Goyim will never learn
Milo the faggot now wants to destroy the Alt-Right
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Fuck Milo and fuck white people
No that the Republican party is toast, then the alt-right and the final blow will be to the religious right.
Die Nazi scum.
Ratings and attention plummeted after the twitter ban. That's how you get rid of dangerous faggots.
Who the fuck even cares about this kike faggot?
>lol you can't dummies thanks for showing up
>imblygn there is alt-right movement
oh god why did he come to my city. fuck it this place is nigger fagville anyway. he might as well live here
His main argument is this: hey look goyim hehe lets just tone down all this identity politics and stop giving the SJWs and radical feminists so much attention, then those alt right kids will calm down and go back to fapping to anime and playing their video games
Who give a shit about a sissy attention whore? I know I don't.
>the alt-right
>shillary is meming back, putting a face on an organization that doesn't exist
You faggots are letting her define you. There is no alt-right, only realism. Race realism, gender realism, economic realism, ideological realism.
>milo is smart enough not to fall for a trap made to defame
OP is a dense faggot.
>this is how you destroy the alt-right: you don't
>thank y'all for showing up
He created the term.
The way he will suggest to "destroy the alt-right" will be to give in to its demands.
I'm glad he got banned on twitter. Threads about him have dwindled.
Remember to sage
You're an idiot. It's a tactic he's already used. In an article "how to beat me"
you pieces of shit deserve your inevitable betrayal.
you're nothing but fat virgin faggots who fanboy over jewtoob shills all day and night.
you deserve to be betrayed, coopted, and rekt.
the sooner your cancer gets discredited by your poor choices the better.
Never trust a literal homo
It's a stunt, he actually a while back told feminists in a lecture how to destroy his arguments to make an example out of them.
Took 10 seconds to google the origin.
your desperation and fear brings me joy. you think some fag is going to "co opt the alt-right"? how? no one cares about him except the media, he can do what he wants but we aren't going anywhere.
I'm not mad, i get his fucking tactics
>He will gell you how to destroy the alt-right
Translation: Come on in, Libtards.
he has done the same shit in his first tour, nobody listens.
Milo knows how to get a buck from idiots.
NO WAY! A coal burning queer kike isn't alt-right?? Mind Blown! What will we ever do now?
Daily reminder that he was always oven worthy.
What alt right??
Who is the alt-right?
The (((alt-right))) is a bullshit made up term anyway. It never had any other purpose besides grouping all dissidents to a neat new label that's easy to smear and dismiss.
Anyone who seriously uses that term is either a shill or a retard.
Are you an actual retard? The alt right existed before Sup Forums. Your secret club was seeded by these bad goys. You owe them a thank you
you know, the alt right
they post frog cartoons and hate hillary
>g-guys look!
>he is gonna talk about how to destroy 90% of his cash cow
>h-haha fucking goyim
Are you guys actually retarded?
Its obvious that the title is a b8 so it makes people think hes gonna tell them how to actually destroy the alt-right lol
Fucking RETARDED Sup Forums
I dont even like Milo that much but its PRETTY OBVIOUS that its just a b8
>t. Mongolian intellectual
Every time he speaks he opens with reciting statistics about black on black crime for crying out loud.
What's an Alt-Right? Is it an indie book store?
>t. nigger
Really glad we tricked him into getting banned on twitter.
He's a SJW in disguise
>I love my country! That is why I want to see equality across the board and socialist programs enacted by the government to reflect that equality!
>Except not for my political opponents or those I deem unsavory, of course!
T. Nazi party member in the 1930's or a member of the American Democrat party today.
The alt-right has existed for a long time already
It's the keyboard combination to strafe right
Don't you even FPS
he's a homosexual kike who plagiarises other people's arguments which are made in niche movements and popularises them in the mainstream while lacking the true depth of understanding of the underlying issues he talks about; is also trying to subvert the altright by making it amenable to homosexuals and zionists.
>You faggots are letting her define you. There is no alt-right, only realism. Race realism, gender realism, economic realism, ideological realism.
The best way to destroy the alt-right is to let it be taken over by paleolibertarians. Soon alt-right will mean edgy libertarianism and none of the race stuff. Racists like Richard Spencer and Jared Taylor will be kicked out of the movement for being too extreme.
and those demands are simply "Stop lying so damn much"
too much to ask.
