Explain to me how this is a good idea
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Explain to me how this is a good idea
Source Btw:
Why dont you explain how its not. What the fuck happened to providing facts at the beginning of an argument. The burden of proof is on you nigger
More take home pay for me..
Get a job child
It isn't. I fear Trump may be even less capable of handling economics then the establishment he challenges. This will hobble his regime.
T. Trump Supporter.
>The plan would also lead to a 29 percent larger capital stock, 6.5 percent higher wages, and 5.3 million more full-time equivalent jobs.
It's justified in the article cuck.
Well its my understanding that the government needs taxes to keep infrastructure up to date and run their facilities, what good would it do to take 10 trillion out of a governments budget.
Maybe for a smaller government more heavily leaning on states rights but where do we take the money out of the federal government
>Well its my understanding that the government needs taxes to keep infrastructure up to date and run their facilities
They already do a shit job at that. Might as well cut the taxes and let the people thrive on their own. A couple nogs not getting their welfare checks is a small price to pay.
Americans in the late 21st century will view supply-side economics with as much disdain as they view Bolivarian socialism. You can give a rich man money, but you can't make him invest. This is going to be a trap for him.
I'm not entirely sure this makes up for a 10 trillion dollar loss in government revenue however good for the economy
>however good for the economy
It's honestly more than worth it.
>You can give a rich man money, but you can't make him invest
No-one's giving anyone money. Also, he wouldn't be rich if he didn't invest any money.
He would also cut poorly run government agencies that do nothing but soak up tax dollars.
>military welfare queens, niggers, and bloodsucking government bureaucrats get less money
That's fine by me.
Tax cuts, by definition, give more money to the rich. And rich people are rich because they own alot of shit, not because they invest. Investing is risky and dangerous. It's much cheaper just to buy shares in a company that already exists, and have those shares be repurchased back onto the market.
Nobody wants to create jobs. N-O-B-O-D-Y. That's one of the biggest, if not the biggest, misconception that poor right-wingers have. Rich people hate creating jobs because it means less money for them.
That being said, private enterprise is good and gets the economy rocking. But to assume then that 'greedy self-interested businessmen' have America's back is fucking mind-boggling. Which is why your grandchildren will be much wiser and not fall for the delusion you face in the present.
By the way, when we issue tax cuts, the very people who will receive them are also the ones who actively campaign against Trump by donating to Hillary. Even on a pure machievallian perspective, this plan doesn't make sense, on top of failing to provide economic recovery.
Define worthless, I do think he'll reform government agencies making them have more bang for their buck but not straight up cut them
Israel, Japan, Germany, etc. will be paying us for protection now.
>Tax cuts, by definition, give more money to the rich.
This is only true because neocons don't have any incentive to hire an american citizen which is why protectionist policies would benefit the american worker
Alright. Now you make more sense. If businessmen are compelled to hire American workers, then the American worker benefits from this arrangement. Which is why the tariff part of his plan will actually work. The tax cut plan is just giving money to Trump's enemies which will be used to undermine him.
Then again, tax cuts for the poor and middle class may not be such a bad idea.
All our money doesn't go to welfare it goes to federal aid, education, the military, medicine and infrastructure AND welfare
Letting people keep more of their money is not "giving people money," YOU COMMUNIST FAGGOT
Trump may actually adopt an isolationist policy while in office and is willing to work with other countries to resolve issues unlike Obama with russia
Trump is a goddamn disgrace. Please please let Hillary win!
Hey now. If you want to bring more money to New York at your expense, go right ahead. Because that's where all the money is going anyway. And if you think it should belong there, then I question who is the actual communist in the first place.
Right. Isolationism may be in our future because our domestic situation is just looking awful.
Don't be stupid in my thread please
Fucking this
having the government steal less of my money is not the same as the government handing me a fucking check
>government runs out of money and all non essential services grind to a halt
>a bad thing
OP you sound like a fucking nigger who can't survive without gibs me dats
I don't know how he'll handle China because they are a HUGE trading and manufacturing partner of ours and declaring a trade war with them I don't think is a good idea
But the point is that the tax cuts to the rich are for a relatively small number of people.
Yes, some people will benefit massively personally from this.
However. High taxes are a good thing for the mega rich. They can afford to avoid them.
The middle class? They can't. Can a random person just open a chain store with prices and stock levels similar to Wal-Mart? No. They wouldn't be able to afford to. And yeah, sure, no one wants to create jobs, unless you're growing a business.
It's a loss of revenue if all things stay the same. But they won't. Because new businesses will be able to emerge, competition will increase.. etc.
A flat business tax literally means that ALL products and services are produced by companies on the same taxation playing field. Start looking into regulations that affect small business owners. You'll understand.
