Will they reference Harvey this week?
Will they reference Harvey this week?
It's gotten so big they have to talk about it, but for the first few days all of Hollywood was trying their best to ignore it
John Oliver as much as i dislike him, was the only one to call him out on it before Weinstein got fired & everyone else "bravely" spoke out against him
Kimmel, Colbert, SNL, etc, said nothing
>John Oliver as much as i dislike him, was the only one to call him out on it before Weinstein
As a segue into Trump bashing
>he's from New York
is that a euphemism?
Isn't Trump from New York?
youve got to respect oliver, he calls it like he sees it and he always does his research even when he's pushing something I disagree with. I was surprised when he called out weinstein after a week of nobody saying anything, and then the episode that follows is equally on point about those confederate cucks.
Gotta give credit where credit is due.
Kimmel was sexually harassing women as well. He told them to find out what was in his pants and suck on it. Story just broke. mediaite.com
No. NBC killed the story Ronan Farrow got published in the New Yorker because it wasn't solid enough. They are connected financially and politically to him and i'm sure the NBC higher ups are REAL nervous about answering what they knew about him as they made deals with him
>We ignored Harvey Weinstein because he is a member of the tribe
I wish the holocaust actually happened.
I assume that's code for "Because he's Jewish"
Oh god now people are Knit picking for fucks sake. When you show me he raped a bitch or had a gaggle of hookers he paid with industry advancing then we can talk.
I know this used to be nothing back in the day but I hope this fucking shill gets in trouble for it anyway.
Is there a limit to the hypocrisy of the left?
Is just mental illness? Inherent character flaw?
I don't get it bros, why are leftists so evil?
All of the above
Donald Trump is from NY as well. Doesn't stop them from tearing ass on him.
Right wingers are just as evil m8, everyone looks out for number one in this world, theyre both peddling their own path to wealth, only difference is the target audience.
>but muh president
There is no limit to what they will try to get away with or bury or ignore for their own agenda. A lot of mental illness is involved but not every single one of them has it of course.
Yea, I think it's just plain evil. Wonder how they deal with all that cognitive dissonance.
Hopefully they will go overboard and have some body impersonate him and do the whole show as host Harvey.
>deal with cognitive dissonance
They don't. They would just deny everything.
They will do a skit about Trump and Weinstein.
(((he's from new York)))
do you even hear yourself? Everything you saw about the left is true, sure. But to blind yourself to the evils of the other side? Youre so close to the true redpill and yet so far.
fucking kikes man.
Funny thing is that's the exact reason trump got elected and the only people who can't see that are the leftists
socialism is a jewish creation
>(((new york)))
(((they))) arent even trying to hide it
you kikes can't hide your vulgar tribalism anymore. we know what you mean by "white privilege". the first step is admitting you have a problem.
Donald trump always wanted to be a jew
you're going down, kimmel
Going down on Kimmel you mean
Giving a wink to goyim
Who wouldn't want to be??? Control the world fuck Jennifer Lawrence's ass Massages from teen girls at anytime. That's the life man
They'll probably get Jeff Garlin to play Harvey Weinstein and have him rape Ivanka Trump played by Kristen Wiig.
..I can actually envision them doing this
It was all a conservative conspiracy is how this will be remembered
>He's from New York
Will this term become the new ((()))?
The holocaust never happened, it was all a New Yorker conspiracy
>a skit about Trump and Weinstein.
thats perfect ! trump and harvey in a hotel auditioning girls for the Miss America show one by one and they all turn them down.
Nice strawman about some random shit I never said and you decided to bring up.
r u a gurll?
literally all liberal can do is ruin things traditional conservatives have created. those leftwing faggots never build a country let alone defend it.
(((He's from New York)))
its dishonesty to yourself to discuss one and not the other, to imagine this behavior is only from rich liberals and that rich conservatives dont do the same shit.
Shit is weird. In a 100 years China will rule the planet and they won't even have to fight anyone to do it.
>to imagine this behavior is only from rich liberals and that rich conservatives dont do the same shit.
Good thing I never did that.
>I don't get it bros, why are leftists so evil?
I don't know, but that's a good point and I fully agree.
not even 100 years, I think 60 is gonna be enough by the rate of degeneration the west is experiencing
Can one of you Sup Forumstards explain how Weinstein is put on the cross for sexual assault allegations but Trump gets a free pass?
>leave drumpfy alone :(
The funniest part is how fucked black people are going to be without the West to feed and protect them.
East Africa is going to get RICED.
Trump is a Chad.
Weinstein is a betamax crybaby jew.
>But to blind yourself to the evils of the other side?
user, this thread is about the sexual abuse rampant in Hollywood, a place full of leftist views. That's why we're criticizing leftists right now.
Despite what you heard, Trump's "pussy grabs" were sexual advances that were welcomed and consented to.
got the memory of a goldfish
Aaron Sorkin killed what that means.
they are all gonna head east after they have completely destroyed america and europe like they destroyed africa, it´s gonna be a zombie apocalypse for china, only that china is gonna win eventually
I remember reading somewhere the trump was resented amongst the NY elite for being from queens and not manhattan
I noticed this too, the jokes only started after harvey got canned
exactly. I have no problem with hollywood being a liberal arts community, I just cant take the political soap-boxing. just because you have a lot of money and a big microphone, does not make your geopolitical opinions worth anything. weinstein has one vote just like I do.
