Can someone explain how the green country

is to blame for the multiple illegal border crossings and illegal sea landings of illegals in Europe?


P.S. A "Wir schaffen das" (we can overcome this!) is not a legally binding mandate for countries to open their borders in contravention of law.

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Didn't Merkel announce that she would grant Asylum to ANY AND EVERYONE that enters their country? This encourages them to come. Do you think they would cross into there if they would be deported or in the very least not given welfare? No.

I don't want to bash you, but the fact is if you didn't give them an incentive to come, they wouldn't.

>Didn't Merkel announce that she would grant Asylum to ANY AND EVERYONE that enters their country?
No, she did not.

> This encourages them to come.
As she never said anything like it, and as it is also completely contrary to German law and facts (only about half get asylum, with every positive asylum application being revoked if the home country war is over), this makes no sense.

> Do you think they would cross into there if they would be deported or in the very least not given welfare?
Yes, most are criminals, they do not care about asylum.

>I don't want to bash you, but the fact is if you didn't give them an incentive to come, they wouldn't.
All of this is beside the point. My point is why the green country is to blame after illegals are allowed to cross several international borders including sea borders.

What a load of shit. You know damn well Merkel welcomed them, and she still insists you can do it.

There's a reason why the invaders seek out Germany and Sweden and it's because they provide the most gibsmedat

At this point I assume you're a troll.

It's not entirely to blame. Lots of it is the US meddling around in the middle east, distabilizing Iraq and Libya, and largely now, Syria. Turkey is a piece of shit that uses their refugees to black mail Europe into complying, so Germany doesn't have as much leverage on them to tell them to close borders.

Libya being destabilized is why they're now able to cross the medditeranian, something Qaddafi warned of. Still, in an ideal world Italy would just shoot the boats instead of helping them cross and being civil with them.

I could've sworn that Merkel openly announced Germany's willingness to help out? Isn't that why there's a huge black market for fake Syrian passports? Why does everyone say "Merkel ruined Germany." and speak about an event where she openly invited them? Too lazy to look up if it happened.

There no greater plesure then seeing a libercuck society kill itself.

I'll let an immigrant through any day.

Because "Wir schaffen das" was the one thing that sparked the huge wave of immigrants in the first place

Nobody else wanted to take all of the shitskins in when Mutti was the one that caused it, so everyone just let them through in the hope that they all stay in Germany

Blame the US for fucking everything up down there in the first place

>What a load of shit. You know damn well Merkel welcomed them, and she still insists you can do it.
Merkel is not a monarch, she is the chancellor and the head of a party which polls at 22% right now.

>There's a reason why the invaders seek out Germany and Sweden and it's because they provide the most gibsmedat
And that somehow means all countries are not to blame for not protecting their borders?

>At this point I assume you're a troll.
I am a troll for saying Germany isn't located at the Libyen border or Turkish border?

P.S. who is at fault in pic related? the Green state or the border states?

>Because "Wir schaffen das" was the one thing that sparked the huge wave of immigrants in the first place
Is that why 500,000 had come before in 2015?

Your press demonizes every country that actually protects its borders, e.g Hungary

>Your press demonizes every country that actually protects its borders, e.g Hungary
Some of the press, yes. So? Does this mean Greece and Bulgaria are not allowed to protect their borders?

Because Germany already started 2 world wars so now they're shooting for 3 to keep their title.

>Because Germany already started 2 world wars so now they're shooting for 3 to keep their title.

the first world war started with the Austrian Empire shelling Serbia and Serbia counter attacking and Russia then declaring war on Austria and Germany declaring war on Russia in line with its alliance with Austria, then France and the UK mobilizing in line with their alliance with Russia etc.

How that is "Germany started it" is something you better explain.

As to the second world war, it was a localized war against Poland and Norway and Yugoslavia really. It became a world war because ALL of Europe had to fight communism. You understand that communism was about to occupy all of the world? Stalin had plans to occupy all of Europe then swing left to occupy Africa and the Middle East, then China and India. Do you even understand anything about history?

No, but it's why millions have come now

>No, but it's why millions have come now
Is it? And you think it has nothing to do with non-policed borders? Why did number drop then after we forced Greece to stop shuttling migrants off their islands?

Our southern border is closed even to legitimate refugees. Update your map kraut

You want them in. But I don't blame you, I blame Obama and Soros.
I blame you for forcing us to keep them.

>You want them in.
Not the German people. 82% of Germans in a poll just said they disagree with Merkel's migrant policy.

But again, how are we to blame for your lack of protecting the border?

We get thousands and thousands of "refugees" who "flee" the Swiss warzone in order to reach "safe" Germany.

