Spores Must Flow Edition
Spores Must Flow Edition
>Star Trek Discovery Sneak Peek
>The Orville Sneak Peek
If long jumps are so difficult and unpredictable why not just jump like halfway there and then do that again
or maybe jump 3 times
Four, even
>tfw no sakonna gf to watch std with
>these threads only have 20 people who like it
>Its getting panned everywhere
>the acting is shitty
>there is absolutely nothing to talk about unless its the inconsistency's or plot holes or what to call it
Its dead jim
>hey you! do science faster! the slowness of your science is killing children and everyone knows it!
why is LITERALLY EVERYONE on this shitshow so horribly unlikeable?
LOL post the real one Mr man tits
A packed lunchbox containing atmosphere is a p. cool idea
because eventually it won't feel like it's sexually transmitted disease. It will be associated more with the show (which hopefully won't be such a sexually transmitted disease by that time)
DIS has its own pejorative sound so what's the difference? I like to dis on this show because it is written so poorly.
Poor caterpie
I agree. DSC is the best abbreviation
Are you seriously telling me there's no way whatsoever to get something into the containment pen aside from just throwing the door wide open? This is the worst fucking science ship ever.
I mean fucking beam it or whatever, damn
Are those nipple clamps? How considerate of the STD crew to come equipped with such pleasantries.
uhhh no sweetie but here is a gold star for at least trying.
how the fuck did that scene get past anyone?
maybe they are trying to be like GoT where they try to be edgy by killing off people suddenly?
How is Voq gonna get his ship back bros?
>>there is absolutely nothing to talk about unless its the inconsistency's or plot holes or what to call it
This is spot on. There is nothing interesting in the episode or the show, not even a interesting character.
as much as i want to call this STD it really is unfair because no other acronym has the ST in it
its like saying STV
>polls posted in /orville/
Um you know they don't count, sweetie.
>matriarchs who will expose you to things you never thought possible
wew voq
Same. We already know we're talking about Star Trek. Including ST is retarded
You can call it anything user, were not stopping you. It was kind of unfair to use /DIS/ since the Disney generals use it.
Use anything though its just a title, be yourself user and ignore it like you should do all that troll bait :D
some exec spots you on the street and says
>"hey kid, if you want you can be in Star Trek, but your character is canonically retarded, like Forrest Gump in space"
what do you do?
get paid
OK what if you were like a billionaire though
it's just for fun
Become best character in the show and get all the roles after that, obviously.
But it's great to hatewatch just like GoT. Watch it and immediately make fun of it on Sup Forums. It is it's own kind of comfy.
>Become best character in the show and get all the roles after that, obviously.
Does that include all the acne too?
It doesn't need an abbreviation all you have to say is "the crap one" and people will know what you are talking about
If it really needs one it should be ST:TCO
whatever it takes
>>Star Trek Discovery Sneak Peek
>captain torture scene
>"There are three lights!"
Jesus, talk about having to rely on TNG callbacks to sell your show
shit is that what she was saying? I got bored reading subtitles so I only gathered that she has allies that can help him somehow.
>What do I have to sacrifice?
Will they take his peepee?
/DIS/ is our thread!
This. They teased an interesting character and extinguished all of that potential in order to show that Burnham is right and everyone else is wrong again. And holy fuck she died stupidly. How is curry commander even in Starfleet when she's such an idiot?
is she going for that transracial look?
i mean the show stressed how important it was for them to save such and such planet
but did they expect us to buy this bitch was gonna lope off this things claws, turn them into a fieldable and game changing weapon in 5 hours, all while assuming they have a need for it?
Nah, that's a very irish curl
Black hair tends to be tighter and more springy
When will these braindead writers finally learn that Trek isn't about war? They're playing Trump's game
The scene with her mauled body in the medbay was hilarious. You'd think that they can heal cuts in the future but the doc immediately declares her dead. It wasn't even dramatic. Just a clarification for the audience that this dumb character won't come back.
There are less Orville posters, and the poll is meant for both fanbases
Are you implying there are less STD fans than Orville fans?
fuck me
that unsourced poll means you switched that /STD/ won in photoshop since the other has never won.
Elon Musk was an investor, not an inventor. He will not be remembered 20 years from now.
How are any of these dumb characters in Starfleet? There's not a competent one in the bunch.
yfw STD is dead after a season. these space egyptians aka shitty klingons are a drag and all these characters are jokes. what a shit show
Well STD's are fatal and this one didnt go viral to warrant another season.
World War III happened in Star Trek so for all we know Elon Musk might have invented the vibrator strap on.
>He already lost pretty much all he had in life anyway
they said Elon Musk I thought that was super cool because it relates to headlines I see in the activity page on the facebook I use since I have alot of friends.
Im hoping there is more cool stuff in this show like the awesome ship which turns into a fidget spinner to go FAST!
>tfw you'll nver see the qt loyal security chief get BLEACHED
I will never not be angry about the ship's saucer being a gigantic fidget spinner and the jump animation being the ugliest thing in sci-fi.
I actually hated that because Musk has done fuckall. Yes, he landed a rocket, but all of his other ideas have been absolute dogshit that's already proven unviable. See hyperloop and "HURR DURR USE ROCKETS TO TRAVEL INSTEAD OF PLANES".
Same...I am LOVING the feel, style, and look of Discovery..
The show doesn't feel ever like it's on a stage, or a tv show set. That's seriously a first for me for a Star Trek show
>Spores Must Flow
I'm glad someone else thought the same thing.
This was the first thing I thought of, but I thought perhaps there's some handicap. Yet, when they got there, they went away very quickly in the same manner. So, I know the only problem was navigation over long ranges. Meaning the writers are morons.
It's a wee bit more than that really.
