> voting against your own economic interests
> voting against your own economic interests
I didn't know making 125k/year makes me the "wealthiest Americans"
I r rich now!
>Implying dems are any different
Only difference is that Democrats support social programs that drain your tax dollars.
>I'm a snarky college-aged liberal who knows what the best interests of every voting block is
fuck off fascist
>1 shitpost by this Jew
Hey. Conservashits user is doubling down!
>Suppressed minority votes
Is it a bad thing?
>>voting against your own economic interests
>he is too ignorant of economics to understand that Freer Markets benefit the country as a whole better than Liberal Policies
>calling out the left for voter fraud involving minority voters and wanting only citizens to vote is suppression
You are going to be wishing for those days when we get in office.
>Steal less from the most productive Americans
>Prevented illegals and felons from voting.
>Tried to do away with disastrous, socialist, bureaucratic Obamacare.
>Rather than fight a revolution or stage a coup, opted for the more peaceful approach by shutting down the Government in protest to dictator Obama acting directly against the constitution and the interest of the American tax payer.
>Refuses to pass libtard "job bills" because these sneaky, leftist cockroaches always manage to slip in socialism in one form or another, ruining an otherwise good bill.
>Blocked amnesty for fence jumpers and anchor babies.
>Refused to destroy the economy by preventing economically-illiterate, libtard buffoons from raising the minimum wage.
>Cut food stamps for everyone and rightly so.
>Nominated the best possible Candidate to undo the damage Obama has done to our country.
That pic is flawed as fuck . anyone who's lives in the USA is a tax payer
Only if you count the welfare queens paying sales tax with my money. Retard.
Sales tax is a tax
It's obviously referring to federal income tax. You know, the one you pay when you have a job
Not a federal tax
Way to miss the point, dipshit. They are paying for sales tax with MY TAX DOLLARS, which means I am paying their sales tax, not them. The fact that this needed to be explained to you is breathtaking to me. Consider suicide.
Fuck off trailer park trash mongoloid
>f trailer park trash
And liberals wonder why poor whites don't vote Democrat?
Does that mean you don't pay for your own taxes, only your employer does?
Actually, the median American income is $52k so technically you are rich because you make two and a half times as much as most Americans.
Cute false equivalence. It's called working for a living, you pathetic little shit. If a nigger steals my wallet and buys a happy meal, I paid for it, not him.
>technically you are rich
Rich is an arbitrary term fucktard
No you dont.
Rather would be poor living among my own than rich living around others. Neither party is gonna make me wealthier so I will vote for the one who protects my cultural interests best.
Sorry, but the definition of taxpayer is pretty cut and dry, and isn't subject to what you think is unfair. People who pay sales tax are taxpayers. Sorry if that butt-bothers you
Brilliant. Way to out yourself as losing the battle of ideas. You have nothing of substance to say. You and your ideas are shit. Fall on glass, bitch.
They are not Federal taxpayers
>voting against your own economic interests
>implying the only way to measure value in society is through material wealth
>implying that anyone should have to work more than 97 days a year
Fucking commies. There is more to life than labour. You autistic dipshits.
If that money is recieved through welfare, they are not you fucking retard
Wrong. No matter what way you look at it, I am paying for their sales tax. Other people spending my money doesn't change the fact that I'm the one paying for their sales tax, in addition to my own taxes. You are not even remotely on my level. Talking to you is like explaining calculus to a toddler.
Like when we abolished slavery?
The map asks "What if only taxpayers voted?". Nowhere does it include only federal
Sanders would have been best for like 90% of Americans but ehhhh you're stupid and fat so I don't even expect anything.
Two and a half times wealthier than average = rich. Keep in mind most minorities aren't worth a dollar and most working class whites make between minimum wage and $12 an hour. If you are seen as rich by the majority of the population, then you are rich.
Its a federal election
They dont pay taxes to the government they are voting on
It's implied. Only hair-splitting, autistic freaks like you take issue with something that should be obvious.