So, people from new york are special snow flakes who shouldnt be mocked? fuck off lorne
Wouldn't be surprised if Ol Harv has dirt on him.
>they are all gonna head east
Lmao they're gonna try, sure. But South Asians, East Asians, Middle Easterners etc all DESPISE black people.
If Whites lose power then any protection niggers had is gone.
Weinstein's were too, or we wouldn't have so many vapid floossies hanging about in Hollywood.
The left is much worse than the right, even if they do similar actions, because the right's core principles will always be better
then you admit your original post, when read by someone who isnt a partisan drone, would scoff at your tactical telescope narrowed in on liberals while the elephant in the room keeps stomping. Its obvious you were virtue signaling, dont be a little semantics cunt about this like everyone on Sup Forums loves being when actually getting to the root of things isnt convenient for you.
>it's ok when my side does it because at least we're not being hypocritical about it
You're absolutely right, it's honest to God disgusting that such hypocrisy can be casually tolerated.
Kind of like championing the "sanctity of life" while starting countless wars and executing innocent retards
Or extolling small government and muh freedumbs except when it extends to something you don't like such as abortion or homosexuality or burning the flag
Or screeching autistically about big government while taking more federal dollars than you give back (because evidently walking the walk and having pride is fucking HARD)
Or having the audacity to call nignogs gimmedats while simultaneously demanding that the President bring back assembly line jobs that are so hilariously simple and overpaid that some of the very first robots 40 years ago could do them profitably
Or raging at minorities for taking all the jobs when you couldn't be fucked to go to college or move to a big city where they are always. fucking.countless. jobs.
...I could go on but I won't because my hypocrisy knows no bounds apparently.
isn't trump a jew supporter?
>the right's core principles
hating poor people, women and minorities?
asshurt little lefty bitch lol
I bet her bagel got lots of cream cheese.
>literally all liberal can do is ruin things traditional conservatives have created
Like child labor, lynchings, the more than eight-hour work days, debtors prisons, unregulated air and water pollution, and the living hell that existed before OSHA? Fucking inhuman scum, how could anyone possibly be conservative in this day and age?
>unable to tell the difference between conservative and republican
your average leftist right here, the same kind who will throw a tantrum if you try implying he supports everything the Democrats do
Yeah, conservatives sure did their best to change all those things I mentioned! Conservatives reformed the system because that's what conservatives do, right?
Shut the fuck up, rape apologist. Democrat more like RAPE-O-CRAT
im not but whatever, another partisan brainlet cant comprehend when someone is completely disenfranchised to politics as a whole. Furthermore, everyone knows jews are cunts that want to have their cake and eat it too. They also know anglos like me cant be trusted either, and for damn good reason. They also know muslims, blacks, and browns in general have lower I.Q.s and are prone to violence. They know the Irish are just as illuminati-esque as the Jews, that the germans are the eternal kraut, that russians are beasts more than men, that the french are a bunch of dreamers, that the italians are desperately living off past glory, that the greeks dont pay their debts. I can see evil everywhere, I have no interest in spinning a story for one side or the other. But you cant comprehend-being the brainlet that you are-that standards are relative and the only people making noise about anything have some stake in it or are so bored and without purpose in life that their opinions really ahouldnt be considered in the first place. See, it makes sense to serve your own self interest. When you understand that, you stop seeing boogeyman and start seeing man for what it is, regardless of circumstance, when you give him power.
>is that a euphemism?
Yes; (((Lorne))) wasn't going to mention (((Harvey))).
>because he's (((from New York)))
>were sexual advances that were welcomed and consented to.
no such thing , unless it results in marriage and her getting half his assets.
They did a lot more than libshits, who can't even show up to vote. They got their outsider elected while the Dems basically said "fuck you" to yours and you little bitches took it up the ass without complaint.
lol this little triggered bitch, no one is even reading your terribly formatted posts.
when a partisan like you tries to pretend, its adorable.
Remember when feminist Jimmy Kimmel hosted a series called The Man Show?
Baby's first red pill
Shut up fag, you know he's right.
>he thinks there are sides
there is only one political party in this country and it is the party of trotskysim. the right comes up with perpetual wars that destabilize brown countries and create massive migrations into white countries, and left opens the door in the name of religious humanism. there is no biological reason to support faggots, diversity or abortion--they only destabilize primate social hierarchy and cultural norms. the left and right are actually symbiotic. For the last 40 years, they have been in control of the white house roughly the same amount of time, and the only consistent thing has been destabilization, wage stagnation and "war".
>can't comprehend people not taking sides but liking one side more than the other
typical brainlet lefty
Conservatives grassroots campaign is something libtards should have learned from, instead faggots like this can't even acknowledge what they did right
>the right comes up with perpetual wars that destabilize brown countries and create massive migrations into white countries,
Who is shilling for WW3 against Russia again?
whats the matter brainlet, Perfidious Albion writes sentences that are too long for your peanut brain to follow? I apologize, please forgive my elequence, those evil universities did brainwash me into speaking in an intelligent fashion; and damn do I love a good semicolon to dintinguish the two main clauses therein.
It’s more the progressiveness of a society like tha Western one than of any “liberals” or “conservatives” as known now. Eastern Europe and most of Asia were and are Socialist and liberals in their mind but they are still decades behind West
i know nothing of the sort. I dont see anything unique to the left that I dont see in the right. I see different people with different audiences and everything different about them stems from those two basic principles.
>hose evil universities did brainwash me into speaking in an intelligent fashion