When a woman's life is in danger, it is your duty to sacrifice your life so that she might live.
>because women are more valuable.
You don't want to be a bad person, do you?
When a woman's life is in danger, it is your duty to sacrifice your life so that she might live.
>because women are more valuable.
You don't want to be a bad person, do you?
give it up fag, no guy is going to sacrifice himself for you
Always depend ...
The only people a man should sacrifice himself is for friends and family, and that is regardless of gender
>When a woman's life is in danger, it is your duty to sacrifice your life so that she might live.
This RARELY happens. I might still do that but the odds I'll actually get killed or even injured this way are so low it doesn't matter. It's just a tradition OP, why make a big deal out of it?
>strong independent womyn need your sacrificing
What a patriarchal sexist bigot its 2016!
Woman have more valuable parts then the man. MGTOW is a danger too western society as much as feminism. You both destroy the relations between genders. As a MGTOW you're throwing away the greatest gift given to men, creating offspring.
Men choose to be slaves. Men also choose to brutally shame other men into being disposable slaves for women, religion, government, society, etc etc etc.
You have to admit, women in western society have completely dominated men. They have us by the balls, even the biggest "alpha males" are servile fags when it comes to women.
MGTOW is a Jewish plot to eliminate the white race
>Yes goys, women are whores and not worth the trouble
>White men are weak, they can't control women. It's better for all white men to die virgins, than to put in any effort
Women give birth, you don't. Plus they are weaker and it's your job as a man to protect weaker.
Otherwise you're a fucking pussy, not even a man.
>women more valuable
pick one faggot
Womans are your sensitive half you should take care of them as such if they are ready to give their live for you you should be ready to give yours but not at all price
Easy to say when you live in a conservative white country.
Of course you are right under your context.
The only logical reason to sacrifice your life is to secure life of your own offspring. Anything else - and you are discarded in natural selecrion.
I can already tell this thread is going to turn into a thread where people try to be "honest" to guys by telling guys things that "society is too nice to say".
In reality, this entire topic is not as bad as either side portray it to be. I see no evidence of it in real life, and I've looked. Sure, some women can't get dates, but that's because they are trained to always blame men instead of looking in the mirror and realizing that they are the problem, not "HURR MEN THESE DAYS".
>Women are baby making machines
And that's why we need feminism.
Creating offpsprings is something that even bacteria can do you are so goddamn retarded.
>Plus they are weaker and it's your job as a man to protect weaker.
No its our job to protect the cunt before she gives birth once she shits out the kid its not our problem anymore.
This knight is so white my eyes burned off.
I refuse to be alone with a woman. I even cross the street if I see one walking toward me on the same side.
I presume she deserves it when I overhear my neighbor beat his wife. I say nothing and do nothing to stop it.
I got a vasectomy so no children will be had by me. I spend all the extra money on whatever the fuck I want.
And I refuse to pay taxes because I don't support government pushing trannyism on children.
I'm mgtow and I love it. No amount of whining can convince me that I'm not living the dream.
I didn't know that! wtf i love bacteria now.
i wish this was a world were men could trust women to be selfless and loyal, so they deserved such a protection
>Creating offpsprings is something that even bacteria can do you are so goddamn retarded.
I didn't know humans could just split themselves into two new people.
Tell me more.
make that blely bigger, put a blacked logo in medieval letters, give dark skin to the plebe and white skin to the cucknight
I would throw 100 women in cliff to save myself, faggots.
Should shop in "KEKED"
If it's someone I know and like, I'll step in and do something.
Otherwise, it's her moment of learning experience to deal with. She probably asked for it in some form or another either through provocation or lack of foresight of her actions.
Jeez guys.
If the woman is a fat tumblr "rapefugees welcome" bitch, let her die.
If **you** think she if worth saving, then you have a choice.
End useless thread /
>Plus they are weaker
This is why we have guns, oh wait now gun control makes even more sense.
Women are not weaker than men. Physical strength is only one attribute of many attributes. Emotional intelligence is another attribute and being able to use it to manipulate others effectively is a form of strength.
The fact that men have evolved into a state where they have larger muscles than women is actually evidence of women being able to dominate men. They dominate men by manipulating men into turning over the fruits of their labor to them and they accomplish this feat rather easily. Women have no need for muscles when they can just get a man to perform menial tasks for them. Your larger muscles are evidence of your forefathers having been emotionally dominated by a woman who manipulated him into volunteering to be her drone.
Allow me to put this concept into terms to which you can relate.