It's a map of the entire country, of course it's federal. If a 5 year old buys a candy bar that doesn't make them a taxpayer in the common sense of the word
Not really. You are basing your definition simply on what you think is fair. Your hurt feelings really have no bearing in this argument. By that logic federal employees also aren't tax payers because their income comes from taxes. A lot of private employees also receive a chunk of income that comes from taxes, like subsidies for research. You are wrong
Now you're just arguing semantics you complete fucking moron.
Yes but the difference, you dumb fuck, is that federal employees WORK for their salaries. Jesus fuck how are you so stupid?
>implying my economic interests are being well-represented now
Plebs hate Donald trump. He's no republican. Long live kek!
>Trump wants to reduce my taxes, make having kids affordable for me, make health care affordable for me, make education better for my children, and improve my employment prospects
>voting for him is against my economic interests
I'm a worker, and the Republican Party is swiftly becoming the workers' party.
Sales Tax
SNAP licensed retailers may not charge state or local sales tax on SNAP purchases. This does NOT mean that food items that are subject to sales tax (e.g. soft drinks, snack foods, etc) are ineligible. Eligible items that are subject to sales tax may still be purchased with SNAP benefits. Sales tax, however, cannot be charged when SNAP is used to make the purchase. Sales tax can, however, be charged on the portion of eligible items paid for with manufacturers or other discount coupons. Such tax cannot be paid with SNAP benefits.
Nice strawman
Not an argument unless you're literally talking to David Duke or Kim Jong Un.
> Sup Forums ALWAYS believed voting republican will solve their issues
Desperate Kek
>not passed single jobs bill
>refused to increase minimum wage
>cut food stamps
>cut taxes
wtf i love republicans now
>Maryland red if only taxpayers voted
Thanks O'Malley, you fucking potato nigger.
What's your point, retard?
So they don't use their food stamps to pay sales tax, they use their welfare checks instead. Doesn't change a fucking thing.
Jesus fuck you really love your strawman arguments and theories about Obama and all leftists being socialist.
>voting selfishly instead of for the greater good
as expected from a libtard
People who receive money via inheritance pay taxes, yet they didn't """Earn""" it. This is why your definitions based on what you think is earned falls apart, it's entirely subjective
>You are basing your definition simply on what you think is fair.
Nope. This is objective. My money = blood, sweat and tears. It's the psychical manifestation of my labor. When it's taken from me, given to others, and then spent, it doesn't change the fact that It's my labor that paid for it, and therefore my money.
>Your hurt feelings really have no bearing in this argument
And nor do yours.
>By that logic federal employees also aren't tax payers because their income comes from taxes.
No, because they provide a service. Another false equivalence. Way to miss the point yet again. Fucking kys.
>le welfare queen meme
If I go to the UK and buy a beer, I have to pay VAT. Does that make me a UK taxpayer?
Name one.
You can only use cash assistance to pay for bills and living expenses and you have to prove it with receipts or they cut it.
Since when has the board been overrun by leftist Reddit faggots? Every other post is some fucking Commie propaganda bullshit
Another thread that shows you just how worried the left is.
Trumps new policy will appeal to all kinds of Americans. It will be hard to resist voting for him when you aren't some childless, abortion-addicted nigger and want a future for your kids.
>implying dems have ever done anything in the last decade about corp tax deferrals
You're right, OP. We just need more money for dem programs.
Liberal retardation: Keeping more of your money is not in your economic interest. Down is up. Black is white.
Kill yourself, libtard.
Hahaha so what? The person who gave them the money earned it and it's their God given right to pass their wealth on.
Eat shit and die you communist scum.
But they didn't WORK for it, as you specified. The government doesn't care if you worked for your money or not.
George Soros doesn't really work, does he earn his money?
So then how do they pay sales tax?
They either are exempt from paying it, or they're paying it with my tax money.
If not then they're fraudulently receiving government assistance
I don't understand how you're not getting this. You must be the dumbest fuck I've interacted with on this site.
Wow you devastated a muh taxes alt-rightist so gracefully
You must be from /lit/
Sorry, I'm just telling it how it is. I don't necessarily like it, but people who pay taxes, whether they 'earned' their money or not, are taxpayers. Pretty simple concept, really
Obama isn't a dictator, and the country wasn't in danger of a coup before the government shutdown. The shutdown wasn't trying to avert a bigger disaster.
