Hillary Clinton honors 9/11 despite battling pneumonia, while Donald Trump runs from debates because of Megyn Kelly.
Hillary Clinton is a superwoman!
Illary doesn't have pneumonia
She skulks across the land,
Infecting people's hands,
Coughing on display
Typhoid Hillary is on the way.
I know they pay you, but I pity how shameful you must feel to have to post these things. We all have to do things that compromise our integrity sometimes, so I feel your pain.
I just hope you are strong enough to cope with the feelings of hypocracy and shame once this election cycle is over.
She is dead. Give up already.
Literally the crying CTR wojak
Can somebody post it please?
I hope she pulls through for Trump's sake. Cause they'll probably replace her with biden or launch an investigation and obama gets a third term.
Build wall
I dont want my ciuntry to border a country that gas cucks like yourself
[citation needed]
I love coincidences.
>literally shilling for a dead person
Superwomen don't get pneumonia
They're trying to martyr her even before the Death Certificate is processed.
They know it's over, and she is probably in her deathbed right now.
Next headline, "Hillary died trying to save us from Trump. Last words were 'Pepe...'"
Why does this not surprise me? The woman finally collapses on the street like a sack of potatoes and the left rationalizes this means she is stronger. She could personally shoot puppies, school children whatever and three days later the left will come out with articles rationalizing how she probably killed a future alt righter and she is actually a hero
how much autism do you have to have to create memes supportive of a candidate you hate ironically
>CTR fags in charge of memetic warfare
>shits her pants
>10 minute coughing fits
>loogies into water
>disappears for months at a time
>passes out after 10 minutes in public
>thrown into a secret service van by neurologists
Molech won't be very happy.
>huffington post
has she been seen yet?
i don't mean the anderson phone call that may or may not have actually been her
I wonder if this generation of Jews are dumber than the previous, because the quality of the propaganda they're putting out is laughable.
It can only happen so much before it stops being coincidence and starts being a pattern.
It's much harder to keep up with the sheer scale of propaganda needed these days. Before all you had to do was control a few stations, easy enough. Now you have to generate SO MUCH propaganda to drown out the truth, because you can't stop it, only hope it gets lost in the noise. Much harder to maintain quality.
It's Moloch you heathen cunt. His taquyiaais supreme
You think he cares about your silly memes?
That's the joke.
First, sage because b8
Second, how is Hillary a superwoman if she constantly has "pneumonia" over the last 9 years? She's constantly been having coughing fits, ever since she had her brain clot, that's not healthy or strong, it's really fucking concerning. When you're over 60 and get pneumonia it's a death sentence if you don't treat it.
Btw I don't think it's pneumonia, I'm sure she's got phlegm, but I'm also sure there's more to it as she's constantly had this issue for the last 9 years, and if it was pneumonia she would have developed sepsis or septesemia by now considering the only way pneumococcal survives in a host for 9 years is if it's antibiotic resistant
Every fucking time.
yes it is
Ashkenazis are dying out faster than whites and the remaining ones are racemixing like crazy
It's Moloch you heathen cunt
His taquyiaais supreme
You think he cares about
your silly memes?
When addressing the Great Moloch, only verse form is acceptable.
>tries to do something while sick
Pure coincidence
Should have formatted it correctly. my bad.
They mean exposed those poor people. (If she had pneumonia)
> she's dead, Jim.
> I'm a doctor, not a reptilian-cloning technician.
> there's only so much we can do with synthehol and replicator cocaine.
Hilldawg would still beat DRUMF on her deathbed. Can't fucking wait to see all you DRUMF racist hicks get btfo in the election when hilldawg becomes the first female POTUS.
literally all of those are on her side though retard
She has Parkinson's.
when do you guys think she'll make an appearance?
>when do you guys think she'll make an appearance?
Full moon is this week, so isn't that when witches, werewolves, and other nasties appear?
this can't be the original, right? whoever made this switched the two figures
i hate delusional liberals who think that their victim complex means the media isn't in their favor
she's yet to appear right? do you think we'll see her by friday?
if she's actually dead, how the fuck do they handle this? i wonder if there's been a contingency plan. who knows that she's dead? obama probably right? pretty funny that he's been out campaigning for a dead woman
Technically both are correct.
I'm actually deebly goncerned she will die too fast.
Hillery with an audience of 1k? pics or it didnt happen.
end your life.
>how the fuck do they handle this?
EO by Obama to try to delay the election because of "unprecedented circumstances", and "this moment of National grief".
Otherwise, the Democrats will be going into the election without a candidate. Votes for a dead Hillary are not inherited by Kaine. Kaine is only VP AFTER Hillary is sworn in, and then he takes his oath. Until then he's just a placeholder.
>if you kill yourself, you win
Thank you, liberals. You've now started claiming such absurd storylines that those in the middle are entirely repulsed, and are starting to see what's really going on.
It's pretty nice.
more than normal
> rosenstein
every fucking time
audible kek
Fucking shill