Achtung! Germans on the rise

hmm, really makes my neurons neurate

Do you see how out of the way Portugal is of this whole shitwave?

Feels good.

Are you claiming that Germany's borders are someone else's responsibility?

The moment they see our coast guard approaching, they sink their own boats and we're obligated by international laws to save them.
It is practically impossible for us to stop them once they have entered the boats.
Turkey could do a much easier job preventing them from ever reaching their coast and getting in those boats in the first place, but they purposefully let them in with the intention to harm us.
Yet I don't see you complain about Turks having engineered this whole refugee crisis.


>The moment they see our coast guard approaching, they sink their own boats and we're obligated by international laws to save them.
Yes, so?

>It is practically impossible for us to stop them once they have entered the boats.
Yes, so?

>Turkey could do a much easier job preventing them from ever reaching their coast and getting in those boats in the first place
Irrelevant to the point of stopping the migrant flow.

>Yet I don't see you complain about Turks having engineered this whole refugee crisis.
The point is that if the road to Germany had been blocked (no shuttling of migrants from the islands to Piraeus) then no migrant would have ever actually come to the Greek islands.

Migrants aren't completely dumb, they do not pay to get to Greece, they pay to get to Germany. If the road to Germany is blocked, they stop coming.

>Are you claiming that Germany's borders are someone else's responsibility?
I am claiming that Germany does not border Turkey or Libya.

Because Germany is at this point in time, one of the few great powers that actually functions, and takes responsibility. not only one the refugee problem but also on the economic and environmental issues. that makes the toothless war mongering, stain on Europe called the British panic and blame all their problems on Germany and foreigners, and the Americans are just retarded as always, so no one should ever listen to the opinion of a burger. As for the far right, who the fuck cares what they think about anything, they are just a bunch of idiots following a disproved idea, and the only reason anyone goes to sites like this is to shitpost or to laugh at their stupidity.

>not an argument
the post. it's pretty much your fault, do you think history will look back at merkel and all the speeches and then blame a dozen minor states for not shooting everyone? it's not going to work this way hanz

>Why does everyone say "Merkel ruined Germany." and speak about an event where she openly invited them?
>Too lazy to look up if it happened.

You just answered your own question

turk poster not fooling anyone

>Germany started WW1

you have to go back

You're trying a bit too hard, 6/10 for the shitposting effort though.

>Germany started ww1 and ww2

American education at it's very finest.
Never change, americucks.

Be happy Poland, at least this time they are fucking nice.
Ps: you need to build a wall on your western boarder

They keep coming though.
Just because nobody tells you, it doesn't they don't still come.

Our islands are full again. And those shitty muslims just a few days back they were rioting for better living standards.
Our islands are sank thanks to you. They had only tourism to keep them alive and now thanks to you, forcing our government to keep them there, they don't have even that.
I'm talking about a drop of 90% in tourism in those islands that are forced to keep immigrants.
I blame you for that, and in fact, I think you're doing it on purpose.
You want to destroy the one industry we have remaining to us.

You sanctioned the shit out of us when we were still turning the boats away

Because Merkel told everyone to come, and is constantly applying pressure via Germany's influence over the EU to get everyone else to as well.

I know it's shameful Kraut, but it's more embarassing to fight it.

Germany not staterd ww2 btw, was Poland fault, damn Poles.

why don't you build fireships, get good son. fireships are cost-effective and great until they start massing war galley

>Because Merkel told everyone to come, and is constantly applying pressure via Germany's influence over the EU to get everyone else to as well.
When did this meme start? Are people just retarded or do they really believe this shit?

Merkel is about to BTFO because of her asylum policy and there is no day that the CDU doesn't say "we need a Fortress Europe an need to protect the EU border".

>Just because nobody tells you, it doesn't they don't still come.

They started coming once you started to shuttle them to the mainland again.


Germany is just a corpse with marionette strings, re malaka.
You really think that country has any say in those matters?
It got completely cucked in 1945 and didn't have any proper sovereignty since then. You are just beating on a piece of rotten flesh.

>neighbor invites his 600 cousins for a week
>they pass through your yard and set tents
no. all of my bullets

as i said, no one should ever care about anything burger says. a nation so brainwashed it thinks health care, clean air and water, education and wages that people can live of, is a communist conspiracy that will destroy their nation. a nation that only excel in a bloated military and keeping their population in prison.
But of coarse it is the Mexican slave labor picking their food that is the problem. no one, and i mean no one with two brain cells will ever ask you about your opinion on anything.