When you play a summoner in an RPG and you use your summoned creature to kill the enemies you encounter in the game environment while you hang back at a relatively safe distance, do you give credit for those kills to the creature you summoned? Of course not. You consider every creature your summoned creature killed for you your kill and you don't even question that you deserve the experience points. The summoned creature who actually did the killing for you is just a drone.
Getting a man to do something for her is as easy for a woman as it is for you to press the #3 key on your keyboard to summon a creature in an RPG. That isn't weakness. It is a very strong capability.
Traditional women are a very real danger to men.
ITT: Slaves justifying their slavery
My genetic data is more important than anyone elses. I'd let the whole world die to save myself and a small harem of breeding sows.
>Women give birth, you don't
They don't either. When they don't do what they're supposed to, there's no logical reason why men should either.
kek that's an interesting way to put it. Nice job trying to reach out to us nerds.
>Traditional women are a very real danger to men.
What if I had no trouble doing these things for a traditional woman (assuming they still existed)? They sacrifice a lot, it's only fair that a man would too.
Seems to me that there are too many biological differences (and they inevitably end up affecting how society works, even if you try to regulate it away) to try to make men and women truly the same.
Women should be allowed to (and have been for a LONG time) do the same things as men, but right now they are trying to force it, and it's costly on everyone in so many ways.
Women get an automatic bonus to their value because of their eggs/uterus. This value is only relevant to a society, and to humanity as a whole. If you pay taxes, you are already giving away free money to women and their kids, and paying for their protection.
If you choose to also sign a contract with your government to directly forfeit your resources and freedom in the future for a woman, you have nobody to blame but yourself.
You could just as easily say women were manipulated by men into staying home and raising the kids while we had fun tracking a mammoth with our bros.
Is this pasta? seriously, I'm new here.
We defend our women and children, because they represent our future.
It is our duty to die for our people. If a woman should betray the sacred trust of our people, she should surely be cast out from this system, from our tribes and nations. Infidelity, wickedness and the use of men for nothing more than personal gain; those who shirk the burden of motherhood and murder their young; these are to be reviled, on principle alone. Extend them courtesy, if you must, but never trust them.
Would there be anything wrong with that? What if, after you returned with mammoth meat with your bros, she took your mammoth meat, kicked you out of the hut, and had other duded with clubs threaten you if you came near?
based rare flag
Would you faggots just hurry up and extinct yourselves and stop shitposting the same thread every day?
time to get the fuck out then
MGTOWs plz go. You're losers failures and cuckolds. You're autistic about women and over analyze everything they do and say. You got rekt by femenism, femenism cucked you. You don't understand human relationships and you will never be intimate with someone of the opposing gender because you can't.
go masturbate fucking faggot
You just want us to pump out more Tax slaves you dirty yid
kurwa stary co ty cpiesz, wiem ze ty to ta sama osoba z BSE i wszedzie gdzie widze te twoje posty niepasujace do niczego, ogarnij sie kurwa.
Why should a man sacrifice himself for a woman?
It does nothing for the man, nor does it do anything for society.
Men have blindly sacrificed themselves for women and the women just end up with men who were not so foolish.
Men have no duty to women. Men have no reason to give anything to a woman who will never reciprocate. This means the man has to be alive, never sacrificing himself.
However, women tend to not reciprocate fairly. The man's efforts are many times the woman's effort and women still get the better deal.
Look fag. Nobody, not even your poor mother is expecting you to sacrifice your hotpocket for her. In the unlikely event that you grow the fuck up gain some self respect, integrity and sense of honor then people will be drawn to you and you will come to know and respect some of those people, once you have a family you yourself will want to sacrifice everything for their well being
To treat anyone better than they would treat you is psychotic
Women are instinctual narcissists
No duty to random whores. Only worried about those dear to me. Fuck bitches get honey.
Please keep this autistic virgin shit in /r9k/, thanks.
Depends on the woman.
It's as if you fags don't understand how chivalry worked. The nobility was never expected to save whores or peasant trash from anyone they were supposed to rule them and defend them and their property from outside threats. The nobility defended women of noble birth partly because they were related anyway and partly because they were of equal rank and therefore had to be afforded respect when someone insulted a noble born woman that was an affront to the entire institution of the nobility and had to be punished
Things will only get progressively worse and worse if there aren't at least a few people willing to treat others better than they have been treated.
Knights were supposed to protect members of the royalty, that's what a "damsel in distress" is: the princess, a heir to the throne, the continuity of the monarchy, not some random cuntslut.
