Holy... Shit
Other urls found in this thread:
A lot of comments that they make are seriously cringe worthy.
I'm not even going to ask because I know some people DO find it funny...
Like I care what a gay gook has to say.
Reminder Takei only became celebrity because kikes decided Roddenbery's original all-white cast Star Trek was "too cerebral", tossed original pilot into trash, replaced all of original cast (except Nimoy, who happens to be jew) with "vibrant diversity" and less masculine captain.
Fuck that kike puppet Asian faggot.
Shame he didn't stay in that Japanese camp you had him in...
Okay, I chuckled a little.
Oh myyyy
Oh my
>checking BTFO status
>no one is BTFO
Either this is an awful joke or this gook is operating on another level
>caring about an aids ridden faggot has-been
Shatner is also a kike.
Didn't this guy appear on The Apprentice?
This is why America forced you into a camp, Takei.
Takei had a stroke it seems.
The joke is that Trump supporters are dumb. Good one George. Very productive dialogue.
Sometimes I wonder how far up their own asses Democrats have their heads shoved. I wonder if all those people in the southern states who nominated Hillary are particularly well-educated?
Trump is spot-on here. Say what you want about him, he has never insulted the intelligence or moral character of the general public.
Talk about deplorable..
This is the first actually funny banter against trump supporters I've ever seen.
Most of the time it's just "ur raciss and stupid XDDDDDDDD"
Ohh myyyy
Wtf? I hate Trump now
In all seriousness what is a "deplorable" I don't get it
Wow, this really made me think!
It's like a basket
>sometimes I wonder how far up their own asses Democrats have their heads shoved
Not sure, but it's not far enough for Takei!
>George "Clarence Thomas is a clown in black face" calling others racists
wow so punny
liberals don't think this is actually clever, right
Hmm must be a very abstract meme that really shifted our timeline
Did he really say that?
...oh my
isn't this the gay asian that was stuffed in an internment camp in california by the Democrat party during WW2?
>tfw Sup Forums cant take a joke without flipping out.
oh shit a liberal comedian made a funny!
i guess i'll vote democrat now cuz i don't want to be left out! haha LOL
>tfw the rest of the world can't take a Sup Forums joke without calling Pepe a white supremacist symbol
>my hero is a faggot chink
Nice thread. Reprobate.
This guy literally raped Jonah Falcon on the howard stern show.
wwww this homo nip can't even spell 'deport'
Source? I'm genuinely curious about this "too cerebral" Star Trek. I always thought TOS and TNG were pretty cerebral. TNG moreso.
>Trump is racist
No he's not
>he wants to build a wall
For purely economic reasons
>but Mexicans
Since when are Mexicans all one race?
>he called them rapists
80% of female illegal immigrants reported being raped by other migrants or human traffickers
>he is sexist
>all the things he said
Name one
>you just don't listen to the facts
illegal mexicans you faggot
Concerned? It's my fantasy name now
he sucks cocks for howard the jew stern. why would any real human being give a shit what this asian gay trash says.
Damn, another stealth jew posing as a white man.
Good points but Trump didn't even call them "rapists." He referred to Mexican gov. offloading "their" rapists over the border.
thats EXACTLY how it goes with ever libtard i talk to. fucking amazing how ignorant these (((intellectuals))) really are.
This is probably funnier to the "English is my second language" people
Someone tell me, why is this guy relevant?
I'm far too aware. Coworker of mine is lefty, but not beyond reason. We like to engage in cheeky banter every once in a while. Sunday, I bring up the wikileaks about hillary having thrombosis and passing out. He goes to smoke and look it up so we can be cunts about it.
Female Coworker asks me if I would rather vote for shilldo or trump. I said I wasn't voting to avoid the issue. She pushed so i said Jill Stein, she pushed and I said I would never vote for that rotten corpse. She got belligerent and irrational. I had that conversation with her, starting with
>Why are you racist?