Stop giving the weaponized Jew more attention. We don't need to, there is more important things than to fight Feminism right now.
Concentrate in the objectives Sup Forums, priority n.3 is to get Trump elected. Focus on that, not dram-talking about an X-asset ala gossip magazine.
God dammit the amount of new-incomers are lowering the quality content here.
lmao. Threads about him were getting deleted and their posters banned. That's why threads have dwindled. I don't want to get another 3 day ban and I can't be bothered with ban evasion.
Should be petty easy for him to destroy seeing as he's the leader, right?
He isn't trying to destroy it. He is telling SJWs how to because he knows they wont listen and he can laugh aat them for it.
> stormfront
The home where autistic losers go to retire and LARP about RAHOWA
>your desperation and fear
lol could you project more obviously?
>you think some fag is going to "co opt the alt-right"?
I think all carpetbaggers with massive corporate media platforms and celebrity who come along claiming to define will potentially coopt it -- that's how cooptations happen, big media fish steal from small media fish all day every day.
see above
>no one cares about him except the media
pure coincidence
>he can do what he wants but we aren't going anywhere
If you could acknowledge some risk, and address why you thought the probability of cooptation was low, or there was some signifcant dynamic at play that counters his reach and influence, then I could take you seriously. All you've done is flap your arms and sound snarky. Snark =/= an argument.
try not being a faggot one of the times you post
He's an attention whore faggot, not a man of principle. This is an important distinction to make when someone seemingly takes your side.
Your retarded we can't let common sense devolve into this alright horseshit that will be like our version of the regressive left, calling yourself alt right is cringe worthy, just keep standing for what's right
sure it's not gonna be a ruse saying that the alt-right is just a backlash to sjwism?
To the people that don't understand Jews: Please understand they created a term so they could group everyone into this group no different than the black, hispanic, and gay groups. These are the Democrats constituents, and they are their good goyim.
Instead of talking about individuals that make up a group. They act as if though everyone in any group is synchronized and will try and make you believe they are all the sam are part of this group, which they're not.
It's a faggy place, but it did exist long before alt-right was mainstream, and they always called themselves alt-right
How dou you get into such group? Do you need to do some kind of secret blood pact or something??
You guys are a bunch of fucking stormfaggot morons, if you launch a raid on him which i actually think you will you will loose one of your only allies on the stage, fucking idiots.
Why would the intellectual leader of the alt-right want to destroy it?
>newton chan gravity doesnt exist there is only a force that pulls things down to Earth but it has no name
Alt right is a contingency of the conservative party. Its a split ideology it isnt memeing.
take all that hysterical edge back to
>Destroying something that doesn't exist
Sure go ahead
He's going to list ways opponents to the "alt-right" could appear better than it and in the process make fun of how they act in reality. He did the same thing with feminists before. He basically told them to stop smearing red paint everywhere and use facts and statistics instead of screaming about being triggered.
So what's the battle plan then?
Richard spencer coined and popularized the term his ideology is paleoconservatism with more racism. Stormfront always attracted the most shit tier Jahans type Neo Nazis they have a dating forum where 3000 autistic neck beards try to court the one fat middle aged white woman there while the rest arrange buttfuck meet ups with each other
specifically the_donald aka cucks trying to appease the leftist framework of goodthink
>I think all carpetbaggers with massive corporate media platforms and celebrity who come along claiming to define will potentially coopt it -- that's how cooptations happen, big media fish steal from small media fish all day every day.
and what practical applications does that actually have? everything you don't like will magically go away? you wish fag. nothing will change, Sup Forums will still be Sup Forums, all the other alt-right places will not change.
you've said nothing. all your posts are is wishful jew thinking because you're scared.
>intellectual leader
He's a whore making money of tshirt sales
maybe that's the point. if the movement is apparently dead it can grow in the peace and quiet
Are you dumb niggers finally waking up? Milo is a piece of garbage.
>pic related
That's from an article he wrote before he hopped on the gamergate bandwagon for attention.
Anyone who unironically supported Milo here needs to get the fuck out. Disgusting normie plebs.
>please take me back, twitter! I'm hillary now, I need my ad shekels!
this guy was a fraud from day 1
Its ironic baiting.
1. "Change" the message to something typical libshit collegefags will support gives cover
2. The crux of message is that leftists have to engage on the battlefield of ideas and abandon sjw-ism... And because they are too weak and intellectually bankrupt to do so...another win
Hes an arudite literature fanatic. These are linguistic word games and irl trolling to inspire highest number of attendees and most potential for drama. Do you faggots even social dynamics?
