Why has our feminist sweetheart who spoke at the United Nations and spearheaded the #HeForShe campaign, not said anything about these two fellas yet?
Really makes ya think...............................
Why has our feminist sweetheart who spoke at the United Nations and spearheaded the #HeForShe campaign, not said anything about these two fellas yet?
Really makes ya think...............................
Other urls found in this thread:
she did ya numpty
She's such a fake. The best possible representation of feminism. Hypocrite whore.
She is just so brave ;_;
good look tho eh
Are you still scared of girls, user?
ur a dummy
Cause she'd have to explain why she fucked them then
I mean, would you not have fucked emma watson
wat did she say
I wonder if they spitroasted her
so she wrote nothing then tweeted it was white mens fault? what a feminist hero.
>thousands of gangrapes stretching over years becomes "abuse" when brown people do it
was Harvey a foot fag?
who isn't?
>then tweeted it was white mens fault?
>literally hallucinating words that aren't there
>stop being racist you guize it was only a bit of gangrape
Literally defending years of underaged girls getting gangraped because muh racism.
>rape isn't a form of abuse
>abuse of women isn't something feminists condemn
wtf even is this post lmao
she still have bank accounts in Panama
she'll be fine
plus there's always dubai when she needs a loan if you know what I mean
>i'll call the gangrapes abuse and then move onto racism
look at how close she is to Weinstein
you just know
>calling it "disgusting" is "literally defending" it
>if rape gangs have members of X race that means all men of X race are rapists
At this point I legit can't tell if you're false flagging as a Sup Forumssmoker or you're just suffering the effects of the echo chamber.
>feminists condemn abuse of women
Then why didn't this noted feminist write an article condemning the """abuse""" in Rotherham?
>there's literally nothing wrong with abusing women
if you say so man
liberals btfo I guess
>the abuse was bad u guise
>but this racism is even worse
a proud feminist hero throwing 1400 little girls under the bus and here you are defending her. where's her article on rotherham? she can blame rape culture for lads wanting to see jennifer lawrences tits but when a twelve year old gas a train ran on her by achmed and co she tweets out one line then starts crying about racism. and we both know she only tweeted that after being repeatedly asked why she was refusing to write about rotherham you disingenuous spastic. now go cry about Sup Forums
feminists know whites arent really rapey and hate them and want them caged for even manspreading.
they want the leash loose on niggers and some 50 shades of Islam
they want to be raped
>when you have no ground to stand on so you just start making shit up
>there he goes again hallucinating shit that isn’t even in the tweet
>saying “also disgusting“ means it was worse
>also disgusting = even worse
>arguing with a liar = defending someone
>here's my fan fiction about this stranger I read a tweet from once
if you had an ounce of testosterone in your body you wouldn't have to constantly lie like this
this weaselly faggot shit is extremely feminine user
>gets caught laundering money and avoiding taxes in Panama papers and avoids punishment because of her celebrity status
>complains about gender equality in the dating world
>then decries men as pussies who won't take charge, saying she's attracted to strong men
>is a 3rd wave feminist
>fucked Harvey Weinstein for roles
>every behind the scenes rumour or news story says she's a massive bitch behind closed doors and to her fans
>is arrogant and entitled as fuck
>thinks she's a feminist leader because she gave a talk at the UN with Anita Sarkesian and left books around the London Underground
>is average at best in looks
why is she anyone's waifu again?
i love it when you faggots gave no comeback. where is her article on rotherham and why did she think the gamgrape of 1400 girls warranted one (1) line on twitter before immediately changing the subject to racism? tey and answer instead of changing the subject like your hero.
>hurr durr ur feminine
says the literal fucking roastie jumping to defend a cunt on the internet. see through as fuck.
She has you fucking idiot. Just as easily as you googled that pic you could have googled her response. How fucking stupid are you?
Your implication makes no sense unless there's nothing wrong with abusing little girls.
So which is it? Was she defending the rapes by calling them abuse, which means abuse is cool, or was she condemning them, which means abuse is bad?
That's a cool story bro but where is her article on Rotherham?
>when you have no ground to stand on so you immediately try to argue semantics and misrepresent opposition
I’m sure Daily Style is a place where people want this news and not stuff about a celebrity
That's a cool story bro so why is she constantly writing about rape and rape culture?
Is that the midget from Twin Peaks?
How tall is she?
"ur a faggot"
Every celeb that has gone quiet on Twitter was involved somehow I'm100% convinced.
>can't defend his shit "logic" so pulls out the reddit bogeyman
I accept your concession of defeat.
>i-i win
>when you have no ground to stand on so you try to argue semantics then unironically defend reddit
Or when ;D
>doesn't know what semantics is
>keeps lying
stop embarrassing yourself
gutter trash whores gonna whore
>when you have no ground to stand on so you try to argue semantics and unironically defend reddit
didnt they learn not to put money in panama after noriega took all of the drug dealers and money launders money?
Oh fucking piss off you limpwristed cocksuckers. Every single fucking time this happens with anyone but whites, every single fucking time the feminist write articles about how it is a problem with all men. The pulitzer prize winning Guardian is a perfect example of this - 25 articles per day about Bill Cosby, rape culture and patriarchy and then Cologne happened.
Absolute radio silence.
They released article on the 9th day, writen by a raging feminist and the article literally began with 'On the New Years Eve in Cologne, there happened something I really don't want to talk about.'