>Why are you sexist?
The only thing they may be right on is him being sexist, so I wanted to hear her reasoning. I got none then realized she was drunk, no joke.
You're right, good point.
>racism is bad guys trump would never be a racist thats like being literally hitler
back to tumblr you fucking cucked libtard faggot.
He's a Starfleet captain, dumbwit.
Do people take homosexual opinions seriously? I know I don't.
What the fuck is this??
You're an idiot and don't know how to deflect libtards. Also, if I had to pick between a psycho who takes money from foreign governments and wants to fuck shit up who is actually racist (hillary), or a narcissistic, nationalist who isn't racist just anti-pc who wants to protect the country physically and economically (Trump) it's not a very hard decision.
Eat a fat dick you unbelievable shill cunt.
Don't talk politics or religion at work. That shit can go south fast.
This is why I don't talk to women at work and I don't talk to female coworkers outside of work.
The extent of my interaction with females in the workplace is what's required due to my job duties.
I don't even say "Hi" to them. If a woman at work tries to strike up a conversation with me, I just ignore them.
You can't be fired for not responding to a woman's idle chit chat in the office. You can be fired for disagreeing with her about if the weather is nice or gloomy.
a faggot doing deplorable things.
George Takei's rectum is LITERALLY BLOWN THE FUCK OUT
Like i said, i tried to avoid the issue because i knew she wouldnt be able to bants, didnt at first realize she was drunk. It's a loose setting, banter is frequent in the restaurant business, she just poked her nose into it. I don't feel bad about it. She physically struck me then stormed off. She's a nice girl, just a Teflon Liberal, so I'm not going to try and get her fired.
haha I bet you let niggers fuck your wife every night. if hillary was actually racist then why doesn't she promise to send spics and kikes to death camps? are you retarded or something? trump IS racist and thats exactly why I'm voting for him. it's about time we had an alpha white man in office who isn't afraid to "stand their ground" against niggers and spics.
Go tell your rabbi how good you shilled for multiculturalism, jidf, let the real men talk politics.
ITT: Trump supporters who can't take a joke
you make us look bad
Never forget
haha I get it because all trump supporters are working class and cant read haha epic!!!! !! xDDDD I cant wait to tell reddit about this
can't get much more cucked than this. Why am i not surprised the libtard cuckold is also a feminist?
>The master ruseman returns.
Have a (you) for your trouble, CTR.
>The white nationalist agenda must be pushed so we can get quotes for the MSM
No one on Sup Forums would address me the way you have and if the were a real Sup Forumslack they wouldn't bother responding to me spewing their agenda as much as you have.
>inb4 Sup Forums is one person
You can still spot am outsider a mile away.
Shillbot made a reference to American Citizens who are here legally.
Trump made a reference to illegals who are all criminals the moment they set foot in this country.
I'm just not an asshole. The tiny little twig creature didn't hurt me. She embarrassed herself and maybe she will wise up and take a red pill. Whatever bud.
I never said Sup Forums is one person, libtard tumblr shills like you have been coming here since your precious hillary got nominated. let me make this nice and simple for you, kike, if you don't think niggers and spics should die you are a liberal.
Not only do you let women in your workplace but you don't put the fear of god into them when they back talk you. whats it like having no balls, faggot?
You know nothing of my opinion on groids and beaners. I merely explained a conversation I had with a coworker. Frankly I'm not inclined to give you my opinion on that because you're a complete twat.
by a has-been faggot actor nobody likes anymore?
okay bud
Funny guy.
Senpai I don't care if she was a 4'11 dwarf with downs syndrome, assault is assault and should be treated as such. Your company should have some rules and guidelines which make it mandatory to report these kinds of things regardless of whether or not it hurt.
I know that you love watching them fuck your wife because you're a shrivelled up little jewish SJW who thinks racism is a bad thing.
Not bad bantz, for a prancing faggot.
hmmm....this really engages my neurons in a synapse frenzy......
