Why cant I take the money I am paying into Social Security and just give it directly to my grandfather instead?
Why cant I take the money I am paying into Social Security and just give it directly to my grandfather instead?
You can't get social security till you're 65 I think.
because not everybody can afford to support their elderly parents
As a nation, we decided that it is important that all of our elderly citizens can all afford to live with dignity and support. If it were an opt-in system, it would not be sustainable. There are too many assholes out there who would be indifferent to the suffering of the elderly.
Because it's a wage tax. You aren't actually entitled to any of the money you are taxed. If you get benefits, that's someone else's money they took.
>because not everybody can afford to support their elderly parents
Yet everyone can afford to pay the tax
> indifferent to the suffering of the elderly.
Should have raised better children
What about when your child is disabled?
What about when your child is unemployed?
What about parents who outlive their children?
What about parents who are unable to have children?
Whenever you think you've got a simple solution to a complex problem, you're probably not thinking it through entirely.
It isn't your money. Money belongs to the state.
Then you are part of a tiny minority and should go to your community for help
Mutual aid worked fine in this country up until the welfare state came along
>social security
>too many people living too long
>Yet everyone can afford to pay the tax
Welcome to the government. Social Security costs more money than people put into it.
>Here's a simple solution; a social net funded by tax payers!
>Govt is the simple solution to every complex problem.
>If it were an opt-in system, it would not be sustainable.
It isn't sustainable now, We don't have an exponential growth with population where every generation is doubling in size.
Another problem is Age, When you it was first thought of no everyone made it to the age of 62 and no many people lived past that so it functioned. No we are at the point where a lot of millennials will live to be 100 years old and some will live to be over 150.
We need to get rid of Social Security or at least make it an Opt-in system.
>Then you are part of a tiny minority and should go to your community for help
My country is my community. The zenith of democracy is the treatment of its minorities.
The elderly should not have additional burdens placed upon them, especially when they are within an additionally vulnerable minority. Their quality of life should not be subject to the whims of their children.
FYI... not everyone pays it. I have a public industry specific pension that is far better and far more funded and secure than social security. I am exempt. I will never qualify for SS. Instead I will get my state pension which is managed by people I elect in funds I have some say in to the tiniest degree.
Feelz good.
I know like anything it could all fall through the floor recession style, but so could SS or any private product.
Between my employer and myself we put near 17% of my paycheck into the fund monthly. When I retire and at age 55 for life I will get 2% x years of service of highest average 60 month paycheck to include bonuses and overtime.
Assuming projections are correct and the last 5 years I make $120,000 after 30 years of service I will get $72,000 per year for life at 55.
Feels good man...
Best part is, the fund is fully covered and has excess we loan out to state and private industry.
Makes you think, makes those neurons fire off, how fucked SS is and what a sham it is for Congress to steal more money for pet projects.
How would making it an opt-in system make it any more sustainable?
>As a nation, we decided that it is important to run a giant pyramid scheme to supplement general tax revenues and screw over future generations
>My country is my community.
No its not
My country is full of millions of foreigners that I don't give two shits about
tl;dr fag
This isn't livejournal
Really makes those neurons fire off.
Their quality of life is subject to the decisions they made through adulthood.
IF you can't afford to retire that's not my fault and I won't pay for you to sit at watching CBC all day.
Get a real career and save for retirement it's that simple.
Retards and the disabled have friends,family and charity to support them.
Opt in
Nope, we can just tax the rich more and set the estate tax to 100%. N one needs more than 100k a year
Off yourself.
>zenith of democracy is the treatment of its minorities
A system of majority rule inherently hurts minority groups, which is why democracy is awful. Placing individual liberty above all else is the way to go.
t. minority
Because then it doesn't support federal employees. JUST PAY! STOP THINKING ABOUT IT!
You should be able to support yourself through retirement with the money you earned and saved during your working years. No welfare whatsoever.
Civilization is collapsing. Why are we spending hundreds of billions of dollars keeping old people alive so they can watch 8 hours of TV a day and vote Cuckservative?
How about have lots of kids so they take care of you?
You are free to go live in the wasteland of your choice(lots it tundra you can build a hovel on) if you don't like it,pay taxes, or dodge taxes and get raped in prison.
You make the call.
Bingo! You just solved the West's white birthrate problem.
What if I want to buy something that costs 200k?
What if my lumber yard needs a new transport truck and flatbed trailer?
That's ~400,000 right there.
No one NEEDS any money at all, but if I earn it, it's mine. Not some nigger on EBT with 0 skills and an IQ of 60.
What the fuck are you even trying to say?
Because then the government can't take the money that you're paying, ostensibly for your grandfather, and use it to blow up brown people on the other side of the planet for whatever lie they are telling this week.
Then I guess you can't expand to greedily make more money until you ay your societal debt.
If you don't like it no one is forcing you to run a business.