Feminist don't give a shit about women, let alone little girls, they are just a bunch of bolscheviks in skirts that hate the West, even though they are the biggest leeches of the system they claim to fight against.
you seem to know a lot about reddit
it's time for you to go back and stop advertising here
>when you unironically out yourself defending reddit and need to damage control fast
what does her twitter look like
This. White men never rape. Mexicans and modern blacks are the result of white men's charm on slaves and native tribe members ;)
>she wants the argument to revolve around the relationship between two words
>i'm not trying to argue semantics!
Roastie please.
it IS kinda hot to imagine she was probably DPed "against her will" and probably midway through started to get off to it
Quote me where I said anything positive about reddit you faggot redditor.
Where did he say white men never rape user? Do you have a reading problem?
yeah im sure its black women's charm and attractiveness that made white rich dudes lose control - and not supplicant whores who love a dominant slave daddy
im sure whitey was raping black bitches that not even black dudes are into
(or conquerors in the case of mexico)
87% of rape gangs in UK are Muslim.
5% of UK is Muslim.
Pointing this out is a problem for people like Ford.
>when the redditor outs herself crying about muh reddit boogeyman then desperately attempts damage control by resorting to the same boogeyman she was just complaining about
>thinks calling an action "abuse" is a defense of that action
kek why do you even bother posting here retard?
It brings me such joy to know that this petulant little bitch was fucked by that horrendous jew, that after making her little speech Big Harvey dropped a gigantic load on her mouth and sniffed her butthole and degraded her and awful ways
how do you think she got that far?
those fucking numbers
that little whore took so much old man sex (with black socks on)
She tried to blame the women of Cologne in that article stating it was their fault they were abused as they enraged the men by flaunting their wealth.
I love myself some unethical jew cocksucking British fraudulent whore
>still trying to argue semantics after being called out on it
>calls others retarded even though her tactic is embarrassingly see through
Wew ladette
>White men never rape
You really don't want to drag statistics into this, fucker. There was particularly interesting year in 2013 when it comes to racial divide in rapes.
Also interesting how those muslim gangs, all of them, only ever grooms white girls. but we have manspreading to talk about, don't we? Or the underrepresentation in WH40k, because feminists also want to be theocratical space nazis.
Nevermind the labor MP telling the Rotherham victims to shut the fuck up because it paints diversity in a bad way. Feminist labor MP also didn't hear shit about, she was too busy condescendingly mocking male suicide victims.
>when you're such an enormous faggot that you literally cannot stop promoting your home site on an anonymous image board
>when you are losing an argument so badly you resort to defending reddit then pretending it never happened even when your quote is there for all to see
>makes a retarded argument
>thinks screaming SEMANTICS like a retard with tourette's is a good defense of that argument
Roastie please. You got anything else other than a sad attempt to argue semantics?
Yes. An absolutely standard modus operandi of an European feminist - blame the victims or harass them into silence.
That article made my blood boil. imagine that your GF, sis or mom is being chased through the square of one of the biggest EU cities by a pack of thirty shitskins with no chance for a help, and some feminist swine will write article about how she is to blame because she is supposedly wealthy.
>when you still can't link to that nonexistent post you keep lying about
if only you had a father in your life to teach you not to be a little bitch
she's the real victim here, not those 1400 little shits who probably don't know anything about feminism.
All of these posts are over one minute apart and the post counter never increased once when they were posted. Pic very much related.
>she's still doing it
>when you are losing an argument so badly you resort to defending reddit then pretending it never happened even though your quote is there for all to see
Roastie please. Samefag harder this is getting pretty comical. Don't forget to download your reaction image first it's really helping you fit in.
When it happened I hobestly thought the Guardian were going to go apeshit over it. The fact they said nothing for over a week then tried to blame the women for getting abused was a real eye-opener. I can only imagine how they would have reported it if the attackers had been a drunken gang of white football hooligans but I can only assume the reaction would had been very very different.
Because she was the first girl they ever jerked off to
I will admit, she was hot when she was younger; but as every brit girl she hit the wall very early
I fucking hate her and JLaw for their personalities
100% she was born as a boy
was it autism?
Why does she dodge taxes? She says nice platitudes and pays some cordinator to create a nice social media campaigns to create a politically conscious and active freedom figher persona for her. Not saying this is some elaborate scheme, she believes she is a freedom fighter and really, really likes to give strong but in the end meaningless speeches and getting head pats after it. She has no conviction and doesn't really believe in anything that strongly. She's a rich cunt born to wealthy parents, has lived an extremely sheltered life and in the end will never be willing to sacrifice her comfort over anything.
In other words a typical wealthy western nimby woman.
Why do you poltards keep pushing this as if you hate emma watson or something? /s
She was already world famous and worth 70 million not some who.
You've spammed this all over reddit even. Makes you think. Pure fucking autism
Because she's better than the ugly untalented bitch you like you jealous roastie. Holy shit you sperg
The UK banks are required to publicize your info she did nothing wrong. Dude fuck the jews! What she legally fucked the jews
She's literally based as fuck especially because you're so triggerred very fucking day of your life. She didnt do anything to weinstein you dimb fuck she was in an ensemble cast bc she was the most famous girl her age. Dude cherrypicking
Dude I'm gonna ignore her charity work before the UN because I don't actually know anything
She wasn't you are straight up as dumb as a nigger. This website needs to be torched.
She doesn't she paid income tax on all her money. Why do you care she didn't keep some of her money in jewish banks, they publicized her school address. Sounds like you just hate her. Wow so original!
>having your head this far up Watson's stinky butthole
>She's literally based as fuck
She literally willingly got in bed with Harvey faggot
cry moar
your waifu is a fucking slut