Anyone else turned off from watching R&M due to autistic personal reasons? Not the whole trying to fit in on Sup Forums by hating everything popular or calling everything I don't like reddit for respekt points from underaged oldfags. I mean actual autism. For me I couldn't stand that fucking drool shit on his mouth. Can't make it 15 seconds in any episode with this shit, let alone the burps
Anyone else turned off from watching R&M due to autistic personal reasons...
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It was never funny or good and it's sad a fucking board like Sup Forums is what made you dislike it.
did you even read OP's post you mong?
When do we find out Dan Harmon is a sex pervert that assaults women?
>or calling everything I don't like reddit
This is how reddit sees the reddit word, its not random, it means something, it won't be explained but be aware you are it.
Seeing the McDonald's thing was all I needed to know about this show and it's fanbase.
hahahsha ur so assblasted lol
yes. I can't watch this show for the fact that I have an ex friend who was a huge druggy piece of shit who loved this show and it reminds me of them.
the bandwagon haters are wasting their energy, this is a show that mainly kids watch.
yeah the grossout humor is pretty awful
I could never bear this show. No matter how funny witty or smart it apparently is I will never get over the intetionally bad voice acting. Morty is the worst, every line out of his mouth is an autistic screech. How can anybody put up with it.
>mainly kids lined up for meme sauce
almost watched this but after reading the creator's retarded tweets I think I'll skip it
they were mostly younger teen age kids yes
Probably around January when he's in an "oh yeah, he existed" position.
I hate R&M because it's a show that just attracts beta nu-males.
...or maybe I like it because it draws them away from shit like Blade Runner 2049 like a moth to a flame.
No, I dislike it because I'm trying to fit in here
you speak from experience. Now go back
To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Xavier Renegade Angel. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid
grasp of spirituality most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also Xavier's narcisstic outlook,
which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Buddhist literature, for
instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes,
to realise that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Xavier
truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Xavier's existential catchphrase
"What Doth Life," which itself is a reference to Greek philosophy on the nature of mind and existence. I'm smirking right
now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as PFR's genius wit unfolds
itself on their television screens. What fools.. how I pity them.
>xavier reddit angel
morty's voice and stuttering are painful to listen to when he goes on a rant.
I don't like XRA on the fact that they stole my original character design
I absolutely detest nondeterministic multiverse where they go "lol there's a infinity number of yous and they all have these different lives and different personalities." Now, the many worlds goes that any time a quantum event occurs, the universe "splits" but quantum events aren't going to change events on a macroscale. It it is true (which it probably is not) then all the other yous are going to have identical lives. Down to the same thoughts.
Why does that bother you? The show has to be entertaining, they have to throw in some spice here and there. Man, this show gets crapped on either for being too smart or not smart enough. It's a good thing the Simpsons was able to grow up in a world where people weren't so hypercritical. R&M may not survive it.
OP asked autistic reason for not watching/liking Rick and Morty, I provided an autistic reason for not watching/liking Rick and Morty. Learn to read you stupid cunt.
OP is an unintelligent cro magnon who doesn't wait in line to be enlightened by consuming fast food nugget sauce and can't understand the nuances in catchphrases like "Pickle Rick" and "Wubalubadubdub".
Well to be fair.........
Well, if there's infinite universes, most of them are going to be same, from our perspective.
But, and this is a big but, Rick might of been able to find stuff that's more different than him, you know like a branch so far off it starts to grow from another tree.
The infinite universe theory is a fun thing to think about.
I don’t think that’s really autism. I could never enjoy the show for similar reasons, the burping, drunk thing got old immediately and Morty is just a very, very annoying character to me. Having different tastes doesn’t make you an autist
I watched it all before the szechuan sauce picked up.
i'd still watch it, but not tell people I like it.
charachter design is so lazy i feel ripped off just looking at it
yall ever been so hipster you defend McDonalds? I've been there
>girl that I was flirting with "omg mcdonalds has so many toxins"
>"oh really name one toxin"
she just stood there and couldn't say shit lmao
>that image
>when a meme hits the nail so hard on the head you have to make a counter meme.jpg
HA HA HA I can't believe somebody got so personally insulted that someone made fun of thier "so deep and witty cartoon they had to make that image.
The most obnoxious part about being a scientist is having to simultaneously defend yourself from both sides of the political spectrum, one of whom seems to think you’re on the same side but is usually hilariously wrong and misguided. Liking the color blue doesn’t make you a fucking scientist, nor does reading a Newsweek article about gmos
you ever been so contrarian that you started banging men?
Kind of like when people cry about so many scientists that were persecuted by the church during the dark ages
>name one
Anyone noticed that normalfags recently started to realize that R&M is shit? Not only that, they're spamming that fucking copypasta everywhere on social media
For you. It's completely tasteful, you're just a pussy.
But that image in inaccurate. Xavier exemplifies everything wrong with his mind, while Rick is not nihilistic and cares about his family. It makes no sense.
Honestly I like both shows so I don't give a shit.
Burping every other word to stall for time while improvising isn't tasteful, it just proves you aren't creative
If you actually watch the show you'd know they stopped with the burping schtick approximately 3 episodes in.
I preferred the original.
I watched 5 episodes and didn't feel that way. And he never stopped the stuttering(which is for the same purpose)
I watched part of the first season because of the incessant praise it got and was thoroughly annoyed by it. It wasn't just one thing, the overall presentation was an annoying experience.
Sounds like the people making you unhappy are the people paying your rent so you figured it would be safer to attack me by implying I'm a hack and a hypocrite. It's that kind of dishonesty that caused your current slavedriver's clusterfuck and caused you to end up in your position within it. I alone have the luxury of making any joke about any of this, at any time I choose. My trick is, I'm not owned. You are. You will now shut the fuck up or get blocked.
I remember thinking that it was meh. The fandom has become really crazy though and even though I don't hate the show the fandom has poisoned it for me.
I agree with 100% of what you just said, even the amount of episodes I watched
He got very butthurt.
wub wub dub dub
Would you watch it if they were furries Sup Forums?
The show took a serious hit in quality this season and the fanbase has become horrible so I'm done with it.
What percentage of R&M fans are retarded?
I stopped watching R&M because I'm not going to support the works of a creepy fuck
Source on that image?
BASED Roiland
I can't watch it because of the drool and random burping. ESPECIALLY the drool, I start wiping my own chin to satisfy my need to wipe his drool, but it's still unsettling. Suprising Morty's stuttering is ok, but the burps and drool man
the drool was literally only in the first episode
I pity Justin. All he wanted to do was make a cartoon spoofing sci fi and he has to work with this colossal tool.
I don't even watch the show and I know that's false
The pickle rick thing made me decide I didn't want to watch session 3 even before it came out. The show was about dark humor not slapstick. It doesn't make sense as slapstick but somebody wanted the next family guy so that's what they made it.
Was he /ourguy/?
Perhaps you should watch the show with more lights on.
I watched the first 3 episodes of season one , and I cannot stand it. And this is someone who loves ATHF and other adult swim shows.
>implying this wouldn't make R&M 1000x better