All the Americans who are white on here, depending on your region hiw donyou treat your elderly?
I'm if bean descent and my family takes turns taking care of little ol' grandma after gramps passed away, when one if my parents die I'm going to take care of them until they move on but I'll never stick them in a nursing home or ditch them.
Being in commiefornia I see the more and more whites ditching the elders to rot in nursing homes, the only ones that really don't are the more poor whites and the ones who live in rural areas.
How is it where you guys are from, surely theres benefits of having a grandparent around, especially if you have kids of your own
It actually would be sustainable now if they would spend the money that they collected on social security instead of "borrowing" it for everything else.
Quality bait right here.
Pay your taxes, leave society or go get raped in jail.
Those are your options. There are too many in need to ever pysh your bullshit "muh money" selfishness and as society evolve
yes we will need more money for more programs so shut up, get on board or go die in the artic on the end of your cell mates dick.
Societal debt? This is a joke right.
My lumber yard sold the material for over 50 new homes last year. If I was limited to 100k that would have been at most 3 houses.
So what you want is for 3 houses to be built instead of 50?
Restricting what I am allowed to make harms society not benefits it.
What will the roads look like when the government can't give out a contract over 100k? They'll be repaired 50 feet a year.
Just because you don't know how to make money don't punish me.
Myself making more money is nothing but good for society.
The contractors get to hire more people the more houses they can build. The more material I can sell the more houses they can build. The more houses they build the cheaper houses get.
Where along the line do I obtain a societal debt?
I payed more in taxes last year than you want me to make. How is this beneficial to society?
>As a nation we decided
I wasn't alive, so I didn't get to decide shit.
He is right, you have to make greedy republicans do the right thing. I am ok with using armed force if that is what it takes.
>Why cant I take the money I am paying into Social Security and just give it directly to my grandfather instead?
Because all the old retards didn't think to have their own savings account and put money into it for their retirement.
Then they cry about not being able to retire.
So now you have a higher tax to accommodate for the fucking retards.
Grandma and Grandpa were indepedent until their 70's, then moved to Florida.
My uncle went with them and got a house down the block, and would visit them frequently and make sure they were okay.
Grandpa's dead now, Grandma is still at home on her own with her mangy cat and a bottle of whiskey. She's a mean grandma.
So you can easuly provide, good to hear. You are probablyqell off so you can afford to help out your fellow citizen and you don't really have a choice because if you dodge they will take what you own.
Propelled you sicken me, I am so happy the government forces you to pay what you owe but whining like a bitch on the internet about how impotent you are to stop it must make you feel better about what a bitch boy you are.
I don't see this too often in the Midwest. I imagine it's a drain on the household because we keep old people alive much longer than they would be on their own with medical technologies that are both costly time consuming. Putting Nana in home instead of spending all day feeding, medicating and cleaning the old vegetable just seems more feasible.
>not having your own retirement savings account
>taxing others because you didn't plan ahead
Literally retarded.
I payed 6 figures in taxes last year.
How much is enough? How many programs are enough?
We get new programs and new taxes every year and all they do is fail and cost more then they said it would.
Take it from the guy in a socialist shithole there is a point where it is just too much.
Those white oldfags allowed people like you in their country, dooming that country's native population.
Why should the native population give a shit about them?
>Pay into Canada pension plan
>Not enough Canadians paying into pension plan/not enough being paid in
>no guarantee that I will get any pension when I hit 65
Why the fuck AM I FORCED to pay into a social program that I will see NO benefit from when I meet the requirements. I could've taken that thousands of dollars I've paid in and put it in an RRSP and be way better off
Congratulations on the sub 100 IQ.
Why don't you try to write a coherent post?
I support my family and friends and take an active role in my community.
I donate to charity and I helped fund my local fair because they weren't even going to have it this year.
At what point have I done enough for society?
I paid more in taxes last year than you made, guaranteed. Yet somehow this isn't good enough?
Do something with your life nigger.
I'm looking for work if you want a real job come to Canada I pay $16 an hour to my guys in the yard or I can give you $14 to be a cashier.
It actually meets the SEC own definition of one
>A Ponzi scheme is an investment fraud that involves the payment of purported returns to existing investors from funds contributed by new investors. Ponzi scheme organizers often solicit new investors by promising to invest funds in opportunities claimed to generate high returns with little or no risk. In many Ponzi schemes, the fraudsters focus on attracting new money to make promised payments to earlier-stage investors to create the false appearance that investors are profiting from a legitimate business.
Because that's a waste of money to others.
I see your point, once they reach that point where death is going to take them its better to put them in a home or hospital.
My grandpa died of liver cancer and when they told him he just accepted it, all he wanted was to go out in his own house, on his own bed so he didn't really cause too much trouble when it came to taking care of him, it was trippy though watching Grandpa die in the 2 months after the diagnosis.