Chivalry died when knights weren't needed anymore.
Not our job to pick up shitty women. Let the left wing beta males do it.
thats a bomb ass pic senpai, ill trade ya
>you fags don't understand how chivalry worked.
Chivalry was becoming a cuck for your country sacrificing your individuality to protect the nation, church and society the weak and vulnerable in particular.
Not white knighting bitches you daft pleb.
>Protecting your family
>The same as giving your life for a random woman
You are either retarded or a cuck
Toppest of kek. You make it sound like you made a decision to swear off women when in reality no woman would want you, anyway.
Well the nobility weren't cucks. They were the elite whose job was to go to war and they rather liked doing it. The cucks and the plebs were pressed into service by the nobility and expected to die for their hovel o weather they like it or not
Yeah, no. I didn't mean that. Sure, white knighting is ridiculous, but other user's post read awfully bleak...
i never wanted to marry at any point in my life because i cannot make offspring
not once have i ever labeled myself as some mtgow faggot
srsly, they parade their life choices around as if they are rebelling against... nothing? they are more out and annoying than pony fags
strong independent man who don't need no man
>in before "waaah ur just mad i am doing my own thing"
> giving your life for a random woman
Is this what MGTOW fags think society expects or ever expected from men? Look fags your problem is that you've read all the hardcore femenism and m'lady Reddit tier shit you've internalized it and you're having a violent autistic reaction against something that isn't even real
>because women are more valuable.
Yes, since with 1000 wome and just one man you can create a population, with the opposite you can't
yeah sorry no, not falling for this one again
>go to war
I think you may have watched too many movies lad, while the nobility definitely were warmongering they wouldn't be anywhere near a battle the only nobles to do so would be the ones who gained there titles through military service.
>expected to die for their hovel o weather they like it or not
No man would fight for a country he did not love he would either revolt or just roll over and let the invaders pass.
>You make it sound like you made a decision to swear off women
I don't. I didn't "go my own way", I was "sent my own way" kek. And gave up. But it doesn't matter if you chose to or not. You gotta cope with that some way. I don't identify as MGTOW though, it wouldn't really make sense.
He was directly responding to OP you fucking retard who outright typed "When a woman's life is in danger, it is your duty to sacrifice your life so that she might live."
Woman can carry a baby
Man can go impregnate multiple women
He should save himself
they love thier YouTube vids
society excepts everyone to be an individual and pay taxes, that is it.
only people encouraging people to marry are families
the ultimate redpill is realizing that egalitarianism is retarded
you just made her look pregnant, tard harder
In the Middle Ages the nobility certainly did go to war all the time and were the main relevant fighting force, peasants couldn't afford armour a sword and a horse this changed after the Hundred Years' War when monarchies centralized and could afford a standing army
Does anyone actually want to discuss MGTOW issues?
it doesn't matter whether or not you have labeled yourself as MGTOW. You are MGTOW whether you want to call yourself that or not.
No, that shit is gay as fuck.
This is the women you must save. And your life as a Nobel winning respect male professor is meaningless.
Oh c'mon, there aren't real women. They're basically living memes. They make their living out of trolling men and pushing feminism to ridiculous extremes. This is rare.
>sacrificing yourself for a random woman
nobody expects you to do that you autistic faggot
You're fighting an ideology that doesnt exist
It does.
If you actively label yourself mgtow, you are not mgtow.
They are literally worth way less though.
sooo edggy
Fuck you
We still have our fucking dignity
Being a Marxist, feminist society destroying bitch is way more edgy.
You should not be resentful of this responsibility to protect women, you should be proud. Whatever happened to nobility?
who the fuck cares
The noble is the one receiving benefits from the plebs.
Guess who's who.
Women destroyed it and blame men
Not me.
I told my girl I am a lion and male lions dont work. I told her gather the food for me while I get stronger to defend what is mine. I work out 2 hours a day have a great and powerful body and dont have to work.
She wont even leave me because since I started lifting I am above her league in looks so she comes home and sucks my unemployed dick every night to keep me around.
Its glorious. One day she told me to get a job because I was talking to another women trying to strengthen my pride and I said if you want a wolf go to the wolves den and find yourself one. She said "no baby I want my lion but all to myself"
I won life.
>You should be proud of your status as a disposable bio tool
Man that weed is frying your brain.
and the lioness didn't get pregnant and there were no lion cubs and a hunter shot the lion because it was a lazy fuck
the end
yea until she finds another lion who makes a little more than you then youre done
Why? Bitch got herself in trouble not my job to save her.