Yeah. Pretty good.
Sulu was a cool character. Shame they made him a literal faggot in the new movie (or so I hear).
I bet it does, you faggot
Meh, it's a privatelyowned business. I really like it there. Being vindictive is bad news, I would alienate myself. I already got one person to quit and my GM was suspicious about how it happened.
He doesn't know that when anti Trump celebs talk shit they get hit - by meme magic.
You know the way lefties brainwash so many people? They had me brainwashed up until I was like 24 so I'd know.
By being nice.
No, hear me out for a second. I remember back when I was a bluepilled lefty who didn't really pay attention to politics but watched Jon Leibowitz and Colbert and subscribed to the MSM narratives and stuff. Anyway, George Takei was on Leibowitz's show. I don't remember what the topic was 100% but they were talking about internment camps that his parents were put in during WWII. He recalls some sob story where they knocked on his door as a kid and they rounded them up without warning. Big boohoo, I felt bad for him, glad we're past all that, etc.
However, I subscribed so hard to this shit because I felt bad, but also because George Takei seemed like such an approachable dude during this interview. He was the lovable gay Jap that you could hang out with and joke around with. Basically same persona with everyone on that show. It really appeals to the naivity of young people that everyone is great and we should stop looking out for our well being. Now that I think about it, I think it was about wanting to close the border with Mexico.
I don't know where I'm going with this blog post, but if you read up until now, please like and subscribe to it below and leave a comment in the comments section letting me know what I should blog about next.
Deplorable nip homosexual liberal shilling for hill because his Mexican rent boys gonna get deported....
Are you trying to say the left stopped being welcoming and nice?
They got so far up their own ass that they began wondering which direction up was, pushing people away from their ideals?
Curbstomp that like button nigger!
rev up those gas chamber
The best part is, they made him gay even after Takei said he didn't think it was a good idea. Which brings me to my next point. Takei's not some sort of SJW shill, despite what people here think-he's just an old Jap who loves cock and is trying to stay hip with the kids by shitposting on facebook.
A horrible, shitty pun?
Absolute cringe
Normies are fucking pure terror
Warp speed sulu.
That's quite funny to be fair.
>look, mom, I called Trump supporters stupid again
Will this sesame seed faggot just die already? He's famous, literally, only because he's gay.
>Are you trying to say the left stopped being welcoming and nice?
Actually..... yeah. The only reason I woke up and eventually did an entire 180 on my political beliefs over the course of months to a year was because they kept pushing me away now that I think about it... I was 100% subscribed to their ideology. They had me hook line and sinker. They won.
Then they pissed it down their leg. Everything. Every single thing I was guilty for because I was a straight white male raised in a middle class family that helped me achieve independence and get a job and a stable life. Everything. Always "muh oppressed minorities and look at all these racist white people, that's you!" Every day, day in and day out and I eventually felt alienated to the point of feeling bad tuning in.
Eventually I decided to myself: huh, well since they keep pointing out that conservatives are evil, let me really look at them and see just how bad and evil it all is. After investigating mainstream stuff like le evil Fox News I was like "okay, they're kinda objectionable, but not evil." Then I don't know how it happened, but I eventually came here. First out of shock with all the natsoc threads and NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER, then out of interest, then eventually started posting and interacting with everyone. Then eventually my eyes were opened. Not necessarily to Natsoc and NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER, but to the stories posted and the alternative views presented by people here that weren't the typical victim complex and persecution of the """"victim"""", when he in fact brought it upon himself and the evil guy was actually just defending himself.
Please like this post too. Maybe throw me some Sup Forums coins, I'm almost out.
>when anti Trump celebs talk shit they get hit - by meme magic
Sulu will die of AIDS
It was mentioned on last weekend's Svengoolie, but it's an old line. You can probably find it on a commentary track somewhere or one of the half dozen documentaries about the franchise.