Opressive Putin's regime does it again.
Opressive Putin's regime does it again
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Not having easy access to pornography isn't oppression you damn deviant
Good. Seriously.
Fuck porn.
Good. Porn is degenerate
Russians have pornlab.ru
Half the women on these sites are Russian. He's just trying to help the local prostitutes
Porn is posted on Sup Forums all the time, so Russians can always come here and look at it. Sup Forums is degenerate.
Otherwise, good news coming from Russia.
Jewish porn moguls can go get fucked, good work.
their idle bodies won't be sitting around masturbating all day like here (me)
My government blocked xvideos, 8tube and porntube a few years back, on top of already banning pornhub, youporn and redtube
Banning pornography will be the greatest achievement of the 21st century
Where will I get all my Blacked porn now?
What about my cuck porn!?
Damn that ain't a bad idea actually
Nudes should be the limit. Also you should obviously be able to record yourself and you girl but not put it online.
It's a public health issue.
Russian hackers probably do not care.
b-based savior of the white race
End the russians now. They shown the true face of there evile.
Very good for Russia. Porn only makes boys and men feminine and degenerate causing the testosterone levels and imagination abilities to disappear. This is nothing but a blessing.
Sup Forums is allowed? lol
and whats the effect?
More local sites? less jerking off?
or is blocking porn whats keeping us from becoming based as fuck?
More like destroyer of white race.
It's been blocked like 3 times already, 2 weeks the longest. PH jews don't want to lose ad money and comply.
Youre the biggest producer of both
No, it all needs to be banned. Preferably, degenerates should be publicly whipped.
Why are you guys such fags. I don't understand. Why restrict other people's freedoms based on your own personal sense of morality.
Where do you stop, in that pursuit? Should the government mandate nutritionally balanced meals so that no one is fat? Should daily exercise be required for everyone? Is not brushing my teeth going to be against the law too? Maybe they should ban Sup Forums because NEETs waste their days on it.
Just tell me how to live my whole fucking life already.
>muhh christian values
I fucking hate Russia so goddamn much and it sickens me people on this board would praise this bullshit as fighting da degeneracy and ignoring that it is literally Saudi tactics
damn now russian are forced to fap to the trap porn on Sup Forums
Nice one.
Ever since i started jacking off without porn i have a clearer mind, never have to worried about not getting hard with a woman, etc. Porn is literal kike mind poison. It SHOULD be banned.
Wtf I hate Russia now
>Should the government mandate nutritionally balanced meals so that no one is fat? Should daily exercise be required for everyone?
nice try satan
They dont want degenerates that fap 5 times per day in their country.
Porn is legal to view, just illegal to produce or distribute. Our censorship board even explicitly states they don't care about your porn habits as long as you don't download or distribute
agreed! how fucking dare these monsters block my cuck porn! oy gevalt! this is LITERAL oppression!
Pornography is degenate. Good on them.
Great! Porn is another psy ops tool the keep us under the whip of the lower chakras energies. FUCK PORN, PRAISE KEK
I wish he'd block Steam servers.
>waah russia banned 11 porn websites
>implying that 90% of the internet doesn't consist of porn.
porn is degenerate and i wish i couldnt get it so easily
putin must care about his people
Ty Putin, now block Swedens acces to those sites too so i can stop being a degenerate kthxbye
Fuck off Mo
He is going to turn Russia into caliphate and declared himself as sultan with the aid of his loyal muslim friends.
Russian nationalist btfo
Good. Based
Putin is based.
Savior of white the race.
Rub his cock in a Jews face.
Let Obama know his place.
hmm... i wonder which one you are...
Fuck off you retard with your black cock fetish, you might as well order women to wear niqabs if it'll stop them from dressing like whores. Ban alcohol too while you're at it, its da liquid joo, that way your only drug is the church.
I hope they just shut down those easily accessible streaming sites not download sites
*of the white race, kek
o/ hail vlad
Muh freedom
That's why your country will be ruled by faggots and women soon
I used to be a libertarian good goy but then I've come to realize that, while individual liberty should be a guiding principle, sometimes paternalism is needed against (((subversive influences))).
Pronhub and xvideo are open, xhamster is blocked.
Good. This will lessen the number of NEETs and MGTOW faggots.
You just want to have your cake and eat it too. You won't get your perfect little situation. We are going to ban it all, and publicly whip you and your sluts. It's for the better. Humanity needs a rigid society to live in. You are threatened by the rise of morality so you try to compromise it by stopping it in it's tracks and only letting it go so far. You scum.