Oh I'm not too bad once you get to know friend :^)
But the illegals do have to go m8, I don't want the whites to go away, besides being a minority with the whites run ing things or at least when they were a majority here was cash
Social security is the biggest commie scam forced onto Americans.
>die before 65, where does the money go? into the pool for everyone else right?
>saved up more than 5 grand so you can retire, whoops you can't do that, you're over the threshold, you better get rid of that money, you cannot have more than 1-2k in the bank to collect
WTF and everyone pays into it thinking they could collect but more than half won't.
Milton Friedman
What he said we should do is correct. Gov should give us in bonds what we paid into social security then when we hit the 65 or so age and then we turn it in. Then we should work towards ending this pyramid scheme.
I am poor , I will always be poor, I am 34 make 16 k a year and that is the way it is. Social programs are how I survive and so I will vote for more every time as a matter if survival. I understand your desire to pay more and it is n your interests to do so. But economy poi t of view I don't care if taxes destroy you because those taxes feed and clothe me.
No bad blood bu t I have to look out for myself
Why dont you get a better job?
>t. Illegal Mexican
You're an idiot right?
>we decided
Yes, (((you))) did.
I am not gonna come to Canada fo a measly 14 an hour. Maybe if you weren't so greedy and eod be ok with living a normal life instead of makk g money you could pay a decent wage but you are just another greedy business owner trying to screw people over so you can buy more shit.
Get fucked. You will pay what they you an like it or not but regardless you will pay and do nothing but bitch about it.
Thanks for providing the tax base that pays for my food and shelter, I am dude you "work" "hard"
It isn't for helping your elderly parents, it's for helping the elderly, dumb shit.
Better proposal though: instead of going into a giant tank and distributed evenly, why not let us manage these accounts? All the money I pay in goes into my personal SS account and I can invest and devest it all I want and if I fuck up, that's on me. Or I can just leave it alone and have my own personal account when I am old enough to collect.
That way, I don't have to subsidize poor niggers even more.
your grandfather is a faggot who deserves to die, thats why.
who does the state belong to?
No job skills, not really sure how to develop them.
>because not everybody can afford to support their elderly parents
elderly people deserve nothing but a bullet to the head. If you can't work you are a leech and should be sent to the gas chambers.
Don't give me that man.
I was in a rut like you making 24k. You can develop skills nowadays for free. Read some books and spend some time learning I know you can do better.
Leeching off of me is bad for both of us. I lose money and you have no incentive to better yourself.
Don't take offence to this but I've know downies that could nearly support themselves with minimal state assistance.
>No job skills, not really sure how to develop them.
Can you suck dick?
Because if everybody did that, the government wouldn't be able to pay degenerates and niggers to vote democrat.
the state belongs to no one. The state is a force.
is your lumber yard's revenue the same thing as your income? i bet you pay yourself a salary in addition to owning the place
>live a "normal" life
>Work as hard an efficiently as you fucking can to create circumstances which put you ahead of the lot.
Which one do you think is normal?
You sir, are a Boat anchor. You talk about greed yet you give nothing.
You talk about normality yet are nothing of the sort.
You contribute NOTHING, Yet expect to GAIN EVERYTHING
You were what the nazis were gassing in the 40s
a ponzi scheme is for-profit
Measly $14? You should see what cashiers make at the grocery store.
You need to change your attitude if you ever want to get anywhere in life.
But if course you don't your a lazy nigger who doesn't know what work is.
I made $6 an hour as a teenager to spread cow shit 16-20 hours a day to see my life goals through.
Eventually after working in a half dozen industries learning and developing skills I purchased a near failing lumber yard and turned it around to a successfully company that helps the town I live in.
What have you done?
Laid on your dumb ass collecting other people's money complaining how hard life is.
Put yourself in my shoes, since I've been in yours the whole first half of my life.
Would you want to give half your money to the state?
Imagine I took 8 grand of the 16 grand you make every year. How would you feel?
Scratch that you probably wouldn't give a fuck because you didn't do a damn thing to earn it.
You just called everyone who had a problem with social security an asshole, triggering a boomerang effect.
Because a pension fund cannot be just supported by one family. And the private sector doesn't give a flaming fuck about offering pension funds to people in the first place.
Nah, honestly I am fine with benefits. You only live once so why spend it working? I have no clue why anyone tries to do more than get by.
No joke I have never felt a moment t if ambition in my life and want nothing more than the internet weed and video games until I die.
So I am fine taxing you so I can live my dream.
>16k a year
>$333 a month
>40 hours a week at min. wage is almost $300 per week
Fuck you faggot, work more lazy scum
thats not how the system works goy
you're not trying to avoid giving a share to the (((middleman))) are you?
On the books the profit - not revenue - is my salary.
But most of it goes either to the business, or various other projects like donating to the fair this year.
