ready lads?
its back tonight
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Damn i forgot about this
I can't even remember what happened
He got shot? That's how it ended?
yea and then all the power goes out while tyrell and darlene are on the phone. also trenton and mobley may have a way to reverse the hack, only to be greeted by leon.
Mr. Kino
>tfw you just learned Joey Bada$$ is Leon
desu I didn't know who Joey was until recently but that's great.
I don't suppose there'll be a live stream for those outside the USA?
eh, ill give it a shot... depending on Sup Forums's reaction (I'll have to wait for torrents anyway, unless there's another way?)
Just seems like they lost their touch on why people enjoyed Season 1
Yeah I'm rewatching season 1 now and it's really good. I don't remember season 2 being nearly as good.
il watch it for the QT cop
Ready to watch it, but hoping they fix all the issues with the previous seasons scripts.
same here. I hope there's a "previously on mr robot" segment in the beginning of the episode
let's hope they won't focus too much on how much DRUMPF suckz
Most of the country thinks Drumpf suckz.
Mr Fight Club
my dick is ready for my FBIfu
isnt leon black?
She looks like a downey.
Someone stated in another thread Putin and Trump are mentioned or featured in first episode. Sounds like trash.
Season 2 was an absolute huge pile of shit.
Season 1 was a retelling of Fight Club, only with computers.
What hope is their for Season 3? Especially now that we know the whole season will be the writers preaching about Trump
What TV shows and movies will Esmail rip off this season?
What channel is it on, maplebros?
Are robot generals good? I usually wait and binge but I had fun in /got/ threads, watching with everyone on the next day.
S3 has based gip rossetti
>What hope is their for Season 3?
god i hate that streep bitches face and her piss poor acting
lets hope there is less of her this season or i will be outright skipping her parts
>Putin and Trump are mentioned or featured in first episode
Obama has been in the show before. Pipe down
>*Blocks your path*
Perhaps you didnt hear about what happened to old Jim Cameron and Orion sonny?
Mr Creatively Bankrupt
I don't know what you're talking about
I also don't know what I'M talking about, I'm just parroting an user from another thread
Fooling yourself if you dont think it will be a ham fist in a velvet glove levels of virtue signaling.
I have a feeling in the year this show was off the air I ended up hating what this show was.
wonder how long we get into episode 1 before we hear DRUMPPFF
no fuck you user, you pathetic loser. only assuming as you probably relate to her retarded character hating the world and being 'depressed'
Harlan Ellison had sued Cameron and Orion pictures and won over the film the Terminator. They basically ripped off an idea of his from an old Outer Limits episode.
I can't wait for
>10 episodes of FUCK DRUMPF
>More unreliable narrator tricks
>Things I've seen in other shows and movies
>Frog eyes
>Virtue signaling
>Wooden acting
>OMG season cliff hanger
Its been a year of this for me with most shows.
>Season 2 was an absolute huge pile of shit.
glad i missed it
>Season 1 was a retelling of Fight Club, only with computers.
i saw it as fight club mixed with american psycho
>all of the whiny little alt-right autists in here getting triggered over the THOUGHT that they might shit on trump in season 3
like just
There are plenty of niggers on TV for you to oggle over now user. Let us have our moment.
ikr like ugh i can't even haha silly drumpfkin sweeties : - ) ALL
I hate to tell you this but even lefties are tired of hearing about Trump.
Huge if true
episodes of FUCK DRUMPF
Why does anyone think this?
At what point has the show preached or virtue signaled or done anything to make you think Trump will be given more than 10s of focus?
all i remember is feeling like s2 started like shit but ended strong
but i dont remember the plots
There already was a really cringeworthy scene of the E-corp CTO shitting on trump and saying he has a ton of dirt on him. I can definitely see Esmail being the type of guy who'd be so flustered by trump's win he goes and ruins his own show.
he already ruined it by agreeing to five seasons, he had mapped out three perfectly and then when they renewed it after one they asked for four more
I didn't know about that, I thought he said he could get the story done in 3 but hopefully for 5.
I definitely think the extra episode order for 12 instead of 10 for season 2 fucked the pacing up.
I was so disappointed in the last season, that I completely lost interest.
Don't care in the slightest about it anymore.
It's not about liking trump or not it's about not wanting to be preached to all the time.
stream links onegai
you forgot
>bizarrely framed shots
>grey and blue color scheme
>le deep monologues
>There already was a really cringeworthy scene of the E-corp CTO shitting on trump and saying he has a ton of dirt on him
I don't remember this... Link?
Mr. Robot is set in 2015 bros
It's blocked by NBC
Summary? Thanks
Thanks for taking the time
You were correct, my apologies for not remembering
>qt cop
>objectively ugliest person on show
>even the crossdressing chink is prettier
Okay user.
how many minutes? guys?
fuck off
in 7
leon is there to make sure the gang gets back together
thx. any streams?
you're waifu a shit
also has resting bitch face and cant act
itdoesnt air until 9. fucking law and order marathon then john wick. at least the couldve marathoned mr robot
no your waifu a shit. i bet your one of those AI bladerunner waifu
I thought it was funny enough desu. For a one off joke, that doesn't really come out of nowhere.
1st episode was already leaked 2 days ago in Russia, same as The Flash S4E1
>ending makes it seem like he's been sent to kill them to prevent them from reverting the hack
>actually bringing mob-ton back into the game
>more of sunita mani in a hijab
link or it didn't happen
Can anyone give a quick recap?
He get shot, but whats going on with everyone else?
>Things I've seen in other shows and movies
>Frog eyes
>Virtue signaling
>Wooden acting
are you even trying
Leon kills Trenton and Mobley
Angela is in on le epik master plan
Whiterose got BTFO by Price
Feds know everything
Is there any reason to think this season won't be as bad as last season?
S1 was pretty shitty after the first couple episodes, the writing on this show is just awful
I was really enjoying Elliots character before he was crazy. Now there is zero relation to anyone on the fucking show. I think thats where the show fails it alienates everyone.
Obama served the plot, this will just be shitty fan service.
Is Leon, /ourguy/ ?
Did it air already?
Torrent when?
>t. normal fag
an hour and a half
White Rose has a time machine.
this would be an actual mindfuck
>watching mr reddit. after season 1
Going for a jog, Email better deliver
there's absolutely no evidence of this fuck off
Someone said they actually hinted at time travelling this episode doe. Gotta wait and see.
fuck memory dude i watch so much tv shows i forgot a lot of shit in a year
the human body is a mistake
need a tl dw of prev serious
I can only hope half of this episode screen time AT LEAST revolves around Angela, the best written ad most compelling character. God forbid they actually pay attention to the interesting characters or get them doing interesting shit.
>the best written ad most compelling character
i mean
she has the potential with her new role, i guess?
but in s1 and s2 she was pretty fucking boring
Angela is shit, she's a waste of air
>hey you're a huge piece of shit for taking a job with the company that killed your father, you sold your soul for a big paycheck
>yea well I have a lot of money now :^)
wow she totally eviscerated him
It's 10 episode this season right?
How long left