jews are god's chosen people is not one of (((their))) tricks because it hurts my feelings.
Christianity today is very Jewish, but you need to know the history.
>Christ was a Jew who was the opposite of all other Jews
>Didn't want Jews to sacrifice at the Temple
>Didn't want the Torah/Law to be the #1 focus (often used by hypocrites)
>Didn't want said hypocrites, the Pharisees and Saducees, to walk around sinning and then accusing others of sins in turn
>Accepted Roman rule because it was superior to Jewish customs
>Knew more than the priests despite not being a Levite (the priest tribe)
>Basically spends his entire career BTFOing the Jews and their conception of the Law/Prophets
>After his death, his followers try to stay Jewish until Paul argues to open the gates up to non-Jews
>Circumcision no longer mandatory, kosher goes out the window
>Around 115 A.D., Ignatius of Antioch uses the word "Christianity" for the first time and says: "It is monstrous to talk of Jesus Christ and to practise Judaism."
>Christianity flips to being a Roman insurgency that borrows a LOT from paganism and classicism
All of this of course changed during Vatican II and MUH HOLOCAUST. Protestants are pretty obsessed with Judaism, too.
There's no point being a Christian today because you can't in good faith claim to be anything but a Judaizer. Maybe Orthodox is better, I don't know.
There is a reason that our European ancestors were happy to adopt Christianity- like all of Christ's followers, they could feel in their soul that this was the correct path. They must have realized that the NT and their Pagan stories were clearly describing the same world history, spiritual truths and cosmic interactions.
Notice how Europeans have always been the first group to lead progress (not liberal progress, but progress from submissive kike slaves to people of truth, justice, liberty, freedom, etc) and the only Christians to become more and more civilized and fair- because they took the religion and adapted it to their ways.
Jesus was a Jew, but he was an outcast Jew that other Jews hated. I think that sort of clears the brackets off his name.
Jesus is the buddha of Judaism.
He was just calling out the Satan worshipers that were hiding within the Hebrew people, subverting them.
I thought we are already forgiven because Jesus died.
This is of course assuming that the average convert cared about theological things
Remember our only sources for most conversions are from tales of saints. I really doubt all of Germania converted because St. Boniface cut a tree down.
Christianity doesn't believe Jews are chosen you retarded stormnigger, Christians are the chosen people in Christianity
>b-but muh evangelical preacher told me
I see, you grew up in the south with cuckstianity. Sucks to be you but try not to be such a fucking retard next time.
Remember the Romans destroyed the entire Temple except the Western Wall.
Western Wall confirmed for artifact of Satan
Doesen´t make a lot of sense right?
Everything that I've read has shown that the European tribes were very spiritual, and as silly as it sounds, I've got strong Celtic ancestry while my husband comes from Germanic people (his family is some Southern Baptist family from Texas, pre-Revolution, very serious about their lineage so they've kept close records) and well I'll just be honest and admit that I feel this way in my heart of hearts, that the Europeans were deeply spiritual.
No it doesn't. It feels like someone is trying to hurt my head when they are trying to talk about their god.
So the God that is everything because he is omnipresent, just gave birth to himself and then asked permission to himself so he could be turned a zombie?
He's clearly aware and mocking kikes.
Jesus was an Essene before crucifixion, a sect of the hebrew faith which believed strictly in the written biblical texts and not oral tradition, which they believed was corrupted by man.
Most Hebrew church leaders at that time were Pharisees, who believed in oral tradition and created the Talmud, which is still followed today by Jews and which Jesus was opposed to. Most Jews today are descended from the Pharisee tradition, and they pretty much made up their own rules and customs (We ARE GODS CHOSEN PEOPLE GENTILES ARE WORTHLESS)
The fact that Wikipedia does not qualify the fact that Jesus was a different, more conservative and god-fearing kind of Hebrew does not surprise me, but it is still wrong.
Whether or not he was "The son of God," he was certainly the greatest philosopher of that era and was rightly followed by a great many who saw the kindness and greatness that is often so absent from Pharisaic Judaism
You just need to be remorseful for sins that you do commit (which inherently means that you can't be running around sinning and repenting, relying on Jesus love to let you slide) and you need to love and accept Jesus and God wholly in your heart, that's it. It's not confusing at all.
No better race than jew
>tfw on winning side
If you try not to sin you will be forgiven. but if you knowingly sin you will not be forgiven. how is that hard to understand?
if someone knowingly gives someone a food they are allergic to and they die, they will be charged with murder. but if they unknowingly give them food they are allergic to and they die they won't be arrested.
From a secular point of view, try to explain what happened before the universe came into existence, how whatever it was that was happening came to be, why, when, etc and how, why, what caused existence to suddenly occur?
Is lying a sin?
shoo varg we dont like your kikey kind around here
>70-300 years
Literally 115 AD is the start of Christianity, Jesus died in 30 AD, where the fuck is this 300 years shit coming from? And there was a Jewish historian (can't remember his name) who confirmed the death of Jesus. Tacitus, too, seems to believe Jesus existed as a human.
Coming from a Jew who goes MUH ABRAHAM MUH DAVID this makes me laugh
If you think that Jesus was a Jew, then you are implying that Jesus is man, which would imply that Jesus is not the Son of God. There were no "jews" 2000 years ago.
Yes, duh.
yes, according to the ten commandments.
