can someone explain this white genocide bullshit? are you guys serious or just meming
Can someone explain this white genocide bullshit? are you guys serious or just meming
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It merely means filling in the space from low birth rates in white countries with non white immigrants.
Essentially "breeding out" the whites.
There is also that thing with the racemixing.
Fuck these games.
If you have to ask then anything anyone tells you will simply be ignored unless it meshes with the preconceived notions that you obviously have.
But only a small minority of whites do that
You have no idea how serious this issue is.
>country was 99% white when his parents were born
>country is 60% white today
People aren't having kids like they used
This, but also ensuring low birth rates among the white population through cultural influences and social policy
Ah yes that explains the 40+ million Mexicans that suddenly appeared in your country
It's just a meme silly
Low birthrates + race mixing propaganda with populations which experience explosive growth (thanks to UN food aid exlusively)
White people aren't. Mexican and black people are (mainly Mexican) despite being on welfare paid by white people.
I don't agree with government agencies pushing for race mixed couples just as much as race segregated couples. Marriage and the children created should be done out of the bond two people have for one another, not because you want to show how "progressive" you are.
Dropping truth bombs.
‘Hear now this, O foolish people, and without understanding; which have eyes, and see not; which have ears, and hear not’
MASS immigration and FORCED assimilation in ALL white countries and ONLY white countries is white genocide.
Everybody says there is this RACE problem. Everybody says this RACE problem will be solved when the third world pours into EVERY white country and ONLY into white countries.
The Netherlands and Belgium are just as crowded as Japan or Taiwan, but nobody says Japan or Taiwan will solve this RACE problem by bringing in millions of third worlders and quote assimilating unquote with them.
Everybody says the final solution to this RACE problem is for EVERY white country and ONLY white countries to “assimilate,” i.e., intermarry, with all those non-whites.
What if I said there was this RACE problem and this RACE problem would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-blacks were brought into EVERY black country and ONLY into black countries?
How long would it take anyone to realize I’m not talking about a RACE problem. I am talking about the final solution to the BLACK problem?
And how long would it take any sane black man to notice this and what kind of psycho black man wouldn’t object to this?
But if I tell that obvious truth about the ongoing program of genocide against my race, the white race, Liberals and respectable conservatives agree that I am a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews.
They say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-white.
Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.
White Nationalists are cringey as fuck.
>Golly Geeeee it's like anudda WW2! We are being HOLOCAUSTED by Jews daily!
its middle class genocide which happens to be predominately white. its a half truth.
>"GAS THE KIKES" is an anagram of "KEK SAGE THIS"
What do I mean by this?
this has gone too far.
Say that to all degenerate weeaboos flooding Japan.
Diversity is only pushed in natively white countries.
End result being, whites are being systematically pushed out of existence.
I don't think it's genocide but there's certainly displacement. Only white countries are expected to tolerate mass third world immigration. Whole communities in England, like the east end London cockneys, have been pushed out of their homes by millions of foreigners. This is a travisty when China does it to Tibet, but it's diversity when it happens to us.
It's an accurate, but bad term. People hear genocide and they think of concentration camps and firing squads. It's a "soft" genocide, basically replacing the White population through immigration of non-Whites that have higher rates of births.
It's even an argument you hear in Sweden every now and then. "Our population is aging so we need immigration to be able to pay for our social model". Of course, if you don't reverse the trend of low birthrates among the natives and keep bringing in immigrants to make up for it, and those immigrants in turn have higher birthrates eventually, after a few decades, the natives will now be a minority in their own country. That's what White genocide means.
I wouldn't call it genocide, but instead ruining white country's welfare by being a lazy useless piece of shit in those countries. And the fun part is, literally nothing is being done about it because MUH RACISM
Asians aren't pure, we're doing them a favor by giving them superior white genes.
The main issue arose when women entered the workforce en masse.
While not wanting to scream that "muh feminism" is the root of this evil, it certainly had a hand in it.
You see, for economics, companies, and politicians, women entering the workforce is a great thing. It enables economic growth, lowers wages and brings in income tax.
However, humans are still humans, men are generally attracted to different characteristics than women are. Through entering the workforce and getting careers, women have become more unattractive or unapproachable to men, and women have a hypergamic tendency to marry up.
Men are looking at women who don't need them in any way shape and form, while women are only looking at the richest men, which there aren't that many of or are unavailable.
As such, less pairs are made, and less children are produced.
Cut ahead several decades, birth rates have plummeted. Instead of stimulating local people to make families and have children, politicians try to bring in many migrants to fill in the gap that's been created.