I like the engineer guy...
And Saru, I guess
Then finally what STD is most likely referring to in its universe.
how much of that do you think Elon designed?
the answer may surprise you
>blatant plot hole
ever took a gander to who is making it?
this is star trek: transformers
I'm not surprised at all since I research and keep up with this stuff since it is the biggest thing for space since landing on the moon. It just isn't sexy enough for most normies.
This. The Orville has better and more engaging shit than STD does. Which is pretty sad since I really wanted a good ST series now that Continues is coming to an end.
So you know Elon just bankrolled it?
I agree that it's a fantastic achievement, but Elon is to it as Jobs is to the iPod
So that one Orville guy is still bitch, moaning and complaining huh?
Didn't Edison also not invent shit?
Being remembered for innovation is all about marketing really.
Again, the part where they actually were able to reuse the rocket by landing it is the only impressive thing. The rest of that is just wasting fuel for no purpose. Rocket stability isn't anything new. Nasa had to solve all of those issues YEARS ago. Elon Musk doesn't come up with new ideas. He snake oils old ideas with no viability behind them and the only thing SpaceX has done worth noting is having a reusable rocket.
isn't even impressive because it's just a simulation. Don't forget he also did one using the exact same concept except that instead they want to launch people in rockets to travel across the globe. So for a 30 minute trip from tokyo to new york, all passengers would get like 12Gs just on exit and reentry. It's not fucking viable.
And that's when I knew you were a troll. No one in the actual scientific community is excited by what he's done because none of it is viable and he's just scamming hype out of people. If you want a normie friendly explanation of why you're an idiot, go watch thunderfoot.
>Are you implying there are less STD fans than Orville fans?
of course there are because as a Scifi fan I can recognize that Orville is a cheap chinese knockoff of STD because only brainlets would watch that space junk instead of blasting off with STD to boldly go where nothing has gone before!!!
>why nothing?
Because it avoids using the wrong gender or kin/spirit type since in the future there will be thousands of genders.
>The Federation is using Spice to travel in space
>Voq is lowkey heading out to train with the Bene Gesserit and become Muad'Dib
Oh shit.
what is the Federtation's tax policy?
umm no sweetie he discovered Mars
I'll literally cut my dick off is they can land like that from orbit
That all sounds impressive until you realize that it's not viable when compared to one-off use rockets due to the sheer cost difference, and we've known this since the shuttle program.
He didn't really invent anything but he did improve a lot of things in really substantial ways. Like the basic operation of filament lightbulbs existed beforehand but it needed really high current and specialised equipment.
tfw Orville is more Star Trek than STD
everybody gets fuck you money
blatantly ripping off dune would be an improvement to this shit but it's actually
>The Federation is using an organic spore to access a living extradimensional fungal network navigable only by interfacing an overgrown microscopic killer beast with the ship's computer
as opposed to
>The Federation uses a consciousness altering substance to enhance the human mind in order to perform calculations needed for interstellar travel
>Voq is lowkey heading out to have the obligatory "bad guy has bad ideals (is a trump supporting white supremacist) and is going to sacrifice the last of his humanity for power in order to become completely dislikeable"
instead of
>Voq is going to become a prescient demigod capable of manipulating the fucking future and actually winning the war
so no, while having star trek: transformers become star trek: dune might actually make it watchable, we will have no such thing
Don't make promises like that my man.
Literally all they have to do in addition to what they can already do is slow down to a hover after re-entry.
Considering terminal velocity is a thing, and it's relatively low close to Earth's surface, it isn't too big of a leap.
Scientifically speaking, there wasn't even much of a gap between Luna 9 and Apollo 11. Once you figure out the mechanics, it's only a question of fuel to match the cargo and a bit of elbow grease.
It's already possible, like said. It's just a matter of fuel for reentry. Musk seriously isn't doing anything new here. While it is impressive that he can reuse his staging rockets, it's not very cost effective.
I really don't see your point.
Just like how the Wright Brothers were not the first people to fly a powered aeroplane. A New Zealander did that.
>snake oil
>knew you were a troll
I've no clue what you are expecting here. This has nothing at all to do with science. This is merely engineering. He's a mover and a shaker. He's getting it done. No one else is doing it on this scale this quickly. That's the big thing.
STD is a fictional tv show in a universe where Musk did something far greater than what has occurred in our universe. That's more than likely the planned Mars stuff.
I'm really not sure why you are so angry. That's kind of odd.
The part that isn't viable is the ending where they terraform Mars. Humanity doesn't have enough time or resources to do that. We could kick start it going, but waiting aroudn for 500k years for the final project isn't going to happen. Instead anyone on Mars will be living in underground bunkers for their entire lives and having blind Jello Babies. As for your cost difference thing. I don't think they really care. The Mars thing is for getting humanity's eggs out of 1 basket.
Also, SpaceX will be launching StarLink. A 12,000 satellite world internet system at around 1,200km in orbit. That will be interesting since it means everyone on the planet will be able to access high speed internet better than anything in history.
>it's not very cost effective.
If the tech keeps advancing and their goal is realized, 1 rocket will be able to make multiple launches, refuels, and returns during 1 mission. If they pull it off, it will be amazing. You'll see spaceports all over the globe with rockets blasting of all the time like an airport. He's a fucking madman.
In reality, SpaceX is launching a satellite in half an hour. Here's the live broadcast:
I was thinking just that while working today. Like true blue Star Trek too, but with a bit more humor. STD feels like some other TV show. Like something on the fucking SyFy channel.
>12,537 waiting
Shit. Music just started.
> youtube.com
>17,422 watching now
Fug, is this /sci/ now? I wonder if it will fucking blow up or not.
Dream on, Mars man!
Holy fuck, it is starting.