Whatever you think about milo he's the most palletable altright intro for college students. Problem is that most on here are too literal to understand that political engagement for these ideas is a mutli pronged attack that has to engage all levels of society. Hes basically the new right press secretary/PR man. Id rather have noone else with that job. Can you imagine richard spencer talking to msnbc?
This is where the 'real altrighters' are wrong. They think idealogical purity is going to win this fight. No. You need this faggot to get the job done. Like it or not we have to play jew games.
Let them dismantle the "alt right"
We don't need that term, we don't identify with anything
Our labelessness is our power
>Milo wants to destroy the alt-right
He already has.
Oh fuck off! I bet you were browsing /fit/ three months ago and had no fucking clue about pol and browsed the daily stormer, lefty right now are pulling their hair out at the fact a homosexual man is supporting trump and running circles around feminists, they hate it, he is our voice in the sphere and you hate him for it, fuck you.
This. His whole identity is "the alt-right" and an attention whoring professional victim like Milo wouldn't throw away his whole identity.
The title of this event is an obvious troll.
>ITT: people who never watch Milo's speech don't realize "how to destroy the alt right" is some catty shit like "stop being such pathetic leftists"
And I thought summer was over.
His whole identity is "Jew". If people got bored of his alt-right shtick and it's not making him money anymore, obviously he would start pandering to the other side.
That said, who gives a fuck.
Have none of you actually heard what he's talking about? He's discussed this before and it's more of a snarky thing saying to just 'debate them with facts and prove them wrong'.
This guy gets it.
He also doxxed some teacher for posting
>touch me daddy
or something like that to milo
If you want the alt right to be about fighting SJWs, video games, the defence of fags and trannys against Islam and the right to tell a racist joke once in a while then that's what it will be. A kosher brony culture lead by YouTube faggots
Aren't we going to organize into Sup Forums battalions and go to war against the dangerous faggot though?
Alternative Right was labeled by Richard Spencer, he even had a website called "Alternative Right" which is called Radix now.
Kek bless this man to be enlightened by your almighty power.
Show him the way of GETs and to not be corrupted by the evil counterpart reptillian Hillary. Please allow him to bask in your glory and receive enlightenment. Praise KEK!
Dont take it literal its probably a hook to get more attention
That being said the way cucks on the right worship this kike faggot is absolutely disgusting and i cant wait until he backstabs them
>he's not talking about SJWs in this piece
Good job, retard.
He WAS the SJW, now he's an alternative SJW.
Fuck off back to the_donald cuck.
>implying this isn't designed to create interest
>implying OP isn't Milo
He said hes not part of the Alt Right the moment the movement was put under attack, he is the leader of the Alt Right.
Alt Right is a movement populated by people of all races, men, women, homosexuals, even zionists like him. Its not a white nationalist movement, its a movement of people who were leftists 5 years ago but then said "holy fuck these radical leftists are insane and are making us look bad - lets pretend were not left wing at all to save face"
" " " G O D " " "
does Milo actually describe himself as "Alt-Right" or "leader of the Alt-Right"? I only recall he describing himself as a classical liberal. Just because he gives talks pointing out the flaws of the alt-right's opponents or tries to explain what the alt-right is to normies doesn't mean he is alt-right.
also, all the tinfoil stormfag-tier posts ITT. Jesus Christ, the b8 is bad.
So hes really just controlled opposition trying to destroy the movement he leads, stepping out of the way and allowing all the negative blame to land on racist neo-nazi white nationalists.
"Im not alt right, those are a bunch of nazis"
-Milo paraphrased
He actually said what he will do. Some of the stuff was destroy the alt-right by to stopping to play identity politics and shit like that. Also, what he already did, like tell them how to "destroy" him. Basically: come with facts and make reasonable arguments instead of shouting racist, sexist,...
It will porbably be more something like: Why the alt-right even exists. Destroying it by basically giving it what its whats. Stop demonizing white people, stop playing identity politics, stop immigration,...
(maybe not ethno-state or shit like that.)
I want this meme to die already
He still is a SJW, but he decided that he can instead try fitting in with conservatives
His mentality and personality is still SJW
Milo always talks about how to defeat him and his stuff, to prove that even if told, the left are still too stupid to do it.