There's a catch in the first option, trying to get women to enter the role of wife again will destroy a politicians career, because muh feminism. As such, the only recourse they see is to flood the country with outsiders, with hopes of retiring off of tax money or dying before Sharia law is finally implemented.
Whites getting fucked in the process is just a secondary effect to a much bigger problem.
Diversity and Multiculturalism are ONLY expected and demanded in ALL white countries and ONLY white countries. "Intellectuals" and mommy professors in our institutions of higher learning are free to promote communist beliefs. Nobody has killed people en mass like communists. BUT, if you, say, hold beliefs in line with the Nazis, or even speak out against the genocide of whites through assimilation in their own countries, you can be fired from your job, sued, and financially ruined. Nothing is ever 'too black' or 'too asian' or 'too mexican' or 'too arab', but TONS of areas, fields of employment and institutions are 'too white' in WHITE COUNTRIES. They 'fix' this by flooding those areas, fields of employment, and institutions with non-whites. anti-whites complain about white flight, while white anti-whites themselves flee from areas that have become 'diversified'. They are literally CHASING DOWN white people. And if you object to this, you are a xenophobic white supremacist bigot racist naziwhowantstokill6millionjews.
>try to colonise south Africa
>wonder why nig nogs wanna kill the white invaders there.
Come back to me with an argument that doesn't cringe with hypocracy
You guys are honestly morons.
Article 2 of the convention defines genocide as
...any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such:
(a) Killing members of the group;
(b) Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group;
(c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;
(d) Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;
(e) Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.
it is genocide BY DEFINITION
You are not DENYING genocide. You are JUSTIFYING genocide. Genocide is wrong, and you are sick.
Holy shit wtf
>does it to other non-whites
>non whites do the same shit back
This is (you)
“No white people means no oppression. White people are like a cancer and oppression is a symptom of the cancer. Cut out the cancer altogether – with the cancer being white people – and you get rid of all of the oppression which white people cause.' - Jewish 'intellectual' Emily Goldstien.
I said it was accurate, but for people that don't understand the issue it comes of as paranoid fear mongering. It is a genocide through displacement but common people associate the word genocide with overt extermination through force.
not nearly as many cases of that as there are migrants flooding europe, not even anywhere close.
Hes joking you autist because your comment was so stupid. Japan severely limits immigration and there might be like 100 weaboos that actually immigrate. Japan is 99% japanese and will stay that way
Don't let liberals control the words. Genocide is already defined under international law.
"White Genocide" is a huge success.
They have been trying to ignore and stifle this phrase for YEARS. It's become too big for them to go without mentioning, so now they need to SHUT IT DOWN. Just keep pushing it. "White Genocide" sticks in peoples heads. Once it's wormed its way in there even normalfags see it everywhere they go, but many of them are silent about it because of the penalties that go with mentioning it. Talk about "White Genocide" and "Chasing Down Whites" as often as you can.
White """"genocide"""" is just declining white birthrates and increasing immigration into 1st world countries.
It MIGHT be orchestrated but I highly doubt it.
>implying that pic related will ever get laid in Japan
>implying that even if he does, parents will agree to a marriage
>implying he make kids
>implying he won't be imprisoned for molesting underage schoolgirls before all that
No need for quotes, it's genocide by definition. We know (((who))) is responsible.
>Blacks have kids but can't afford them
>Whites pay taxes for blacks having too many kids
>Whites thus cannot afford to have kids so they stop in order to pay for blacks
Literally funding their own genocide at the expense of a jewish federal government.
/threading my own post
and forgot the fucking pic
There literally nothing wrong with that tho. Its their homeland as their ancestors lived there for thousands of years. Here in north america, its an absolutely different story.
The immigration is more common in white countries because there are better economies. Immigrants don't go to Poland because its poor as shit
How does flooding ALL white countries and ONLY white countries with black/asians/arabs and other non-whites from all over the world help the native americans? Again, you're just using this as an excuse to justify white geNOcide.
Actively choosing policies that lead to the end of a group of people is a genocide of this people.
Numbers of whites is in free fall in every country in the world while third world immigrants spout many kids and uncontrolled massive immigration is glorified.
At some points, white will become a visible minority. At some point, whites will be less than 20% in Europe and the other white countries. At some point there will be virtually no non mixed whites still around.
As an aside, America and Canada were not founded by the natives. They were founded by white people. Nobody is coming here to live in teepees. They want what white people built.
How can whites breed when half the jobs are on the other side of the sea and there is millions of foreigners who come to take the others jobs and we are taxed to death to pay for the ones who don't steal one of our jobs?