Imagine you live with your mom. Actually you don't even have to strain your imagination on this one. Then let's pretend your mom suddenly became a slut. Still nothing too far-fetched here. The slut proceeds to invite numerous stout-cocked arabs to bone her. The arabs naturally oblige, the gentlemen they are. They barge into your home at any time they see fit, ride your mom for a quickie, maybe then have a cig or a couple of beers or a modest breakfast. They leave the kitchen in disarray and your mom's bed covered in viscous essence of their earthly desires. Naturally it's you that has to clean it all up for the next inevitable visitation. You can't really stop your mom - it's her wish to be a slut. You can't really lock your door - the slut still has her key.

Do you blame your mom for being a slut? Or do you blame the convenient metro train and the chain of buses that brought Ahmed to your doorstep?

Would you go plead with whomever runs the buses, "my mom's a slut, you see, could you stop the buses please?".

What does this all have to do with reality, you ask? Well, have you checked on your mom lately?

They never stopped coming.
The only reason, the flow of immigrants lessened is because there was this deal between Erdogan and EU, and it's nothing we did.
When that deal went to shit, they started coming again, no matter what we do with them.

>American education
Yes yes, Queen Merkel first of her name ruled so it was.

I don't care.
You blame us for what our government does.
We blame you for what your goverment does too.
Why should I care if it's not the fault of your people? It's easier to merely say 'you' than being more specific.
We don't exactly like each other anyway, so we should we spare you the criticism?

we don't give a fuck anymore, just let them go to Germany, Sweden, England, France, is not our problem stop calling it cause u need cheap labor and import more polish or some east europeans u retards

>Do Bordercontrolls


Fuck you Karl Heinz Kevin

600 years ago the nations of the Balkans sacrificed themselves to stop the masses from the east, in hopes that the north would come to their aid. The north didn't, but instead started wars against each-other over the smallest of bullshit, so the sacrifice was for naught. This time the Balkans has decided to just let them go through, but what is most funny is that your government demonized those who try to protect you. This time you're on your own. Wether you make it or die out is up to you, and shitposting on the internet won't help you.

>When we should have nuked Germany instead of Japan.

Sorry Europe, we won't screw up the second time.

There wouldn't be millions of refugees if Merkel didn't scream wir schaffen das. There would be a few thousand of mostly actual refugees and the situation would still be manageable.

Why defend Merkel? Even if we said that she is not responsible for luring the refugees here, she is responsible for not being able to properly handle the situation and still not being able to admit she was wrong

>11 years ago this was low quality bait

Pull factors.

11 years and still the truth.

You practically control the EU. Merkel INVITED THEM IN.

Kek, ti vlakas.
I'm Greek, born in Germany
>inb4 traitor,you karioli
and sometimes I can understand why people here laugh about Greeks.
Some of you are literally retarded idiots who can't think further than a pig can shit.
Must be the sun.

I love the Puppet Master in the center of the group.

i skimmed it, kind of try hard. 6/10 you can do better

Cool story.


>Didn't Merkel announce that she would grant Asylum to ANY AND EVERYONE that enters their country? This encourages them to come.

Only Syrians, but yeah.

How is this not inviting them in?

>>neighbor invites his 600 cousins for a week
>>they pass through your yard and set tents
>no. all of my bullets

How is that the right analogy? The right analogy would be: girl, called Angela, sits in nightclub, wants all other girls in nightclub be raped by Muslims, shouts "let in the rapist Muslims!" All guys and non black-cock-loving girls in nightclub are shocked except for several cucks.

20 bouncers at doors of nightclub hear Angela shout, let in 1,000 rapist Muslims because they want to extort money from the owner of the nightclub.

And then I guess all the guys and girls who didn't want the Muslims in are to blame because they voted Angela to be "Miss Nightclub 2003"?

Enjoy being muslim, kraut. Hahahahahaha

>the Amerigoy readies himself to serve his jewish overlords and fight once again against whites

Not surprising really.

>When that deal went to shit, they started coming again, no matter what we do with them.

The numbers only went up once Greece started to shuttle people from the islands to the mainland in July once more. Not even joking. There is an article interviewing migrants in Turkey and they said "they heard you can bribe Greek police officers to get a ticket to the mainland" and that is what they do right now.


Hahahaha yes tan Germans are white.

its really simple
they ain't staying here
so no one cares

>There wouldn't be millions of refugees if Merkel didn't scream wir schaffen das. There would be a few thousand of mostly actual refugees

What about the 800k who came in 2014 and 2015 before Merkel said "wir schaffen das"?

you know that merkel is not the only one who fucked up europe

>You practically control the EU. Merkel INVITED THEM IN.

