why is only that part called "New Mexico"?
isn't the entire country "New Mexico" at this point?
why is only that part called "New Mexico"?
isn't the entire country "New Mexico" at this point?
It's just a containment state for what foams up to the surface from below
keep telling yourself that hernando.
>jew bantz
Not quite yet, they're still about half white
It's still the USA. The Mexicans just to the jobs that you are to lazy to do. If anything the Mexicans are making America great again.
Mexicans are whiter than Israelis though.
NMfag, here.
The rest of the country forgets about us and illegals barely make it past filthy El Paso.
>tfw when living in sovereign land.
Beautiful state.
Maybe if we call them white they'll be on our side if shit goes down.
This is something I noticed when I bought my AR yesterday.
On the 4473 (form for purchasing firearms), ethnicity gives you the option of Hispanic, but race only gives you the option of white, black, and Asian. So I although I am Hispanic I have to put white.
Are you an Amerindian, bro?
Nah, half white, half hispanic. My ex wife was native, though.
Most natives are in central and northern NM. Sad country.
>Sad country.
Why do you say this?
Natives have been fucked over and put in reservations. You know you are driving through the rez when every other building is a pawn shop, liquor store, or casino.
The flip side of this is that natives are given almost every opportunity to thrive in the world, but have this victim mentality and don't do shit.
My mom works for the Yaqui tribe in AZ. You only need an associates degree to get ANY position, but no one wants to do it. So there are tons of open positions with no one to fill them. They wont accept outsiders because they don't trust them. It took one woman 6 years to get her associates.
I would love to work as a geologist for some tribes and help them, but tribe government is afraid of growth.
Another New Mexibro here. It's funny, even though we have "Mexico" in our name, we have less wetbacks than California.
Most of the Hispanics here are of Spanish descent, and have been here for hundreds of years. They obviously don't like spics flooding in from the south, and hate it when they wave around Mexican flags and make all the other Hispanics look bad. They're relatively based, if only because they make fine ass food. Christmas tamales, where we at?
We also have a huge amount of Natives, but covered pretty much all of it. The only thing he missed are the speed traps.
Oh lawdy, the speed traps. You go 2 over, and the rez police will be on you like white on rice.
Fuck El Paso.
That guy isn't white or a pure hispanic of spanish descent
That's a mestizo
Some hispanics are unironically white but he is clearly not white
We don't have hispanic as a race in america for a good reason. Cause it's not a race and there's multiple races that could be hispanic. However we do have "Hispanic" as an etcitity in america.
What America needs is to ditch the term "Hispanic" seeing that some Hispanics are unironically white but we need to create a "Mestizo" option in race for all the brown hispanics
This way, everybody's happy
Legit White hispanics are happy beaners aren't browning the word hispanic
Mestizos are happy they finally know who the fuck they are
Racists are happy cause they get to shit on a group of brown people still
Everybody wins
>The rest of the country forgets about us
We're the Forrest Gump of the states when you think about it. We get really popular for a bit, everyone makes note of how dumb we are, and then we fall of the grid again.
>Glorieta Pass
>Code Talkers
>Muh balloons
>Breaking Bad
It's like we can only be popular for one thing at a time.
Hispanic is not a race and you brown beaners are trying to turn it into a race of mixed injuns
Spanish people still exist and as long as they exist, hispanic won't be a race of mixed race indians
If you are a brown "Hispanic" then you are a mestizo.
If you were smart you would have just put "Mixed"
Don't put white if you're brown and ruin it for the ACTUAL white hispanics like Martin Sheen
>m.fw I studied 2 semesters in NMSU
>m.fw miss this place like hell
Damn, NM was comfy as fuck, I miss those days. Later I did a 2 months internship in NY state, but didn't really like it.
How the fuck did you end up in Huebongistan then? Job?
Aw yeah! This is now a NM thread.
What part are you from?
There is nothing more dangerous than a bored police officer.
>tfw when everyone in the movie theater starts applauding when NM is referenced
Its a check box with three options and you have to check one. Its not my fault your shitty federal government wants to skew the data.
I'm not black, nor am I Asian.
'Burque, born, raised, and unfortunately trapped. I'd like to move to Edgewood or maybe Gallup once I finish my time as a poorfag though.
I love that feel, Thor was actually a good movie because of that feel.
You are more asian than white if you are a mestizo tier hispanic
If you're a Spanish hispanic, then white
If you're brown, then put asian seeing how the injuns were from Asia
Howdy friends.
>Burque, born, raised, and unfortunately trapped
Ah c'mon man, the dirty Querque isnt so bad, it has it's shitty parts but so does everywhere. I grew up in Roswell, went to UNM for college and then moved up to Colorado for work.
In my opinion:
>Everything north of ABQ (except Espa) = 10/10
>Everything south of ABQ = West Texas trash
I get it, it's muh home and all that, but I'd prefer somewhere more rural when raising a family, even if it means sacrificing bandwidth.
Maybe I'd stick around if city hall stopped being full of a bunch of pussies and started kicking infrastructure into high gear. They're always talking about how they want a professional football team, but they want to keep Albuquerque "small."
Remember when Sante Fe lost its collective shit when they introduced a bus system? Ayy lmao.
Totally understand, famalam. NE Heights is the only part of ABQ I would feel comfortable raising my kids in (or a Bosque ranch if I was a richfag).
Edgewood is nice but Gallup? Flat landscape, bad schools, mostly Navajo population, hotter n' fuck... There are better rural towns.
>Las Vegas
>Angel Fire
Just my $0.02
Vegas or Angel Fire could be comfy. I like the Gallup weather tbdesu, that's why I mentioned it.
Bampu, again.