>inb4 then won't everyone go to hell
no, if you repent and try your hardest not to sin then you will be forgiven.
Why are you intentionally sinning then? You are saying that god is real without any clear definition of said god and without any proof of his existence? Will you burn in hell also?
Sry for bad english
When where you when you learn jesus was jew?
I was on horse eating sheep when Chingis Muhamedov called me and say:
"salam, jesus is jew"
Hell is a choice to be absent from God
did you read the entire post? if you try your hardest not to sin you will be forgiven. EVERYONE sins, which is why jesus died to forgive them.
Believe in the Lord.
>You are saying that god is real without any clear definition of said god and without any proof of his existence?
are you thinking that is a lie?
if i say that i have a cat, but don't give any clear definition of my cat and i don't prove to you that it exists. is it really lying if i do have the cat?
How retarded can you be- if you don't believe in God, there is no reason to believe in the rule that you cannot lie. If you do believe that lying is a sin, you believe in God by extension.
Hey, let's forget that Christ is universally hated by Jews
Oh yeah, remember that one time when he beat the shit out of the Jews selling in the temple? What a kike lol
I don't need a definition of a cat. I already know what is cat. I've seen it,hear it and touched it.
Clearly if you take the words of Jesus at face value, he didnt HATE anyone.
Love thy enemy bit? Turn the other cheeck?
Not a christfag but I do like a lot of what Jesus said.
>Jesus was a jew
That's not how it works Schlomo.
>I've seen it,hear it and touched it.
you have seen, heard and touched my cat?
your argument was basically "you can't prove god is real so you are lying". if i don't prove that my cat is real, but i do have one am i still lying?
Yeah and we've seen heard and touched God, too hahahaha. But if you haven't there's not much you can do about it, sorry dude.
>Clearly if you take the words of Jesus at face value, he didnt HATE anyone.
I think if you go to a temple and start smashing shit up it's considered hate nowadays.
>Not a christfag but I do like a lot of what Jesus said.
In basics he's a pretty universal character to be honest.
>Oh yeah, remember that one time when he beat the shit out of the Jews selling in the temple? What a kike lol
Wasn't he just a monopolist?
Jesus was Anglo BLOOD.
Fuck him and Christianity.
Christianity = Angloism
Angloism is the cancer, Islam +Paganism is the answer!
You are way off. I don't care who owns a cat or don't. I know what cat is. Cat is a four legged mammal predator who is fluffy when it's young. Those are physical properties of a cat Now describe me physical properties of your god please.
Does someone have that image where there's 2 happy merchants saying "Yes goy turn the other cheek" next to a clip art Christian family
Christianity is nothing but a degenerate branching off of Judaism, your ancestors weep to see you believe the lies. There is no God but Kek, and Pepe is His prophet.
Just like Shinji.
and you know what god is, god is an omnipotent being. your entire argument is basically "you can't describe god so it doesn't exist".
think back to before gravity was discovered, no one knew what it was but it still existed. just because someone can't physically describe something doesn't mean it doesn't exist.
can you physically describe what happened before the big bang?
Nigga, how did you not know that? Are you bait? Are you one of (((them))) ?
Christ hated all degeneracy but snapped when He saw a once-holy place get turned into a swap meet.
He hated what satan had been up to and saw that it not only permeated society but had crept into a place that was built to be used to worship; a place that ought to have been free of the societal cancer He'd seen everywhere else
>A jewish trick
>Literally said usury was a sin and flipped his shit when he found out the Hebrews were changing and lending money in a temple
>Hebrews ended up being so anally devastated they crucified him
just because some niggers come out and say getting angry means hate doesnt make it so.
this "Hate" meme needs to die.
I dont hate niggers, I just dont want them around me. To me at least Hate means something along the lines of I wish death upon someone.
Hey dude it's me from that David Duke/Trump thread we were in yesterday, glad to see you around spreading the good word haha.
Jews will tell you that Jesus is not their Messiah.
They follow Yahshua, it means Yah is Savior.
Yah is Yao or Iao the son of the Demiurge.
Jesus is not from these Archons, he is the Divine Autogenes from the Father of the Universe.
The woman with the property?
>think back to before gravity was discovered, no one knew what it was
They knew what it was. It was a thingy that makes apples fall to the ground.
>can you physically describe what happened before the big bang?
Why are you trying to divert discussion towards the big bang?
omg he has ascended
alert the high cermonial lords
we have a candidate for te pill of reddity
>They knew what it was. It was a thingy that makes apples fall to the ground.
and i know what god it, it is an omnipotent being
>Why are you trying to divert discussion towards the big bang?
i am just showing you how retarded your argument it.
Cool. Nice to hear from you.
I'd like to ask you how your day is going but I'm worried the mods would ban me or you for having a more personal conversation.
Keep being real!
As far as message goes Christianity has more in common with Stoicism than Judaism, Jesus was a jew in name only.
He's asking probably because you clearly don't understand the concept of God.
>it is an omnipotent being
Any proofs for your statement? How can we check your statement is true?
but wait theres more... (((Trump))) is orthodox jewish
I didn't realize that was a rule, dumb kikes. Hahahahah. I don't know why I commented anyways, I've seen you several times since that one thread, it's cracked me up each time so I just wanted to acknowledge it.
It's appreciated.
Have a good day.