>implying Japan will be multicultural
If that ever happens their fucked for life but, I don't see Japan ever doing that though there not stupid like the west is they actually want to preserve their culture for themselves not for others.
Joke is on you: Whites are the first inhabitants of the 100kms around The Cape and live here since 1600.
It's a soft genocide but genocide nonetheless. The globalist goal is to destroy the only group of people left that is capable of standing up to oppression. Then they'll have a permanent slave class that will always do as it's told.
Hillary is already planning on importing 20 million """refugees""" during her first 4 years on the demand of Israel. It'll probably be 100 million by the end of her second term. This can't be allowed to happen.
"Breeding" and "phasing out" White people through cultural exploitation and forced diversification.
It's already happening in the United States.
Predominantly White states like Iowa, New Hampshire, Vermont, Montana, etc are now being forced under federal HUD laws to give preferred status to non-White inner city families from out-of-state or non-White refugees from out-of-country.
Under threat of federal lawsuit these states are no longer allowed to refuse low-income vouchers from minorities with histories of payment defaults, histories of substance or domestic abuse, or even criminal histories. Poverty, drugs, and crime rates have, unsurprisingly, shot up in all of these areas.
For now, but it's increasing and there is clear propaganda out there encouraging it
I truly believe we are looking at war in the future, where the white race has to decide which side of history we're going to be on. The extant or extinct.
>try to colonise south Africa
wew lad
Also: you're justifying genocide.
It's still genocide. People can associate the word with whatever they want. It's still accurate.
Canada and america were never meant to be a mono ethnic country. If you wanna be white nationalist autismo faggot then go back to your monoethnic homeland.
The only thing they are accomplishing now is a race war. Which is probably the best solution, just get rid off all those useless fuckers.
It was meant to be a melting pot of all Europe with some chinks.
Now the majority of young Americans are Latino, 20% are naggers and the rest is disappearing while being forced to pay for their own geno... replacement.
i love how newfags come here believing that everyone is a nazi or right wing. its just a site where all kind of people meet and trashtalk for fun. some itneresting "truth" might slip from time to time but thats it. this board is probably the most multicultural board there ever was. from a homeless conecting via mcdonalds wifi to a famous rich celebrity that is curious to check this out. its impossible to generalize pol and thats what makes it so magic. its the beauty of the chaos.
I may be part of the tiniest minority ever: I trust no one and follow no leaders. I listen to various viewpoints and presentations of "truth". Some points can be agreed upon, some not, but I'm my own man and owe allegiance to no one.
I don't think my grandpa died fighting the nazis so that you could come and tell me our country belongs to people from all over the world. Canada spent CENTURIES almost exclusively allowing Europeans to immigrate here, until that policy of MASS immigration and FORCED integration in ALL white countries and ONLY white countries came along.
As far as America goes,
We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.
I think the preamble of a country that at the time had the highest percentage of native born whites in the entire world and explicitly stated that the rights of their country belonged to themselves and their posterity, and made a point of only allowing white Europeans to immigrate and only at times when they needed more people to support their massive expansion speaks for itself.
Once again, you're making convenient excuses to justify genocide.
I always think white genocide is an exaggeration and that it easily scares people aware from acknowledging something that is actually an issue. Although it can be technically classed as a genocide it should be called something like 'white extinction' so people don't just laugh it off.
>I trust no one and follow no leaders
Then you are the most common type of guy in the world. Sorry to break your dreams.
> I'm different and unique, like a snowflake. I am part of a tiny minority.
> I am truly free.
You're on Sup Forums. Neither of those is true.
You're right, however, about Sup Forums being much more diverse and cosmopolitan than the media suspects.
But yes, the ever declining global white population is definitely a serious issue. Low birth rates coupled with mass immigration into white countries is a recipe for disaster i.e. RAPID demographic changes. There's nothing racist about it. White people should want to preserve there own race. After all, Western civilization is WHITE civilization.
>I don't think my grandpa died fighting the nazis so that you could come and tell me our country belongs to people from all over the world.
That is exactly what your grandpa died for.
Not so fast.
When you let the other side control the words, they control the argument. Call it what it is: WHITE GENOCIDE.
After all, if you're going to be a snobby little word weasel why not just call it "physical, administrative removal of Americans of European extraction"
Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.
I'm aware of this. I'm saying we shouldn't 'brand' it as a genocide so that people actually take the issue seriously. If you try telling someone about 'white genocide', most people will laugh it off and think you're fucking insane.
No where in us constitution says its suppose to be a mono ethnic white country you fucking autist. Canada had to switch immigration to asia because white Europeans were no longer immigrating here in any massive numbers because their homeland was getting better to live in. Canada would be a depopulated undeveloped icey shithole if it werent for sustained immigration.
