How the fuck does this scenery chewing hack keep getting roles?

How the fuck does this scenery chewing hack keep getting roles?

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No idea. He's fucking useless.

It was originally supposed to be Bowie playing the role, but he died.

Yes. He is apparently the next best thing after Bowie...

>Jared Leto was cast in the film in August; Villeneuve had hoped to cast David Bowie, but Bowie died before production began

Icons die. Leto gets cast in their place.

>Method acting
Has this ever actually done anything?

Good actor. Still looks amazing for his age, was shocked to find out he's actually 2 years older than Christian bale.

Oh no. I wish I didn't know this.

>Sup Forums hates Jared Leto now
When did this place become Reddit?

kubrick mindbreaking shelley duvall for the shining

>Sup Forums is me and one other person


deniro in taxi driver

He was great in Panic Room.

He was good in Blade Runner though, he basically played himself. A pretentious fuck with a god complex.

This. How could they do this
>we need Bowie, but cheaper

Unpopular opinion: he was good in this AND as The Joker. He was told to play a sadistic Elon Musk with God Delusions, a pretty plausible character for someone who made a trillion dollars making literal life. He was supposed to be brutally creepy.

His Joker was fine when you see the extended cut with the extra Harley/Joker scene. I think what Leto was going for was a hedonistic rockstar Joker who was something of a super star of the underworld people looked up too, probably could have been fleshed out better but I think that was a good performance for that type of Joker.

He just tends to play ultra-degenerate freakazoids that are hard to empathize with.

he actually nailed blind people mannerisms to a t so at least in that regard he succeded

Dubs for Paul

>a sadistic Elon Musk with God Delusions,

So, Elon Musk.


Has everyone in this thread forgotten the last week of Hollywood news? Producers love his confirmed enormous cock.

eye candy for wimin

tight boipucci and a huge dick

What do you think Harvey made Leto do? He seems to be more a passive type so maybe he got Jared to fuck him/let him suck his megacock but maybe he cornholed him??

Because he does meme shit people will talk about thus generating interest for any movie that hes in

>Harvey is the only guy doing this
>He didn't read the Terry Crewes story, or read any story about Tobey Mcguire or Cory Feldman
Expand your scope user

He lets Weinstein rape him in the ass.

And Harvey is not gay or a pedo. He's probably the most prude one, but was reckless and let everyone know.

But I want to know about Harvey.


He's a fine actor he just picks bad roles


He was perfect for Blade Runner 2049. His best role.

sea urchin ceviche

he was actually really good as that tranny faggot in dallas buyers club

I just think he plays a lot of shit roles. also he is a faggot in his personal life but whatever. it's your fault for watching most of the movies he's in.

I've yet to see blade runner, but how is he a bad actor?

He was good in American Psycho, Fight Club, Requiem, Thin Red Line, Lord of War. And just so you know, 30 mars started AFTER his film career. His film track is not perfect, but if you compare to other actors, it's a lot better.

Even when he gets a role he's barely in the movie with both recent movies Suicide Squad and Blade Runner 2049.

>hating on leto because of some capeshit role

Is this what nu-Sup Forums has become?

Have they forgotten about Fight Club, Requiem for a Dream, Dallas Buyers Club etc?

he succ

how the fuck is his face so wrinkle-free at at age 44? Look at Micheal Fassbender: He's 40 and looks 50. Leto looks 30 or even younger in some cases.

>mfw my buddy said he thought the film needed more Leto

he's the worst part of all of those movies tho

He was good in Dallas Buyers Club. After that I guess he started thinking too highly of himself and felt the need to be the main attraction in every scene.

>gets fat for a role
>gets thin for a role
>acts in old man make-up
>plays a faggot
>plays a tranny
>go full method acting for silly capeshit
>does a role blinded
Why won't he just fuck off?
Shoo shoo, Jared, go back to making mediocre music

Fuck you guys, Jared Leto is a great actor.

His character's motivations in BR2049 sucked though.

>guy makes replicants
>old capabilities were lost
>he wants to recover them
Seems simple enough to me.

Is Jared Leto the Kubrick of our generation?