I'm at the point now where I don't really need a salary from the yard.
why should someone who is a clear economic loser pay equal taxes to someone who successful and wealthy? it's not like you're living hand to mouth
Suck my dick faggot, people like you bust your ass for people like me and you can t stop it.
To be honest I look down on you, you are a fucking slave busting your ass so I can sit at home, smoke weed, watch porn and drink.
Lol you are a bitch and you will never stop paying, you slave
so, hypothetically if you decide to but your workers' pay your profits go up, right?
your life is fucking shit and the hilarious thing is you don't even realise it because you've never experienced what having substantial disposable income is like
Social Security only goes to people who have jobs and pay into the system in the first place. Your confusing it with other programs.
Way to sidestep the question. Also false, the state (should) belong to citizens.
Because half of all social security taken is used to fund Democrat projects.
It's literally one of the biggest shill systems ever.
I pay a shit ton of money into social security because of my pay scale and my grandmother only receives a few hundred every month.
Democrats are literally parasites living off the working class.
because pensions are way too expensive and unsustainable. private sector figured this out years ago and have stopped using them as an investment vehicle.
US gov/population is still in the pipe dream that social security will work forever. needs to be reworked/abolished soon, but people won't care until the money runs out and it becomes an immediate issue.
it's a government-mandated retirement program. paul ryan's alternative is pretty much perfect - individual social security accounts; would essentially turn social security into an IRA-type program.
"but mah people won't save for themselves they aren't smart enough what will we do"
they can starve; or their children can take care of them since they were too retarded to save for themselves. this is not a counterargument and it is not a government/societal problem.
I also had a kid recently so I get boatloads of free shit. As a white guy I had no idea how much cash you get but Fuck it's a goldmine. I am pretty much retired.
There is no reason to work when. you can get by on the gov.
You think I don't smoke weed an play video games too lel.
Difference is I own a two car garage with a lift, the car I wanted since I was a kid. I live on 3 acres. Support my whole family. I donate to charity and can whatever I want.
What do you get to do? Wallow in your own depravity lying to yourself about how good of a life you live.
Do you get to wake up to your pregnant wife every morning? Do your parents call just to chat, and not nag you? Do women even have an interest in you at all?
At this point I don't even mind paying you 16k a year to slowly kill yourself.
Enjoy the loneliness and heartache.
I sat in my moms basement as a young man telling myself that was all I wanted while simultaneously having suicidal thoughts everyday.
Now I do what I want when I want. Jelly?
forgot pic
Because that'd move away government from controlling your life, why is it much harder to homeschool your children?
Why do you have to give government part of your salary so they can give you back a miniscule part of it when you retire?
why do they take your money so you can go to a "free" clinic?
Good point, but the whole personal account and me being able to manage it thing I'm still for.
Is SS a flat tax across the board though? How much do you have to pay in to get out? Like how long do I have to work to qualify? It's been a while since I sat down and looked at all this shit and formed my opinion and system outlined above as to how I want to handle it.
Of course, but I have no incentive to do that.
I'm friends with my employees and their families.
pensions aren't unsustainable, they're considered "no good" because they guarantee future payout.
401k's don't. the jew would prefer to play investment wizard with your money without being obligated to pay your back, so that's why pensions are out the window now
You ever thought there might be more than smoking weed, fapping and drinking?
Are you truly happy with that?
Would you not change a damn thing?
Humanity as a whole could be spread to the stars, an unstoppable and admirable force to be reckoned with..
We could be the greatest thing the stars have laid witness to.
Yet because of people like you, we squabble. We fight, we get angry, upset with the world.
Because of people like you, our progress is slowed.
In life it's all or nothing, and we can't afford to waste time. WE COULD ALL BE GODS. Yet you would rather get high and fap all day than help.
It's not even about the damn taxes. It's not about all the social programs you may collect from. You could be a part of all the and still be a decent human being, yet you just want to sit at home and let people do everything for you. When was the last time you gave back to the community, given a bum a nickel, anything like that?
You have to pay for all of society, not just your own family silly goy.
you're grandmother is the parasite, cuck, she deserves to die like the rest of the useless trash who can't be productive.
My family is upper middle class. Living this way is better, esp since be befits keep get to g better. I am pretty much retired at 34 and gonna cruise the rest of life on the taxpayers
If we stopped robbing the Social Security program to fund other government programs, then Social Security would work. And even then, Social Security is still on track to pay 85% of the benefits designed to do. I
And if we just removed the cap on SS tax in the first place, or raised the retirement age, the program could go on forever.
Of course, the real agenda for you is to fuck up what's been working with some experimental Lehman-Style investment scheme to fulfill a wet dream to Ron Paul agenda.
Why in god's name do people think giving their retirement to a bank is somehow safer? Banks would make more money fucking up retirement accounts for their own gain.