Good job nor reading the thread
>shillbot is a disgrace.
>God wants Trump to win.
force the government to cut some waste
i dont see the problem here
seems pretty smart
>where do we take the money out of the federal government
Virtually everywhere. Do you have any idea what the size and role of the Federal Government was at the inception of the country? The monstrosity you have today was specifically intended not to arise. Might be time to listen to those old-timey historical figures that everyone in America supposedly loves but completely ignores.
Cool, that leaves about 10 trillion left. Explain to me how that shouldn't be enough to run a government that only has specific functions as detailed in the Constitution.
Unlike u we pay our taxes to America
Real men are for Trump
I am literally a small business owner. Taxes on the mega rich are fine, because they are the ones with the most to lose in society. Therefore, they have to protect their society with their money from real threats (like crazy Bolivarian Socialism.) The middle class don't need more taxes, they need less taxes and fucking better healthcare and cheaper rent.
Entrepreneurship in America is dying, and it isn't because taxes are too high. It's because the game has already been won, and there are no new markets left to conquer.
Look. I've personally moved heaven and earth to try and get jobs back that aren't involving a tariff. If Congress can't get a budget together to build roads, then honestly trade war it is. The East Coast elite is unwilling to come up with an alternative to Tariffs, and so therefore will get tariffs.
government revenue = flushing money down toilet, burning money in huge pyres, etc.
Money that is put to productive use will create jobs and improve productivity and make life a lot better for everyone.
The government already has a huge deficit so big that taxing the average fuck is going to make a dent. And even if it did they would just spend more anyways.
Explain why taxes matter if the government just spends a deficit anyways. Until the government starts going positive, my tax money is worthless anyways
>Virtually everywhere. Do you have any idea what the size and role of the Federal Government was at the inception of the country?
That's not an answer
>Explain why taxes matter if the government just spends a deficit anyways. Until the government starts going positive, my tax money is worthless anyways
Tax money isn't worthless the way the current government is handling tax money is worthless
In what sense? Are you under the impression that the vast majority of the Federal Government's activity is vital to the prosperity of the economy and the success of the nation?
Well when the government can participate in massive deficit spendings that can never be paid off because they're so huge and never face any credit punishments, why is any tax money they receive worth anything?
>In what sense?
You're being vague, what is virtually everywhere
Yes, but there are other ways you can "punish" the mega rich.
Taxation really doesn't help because it can't be directly aimed at them. You could insert requirements for businesses of a certain size to be forced to invest in infrastructure, or its workers, or something. It doesn't matter.
You don't "punish" success, you just make it clear that if someone manages to be successful they have a responsibility to the society/ conditions that helped them.
Thank fuck, the less money government has, the better.
Because in a large sense we are keeping the dollar afloat until they resolve the spending issue.
Trump will end up being the actual lolbertarian in the end after (((everyone))) saying he was le authoritarian.
What I'm more interested is what spending he is going to cut. Probably not military and social security transition will be too slow. Expect mass layoff of all non-critical government employees.
Aren't you one of the countries we pay for in NATO
Exactly what it sounds like. Gradually scale back funding for the ATF, FBI, DEA, CIA, NSA, DHS, FDA, BLM, etc. All federal departments, foreign military involvement, etc. Deregulate those areas such that the private market can develop to meet consumers' actual demands, rather than what federal politicians think those demands OUGHT to be.
Now that's an answer
You sell shitty weapons and systems to our puppet government that subhumans believed to be "nationalistic" or "conservative"
I need Trump to win so Washington will stop sending suicidal orders, and only Tel-aviv will have the control, lel.
>Expect mass layoff of all non-critical government employees.
Good. They're worse than welfare leaches.
I rarely see a based leaf. I commend you sir.
Lad, you may have just redeemed all the leaves on this Cambodian banana cultivation forum. We will try to convince Trump not to nuke you guys
Eh, my Canadian integrity won't allow me to take credit for it; I was referring to the Bureau of Land Management. But them too...
>Sept. 2015
You do know his tax plan is now similar to the House GOP plan, right? The brackets are completely different.
The money the government takes always goes into its profitable business partner's ventures, aka corporate subsidies, research and development (recall Rand Paul talking about a program which studies the effects of cocaine on Quales), military industrial complex which includes offensive wars and technology used in maintaining and growing the surveillance state. What is the percentage of people out of 320 million American population who carry out attacks against the country/citizens that it requires multiple layered constant information dragnetting and profiling of EVERY American? So now that they have terrorists in the US and they bring in more they say that justifies the enormous hundreds of billions in spending on equipment.
>define worthless
Department of Education.