>make porn illegal
>make prostitution legal
>reincorporate brothels into society and tax them
>no more visual stimulation
>sluts that want to throw their lives away can still do so
Think about the world before porn existed
what effect has it had?
Why should I care about Vlads getting a wank.
Putin projects power, so he bans porn. His peoples will now stink of fear and piss
Bravo. Porn is shit. Wish the entire industry were banned.
That's not Putin though, it's their censuring agency and they're retarded and have too much time on their hands.
Do you think Putin micromanages everything in Russia?
>MGTOW faggots in Russia
Thank God no one there is retarded enough to even think of something like that.
What about mless?
Are the sites exclusively American or Jewish? Because that would do it. Can't have the Russian population being brain washed by the BBC cuck porn.
>Wanthing the Government in your bedroom...
rhymes based with itself.
rhymes race,face,place.
Land der Dichter und Denker confirmed
>Should the government mandate nutritionally balanced meals so that no one is fat? Should daily exercise be required for everyone? Is not brushing my teeth going to be against the law too
What a load of useless crap:
>mandatory LGBT acceptance videos
>mandatory anti alt-right lessons and exams
Now we are talking.
Where will I get my russian not son?
>rhymes based with itself.
Thats not where the """poem""" started you absolute faggot.
>banning jewish pornsites
>russia owned pornsites bring more money
good idea
>wanting the government in your third work washroom gay yiff scat fap sess
>not shooting up your gay lover with your cousins' needle just before hand
>not allowing your supervisor to use your hole in exchange for nappy time
Putin ad Trump are our last hope. I hope once Trump is elected he'll also do something similar or at least try to open the general public to how bad porn actually is, especially to our youth.
The ironic part of it all is you'll see feminists and cucks defending porn because 'muh female sexuality' while they actively attack men who want sex themselves.
Good, pornhub is filled degeneracy especially with cuck porn
Maybe now theyll actually have more sex and make more children. Or not. Probably not.
Nice source and if it was true it would be great news because porn is fucking cancer and bad for you
Its protectionist policy to make the world best pornsite, which is Russian, even greater.
No one in russia cares about us shit sites.
It has BBC category? :)
I mean, porn is mainly made to sway the general population from caring about important issues.
All teens care about is porn and being sexually active even though it shouldn't be that important.
It's just a way the government uses to control you. Good for them to ban the Jewish porn sites. Amateur and local porn should be the only allowed porn.
Nothing desu because we still have a germanistan tier birth rate. The government is already in panic with projected decrease in able bodied males to conscript in the next couple decades while the population still increases due to immigrants. Many measures and incentives for starting a family has been tried but not entirely successful because the price of housing and education keeps increasing, so even if you earn $4k a month as an average joe it won't cut it unless the wife works as well, even moreso if you want a car
Also, alot of infrastructure is dedicated to tourism by promoting degenerate activities like clubbing or gambling in order to get rich foreigner shekels and investments, but end of the day shit is expensive and increasingly so for the average singaporean.
It cannot be done in US. It involve too much money and (((they))) use it to propagate the feminization and destruction of society.
it's only oppressive when a muslim country does it.
>It has BBC category? :)
Goddamit Portugal
good. Russia has atleast some things figured out.
Please hue, tell me how the left in anyway expresses freedom. Going after free speech and the 2nd ammendment says otherwise. Both the left and right would love their totalitarian view of the US.
Good decision. He wants the best for his glorious nation.
Who here has ever complained about muslims banning porn except kikes like you? Go back to sucking little baby dicks rabbi
Good riddance, porn is degenerate
Porn isn't bad, just like guns aren't bad.
Loss of self control is bad, and that's YOUR PROBLEM, not ours, to deal with.
Stop blaming things for the actions of people, you flaming leftard.
Russians crave only the finest Big British Cocks :^)
We should ban all american cuckold brainwashing propaganda fuck your freedums kike
No shit retard?
Easy access to Porn damages young boys, many studies to back that up.
Did you know in 2004 when the Israelis conquered a Palestinian villiage, they started streaming porn on Palestinian tv channels?
Did you know most porn companies are owned by Jews? Did you know Jews initially pushed for relaxing of obscenity laws?
>access to pornhub is a human right
>the government stopping you from doing things that ultimately don't affect anyone else isn't oppression
It will be a glorious alliance.