Obama is not a socialist, and neither are most Democrats. Even Bernie is a social democrat combined with socialism.
Cutting food stamps is a recipe for public health disaster, all in the name of "muh bootstraps."
Trump is definitely not the best candidate. He's one of the worst possible outcomes. Out of all the Republicans, someone like Kasich would be the most reasonable. Of course, the far right and alt right ruined everything though.
>muh communism
>Cutting food stamps is a recipe for public health disaster
How many people starved to death before food stamps?
The person who inherited it is the entitled lazy fuck who didnt do shit to earn their money or used the money in investments that someone who hadn't inherited money would never be able to make. Then they take their successful investment from money they didnt earn and claim they made their own wealth and if anyone just worked as hard as them they'd be just like them. but none of it would have been possible if they didnt have money to invest in the first place. That is 90% of wealthy people. Unwarranted sense of self importance to cover up the silver spoon which makes them no better than the welfare queens. Only difference is they take from daddy instead of Uncle Sam.
Without a welfare state keeping portions of the population at the barest level of subsistence you would have been drawn and quartered by a roving biker gang of women of color a decade ago, senpai.
Consider welfare bourgeois life insurance.
Even those who have a long income job and 'pay taxes' in the form of income and sales tax are still not considered true 'taxpayers' due to tax refunds and exemptions.
If you 'pay taxes' all year, then get a $5k check in the mail from Uncle Sam as a tax return, you aren't a tax payer.
I wonder if that infographic included those that have an effective tax rate of 0%
>Higher taxes, """free""" trade and more regulations are within anyone's economic interests
No you dumb fuck, the only difference is that daddy CHOSE to give it to them. You envious little commie prick.
>is they take from daddy
Daddy can give it to who ever he wants
That's not what he means, user. See:It's your public health that food stamps are protecting.
>why vote democrat
because your wife loves fucking black men and you live in a shed
>women of color
Somewhere in your long boring rant you failed to point out where I "strawmanned". I didn't ask for your shitty opinions.
How do you even get Internet connection in your hovel, Boris?
Or maybe Putin equipped his gulags with wifi?
If I work my ass off and become successful I don't want to give half my money to people that didn't work for it.
Even if I don't make a lot of money now, I would still vote so the hard working don't get screwed over so I can get free shit.
Thats fucking rich you faggot
>Out of all the Republicans, someone like Kasich would be the most reasonable
quickly, you have sixty seconds to name kasich's foreign policy plans! you actually paid attention to his plans, right?
What is the 2nd amendment?
People on welfare are the scum of the earth
If you are legitimately afraid of them you are a giant pussy
Isn't that what most liberal do when you point out facts or statistics?
very racist and rusophobic of you.
>voting for the importation of millions of Mexicans is somehow in my economic interest
>voting for financial reasons in the current year
no one here cares about that - correct me if i'm wrong
the white race needs a future - our civilization does. that's what i'm voting for.
Than most african american you mean.
i don't know why you waste your time on this everyday. you're not convincing anyone here with your shitty facebook memes
They still took it because it was offered to them. They could have decided to do what they claim to do and start from the bottom like everyone else. That would prove that they earned their wealth and they are legitimately better than average not that they were born lucky. The argument is that people are only poor because they chose to be and if they would have made the right decisions and did the work, poor people could have been like them. But it's their fault because they didnt do what the rich people did, which in reality is only possible for them because they inherited money. That is not noble or deserving of a higher respect than a nigger on welfare. If you did get rich from the bottom up, then that proves you are in fact worthy of your self proclaimed superiority. But 9/10 richies didn't start where everyone else started. They got a head start at the rich status finish line. Most rich people are rich on the day they are born.
Clinton literally said she's going to raise taxes on the middleclass
>lel you misheard her/that's not what she really said
Die in a gas chamber
Who are the people on welfare and what makes them less likely to be armed than your average suburbanite?
You really don't have any idea how much worse your life would be if the welfare state came apart. There wouldn't be looting and killing, there'd be mass strikes: the economy would shut down overnight.
>inb4 you didn't know the majority of people on welfare work fulltime