Yeah sure, I remember very well that in June 2015 Merkel was critizied internationally, especially by US media, that she made a Palestinian girl cry on Germany TV because she said "you have to go back". American newspapers and news TV said how "heartless and German cold" Merkel was. That was in freaking June 2015... at that point 500k migrants had already come to Italy and Greece and Hungary in 18 months!

coz you told us you were going to blitzkrieg us if we let them drown

Why is it always a 62% white (north africans and middle easterners included), majority minority babies, ruled by a nigger American writing this shit?

Its called incentive.

So what, do you think "Refugees" came by their own volition?

Whether or not the U.S. is white doesn't matter in THIS argument. Try again mountain kraut.

you're the self proclaimed head of EU, fucking take your responsibilities for once

Most immigrants are from North Africa, Turkey, and other states not in war. They're economic migrants.

Because it refuses to protect its own borders, and insists everyone else should also surrender their sovereignty over borders.

I still don't understand what Sup Forums expects a leader to say when facing a crisis.
An optimistc "We can do it" sureley is better than sulking or fearmongering.
And how do people twist it into the "Everybody is welcome" which she never said.

>So what, do you think "Refugees" came by their own volition?

They were allowed to come because Greece, Italy and Bulgaria do not care about them - they know they will move on, so they just let them in and handed them bus or train tickets to Germany.

Pic related is how the Bulgarian-Turkish border looks like. No fences, no guards, just nature.

tbf Britain isn't really accepting even 1/20th of the refugees others are taking in. 20,000 over the next five years.

Still too many, tho.

She could have sent aid. These people are not European, you don't have to help if you don't want to.

>you're the self proclaimed head of EU, fucking take your responsibilities for once
How so?

Italy says "we are doing everything ourselves" and don't want to listen when the Australian solution is brought up.

Greece has literally used the migrants to extort billions from Germany.

How are we "heading the EU" if nothing we propose is actually done?

well since you fined us for turning those boats away you deserve every bit of this shit kraut, prove me wrong

>Blaming other countries for your mistakes

German contibutes a lot of humanitarian aid.
The "We can do it" was a reference to the refugees already in Germany/Europe though.

>Most immigrants are from North Africa, Turkey, and other states not in war.
80% of the migrants who received asylum in Germany since 1 January 2015 are Syrians. Not even kidding.

>well since you fined us for turning those boats away you deserve every bit of this shit kraut, prove me wrong

Why can't you do what the law says? Get the illegals, fingerprint them, register them, put them through Swiss style 48 hour asylum proceedings, hand them the negative asylum decision, put them in deportation camps and off they fly back to Nigeria.

This is 100% legal, no questions asked.

And how many are truthful about where they're coming from? If they claim they're from Syria and their passport conveniently got lost during the travel then they are much more likely to get in.

And the rest of Europe gets the trash. Nice...

You shouldn't even be taking them either.

>How are we "heading the EU" if nothing we propose is actually done?

that's bullshit and you know it, our government has been sucking your dick for years now because of "muh austerity gonna solve the crisis" and you see what that led to, stop pretending it's not you that's leading the game

you have a problem of demography and at one time decided unilateraly to open all the borders of europe

do you remember the propaganda of the refugees in your country with people cheering when they came? it was at that time

Why does Germany and the German people (who are 90% Turkroach now I believe due to recent stats) insist that all the problems they caused aren't caused by them?

>WW1 was bound to happen between UK and Germany due to aggressive German naval and industrial expansion.

>WW2 Germany decided to invade Poland; a country they knew was being backed by the Mighty Anglo.

>Migrant Crisis; Germany welcomed them all in with open doors and encourages (encourages, to the European Union, means forces) other countries, with much weaker economies, to take more and more and more.

It's almost as if the Germans don't like being white.

You mean this. Krauts are cucked beyond belief. I hope they enjoy living under Sharia law in 5 years! Your women and children, and animals raped, your men in pieces from bombs, your western laws subverted.


>And how many are truthful about where they're coming from?
I know people don't want to hear the truth, but Germany does list those without valid paperwork as "unclear origin". People have to have a Syrian passport or other Syrian ID which then is verified by specialists. It is not foolproof, but I doubt the number of highly professional fake passports is that high.

>If they claim they're from Syria and their passport conveniently got lost during the travel then they are much more likely to get in.
As said above, those people are listed as "unclear origin" - which also have a very high percentage of getting asylum.

Considering that Syrians have a very high interest to keep their documents in order to get asylum quickly, it is highly suspicious if a person has no documents but says he or she is a Syrian - which results in prolonged proceedings and triggers a mandatory expert opinion on that person's Arabic dialect.