Multiculturalism doesn't work period.
In France we say Grand Remplacement.
Some people know how serious this is and try to not think of the consequences.
Some believe it's a fairy tales form the far right, can you imagine what it would mean if it was true?
Some people openly embrace it and say it's a good thing.
I don't know why the two last live together.
i might consider my wording better next time, lets say i dont feel identitied with any political spectrum. does that sound better? i certainly dont feel like a special snowflake but i do value and try my best to enhance my critical thinking when applying shit to my own life.
Mass third world immigration to predominantly white nations (and only to white nations). Israel and Saudi Arabia aren't taking refugees and you don't see whites flocking to Africa or Asia in the thousands to millions at all. USA and Obama don't care about illegal immigrants from Mexico, even when one who has been deported 5 times with an existing criminal record can manage his way back in the country to murder an American citizen (Kate Steinle).
Mainstream media has a clear anti-white agenda, you don't hear much about blacks committing hate crimes against whites, but they're always doing it; like that cancer patient who was beaten to death outside of a hospital, barely any media coverage; but some dindu like Mike Brown who tries to take a cop's gun (and kill him with it) is worth several months of media attention to manipulate blacks into rioting and generally being more violent (a leaked DCCC email reveals the Dems refuse to say "all lives matter" or even mention "black on black crime" - how can they say black lives matter if they refuse to talk about "black on black crime"?).
Most of the media has imagery constantly shoved down your throat of basically any non-white guy with the white girl and the white guys are often portrayed as very dumb (family guy, simpsons, etc.) Speaking of Simpsons, Flanders was created as a strawman attack on Christianity.
Feminism is the primary cause of this. Men have been stripped of almost all rights when it comes to intergender relationships. Rape accusations can ruin your career, divorce courts are predominantly anti-male, child support and alimony are practically always paid by men and men alone, and getting kicked out of the house you bought because it's her's now and you also have to give her half of everything.
Modern women are too "strong and independent" to raise a family or even settle down with anyone. They're told marriage is like a prison for them, they'll be trapped, they'll be unhappy, they're fed lies and they believe it because it's coming from a woman who's fighting for "women's rights.
Depend what you mean by working.
Then go home to your monocultural homeland. I'm going back to Norway as well.
Keep saying it. It's genocide by definition. After all, telling their anti-white lies is how they've managed to brainwash the European population into accepting their own genocide. And we have the truth on our side.
they CAN'T ignore it. They've tried for more than a decade. Now they need to stop it. And you're playing right into their hands.
For all the money we spend enabling and forcing mass immigration and assimilating non-whites, we could probably get a program to promote white people to just have children much more easily. Once again, convenient excuses to justify white genocide. Canada was made BY and FOR white people. Canada is full of white people. Try and change that, and it's genocide. By definition.
U.N Resolution 260 (III). Article 2 defines genocide as:
Any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such: killing members of the group; causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group; deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life, calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part; imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group; [and] forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.
1994/45. Draft United Nations declaration on the rights of
indigenous peoples Article 7 states:
Indigenous peoples have the collective and individual right not to be subjected to ethnocide and cultural genocide, including prevention of and redress for:
(a) Any action which has the aim or effect of depriving them of their integrity as distinct peoples, or of their cultural values or ethnic identities;
(b) Any action which has the aim or effect of dispossessing them of their lands, territories or resources;
(c) Any form of population transfer which has the aim or effect of violating or undermining any of their rights;
(d) Any form of assimilation or integration by other cultures or ways of life imposed on them by legislative, administrative or other measures;
(e) Any form of propaganda directed against them.
You tell us faggot.
Why would you go back to Norway?
Canada has just as much right to be a white country as any other white country. You should probably move to Sweden if you're going to be such a cuck.
AFAIK what is happening in the west constitutes as literal "genocide" as defined by leftists themselves.
It's being overused though, just like "racist", "far right-wing", etc.
You will never have any sort of mass migration of Europe to the Americas anymore. Why there fuck would people in first world countries wanna bother moving to this shithole anymore?
It would be neat to see UK + Eastern Europe + USA + Russia + Dirty Jews against chinks and muslims.
It's more ethnic suicide than genocide.
They would dissapear even without immigrants, like Japan is doing right now
are Jews white?
He did kick the Jews out of his temple though...
It's no meme, friendo. If only.
> i dont feel identified
> i certainly dont feel like a special snowflake
> my critical thinking
You certainly use the language of snowflakes. "I feel."
He wasnt.
He expulsed heretic jews. His own apostles were jews
the alt right says it a lot but I dont know what they really mean