>Oh boy, can't wait to kill other white men with the same dreams and traditional ideas as us because our Jewish overlords told us too!
Oh boy...
Other urls found in this thread:
Except Germany was killing not only Jews but they're own people. They were also forcibly taking land and destroying homes and families.
Sure they were
Do you think those beaches have sni-
>but they're own people
Can you even your own language?
you fucking mongoloid
>They were also forcibly taking land and destroying homes and families
War is not a medium through which moral proxy is to be waged.
They weren't taking American land or even a threat to American interests.
sure, and Irak had the fucking nuclear bomb ;)
What.. what happened there's no way those positions are manned, the navy has been shelling for hou..
"I know this because the history book written by abraham silverberg told me so"
The Nazis were the biggest slaughterers of fellow Europeans in WW2 you fucking retard.
can't wait for the day your comment that picture's caption in a public school history book
>killing jew ass lickers
>tfw me and friends dared each other to spit on graves on Arlington last fall
stupid Jew puppets ruined Europe
Dammit man, they shouldve just let us rek the Japs, they chose a bunch of nips over Americans
Jews>a bunch of inbred "master race" cucks who lost 2 world wars.
Some master race there. They lost to "le inferior joos" twice
It should be in Americas interests to help their allies when Europe is being burnt to the ground my a nationalist conquering regime like Nazi Germany. You cant justt take what you want because you want it.
of course they were a threat to american interests retard
the core national security strategy of the USA is to make sure eurasia never comes close to uniting under a single power.
the eurasian landmass is the only area on earth strong enough to surpass the United States.
Thats kinda hard to refute.
Germany was lucky to not get dismantled into microstates like it was before the Franco-Prussian war. Germans are nefarious schemers, trying to figure out more ways to destroy Europe under the guise of saving it.
Why would Eurasia unite?
Meanwhile on the other side:
>Oh Hans, I can't wait to genocide some more subhumans
>But Rollo, we've been killing mostly fellow white people
>They're subhumans too xDDDD
>But why Rollo? Their skin is white like mine or yours...
>Because Fuhrer told us so you silly! Don't listen to jewish propaganda!
>But isn't Fuhrer telling us propaganda too.....
yurope is not our allies, interests or problem
see the monroe doctrine
Youre an idiot.
>Oh boy, I can't wait to start a World War and murder millions of white Europeans!
>Oh boy, I can't wait to start another World War and murder dozens of millions of white Europeans!
>Oh boy, I can't wait to flood the remains of Europe with shitskins!
Fucking savage Frogbro.
>a non white country attacks the US
>GERMANY white knights for the non whites and declares war on US
>muh hitler is the savior of the white race
germans got rekt, don't fuck with the empire bitches.
>oh boy. Can't wait to fool the world into thinking we care about our dying progenitors but instead will profit beautifully off their pain and suffering, demonstrate to the world we'll nuke your ass and stopping the spread of communism
>thinking we cared about your occupied bungholes
why are you posting the single player-campaign of battlefield 1?
>because our Jewish overlords told us too!
Nah, Germany has been cucked since forever. Even if they developed extremely fast they were not allowed to have land, or an army, or freedom. They are that white kid the other bigger white kids bully and fuck in the ass for fun.
>every white person deserves to live just because they are white
modern degeneracy should tell you otherwise
>implying germans aren't the biggest jews
Why is there an American flag
I wonder if the person that wrote this actually believes it or not.
Did you miss the part where Germany was divided after the war?
The Allied barbarians were the real destroyers of Europe.
I guess Hitler shouldn't have declared war on us if he didn't want us to fight him.
We never should have been supplying the UK and the Russians
Literally no one's business but our own who we conduct commerce with. Hitler should have respected that instead of literally making it worse for himself. Dumb fucking cuck.
What were we getting out of it?
FDR was trying to get us into a war that we gained nothing from
Which Jews?
Who here ready to answer the call to clean up Germany's mess again? I'm ready to spill my share of Aryan "masterrace" blood.
>What were we getting out of it?
Gold, minerals, currency, jobs, economic recovery, etc.
The only nigger that got us into the war was Hitler chimping out. Sure FDR may have wanted to get in, but it was unpopular and Hitler opened the door for him.
America is something that dumb people (rapefugees and teen girls) worship.
>America having any part in WW2.
Top keK. SHART.
Supplying an enemy during wartime makes you an enemy. It is an act of war. By supplying Germany's enemies during wartime the US had already declared war, albeit in it's usual underhanded way.
Hitler was a jews he just tricked german cucks and commited nation wide suicide.
lol well memed
>Supplying an enemy during wartime makes you an enemy.
No, you silly nigger, that's not how it works.
Only if you choose to declare war. Conducting peaceful commerce isn't a declaration of war, chimping out before the Reichstag and then bemoaning American participation is.
>Gold, minerals, currency, jobs, economic recovery, etc.
We were taking a massive loss with Lend Lease
Hitler declared war on the US first retard. Read a history book.
The US was aiding the allies
Long-term payment was all arranged. Try again.
The eternal america-nigger-jew
Under international law conducting commerce with belligerents does not make you a belligerent.
Of course Hitler's regard for international law is well known, as his chimpouts prove.
>it's a nazi were good thread
Fuck off nazi. Hitler was the worst thing to happen to Europe. Britain did what it has done for centuries and that was intervene a European power trying to dominate all of Europe. But i doubt you niggers without historical perspective can understand these things.
i rape your women in your own country ahahaha
No shit. The US was also trading with the germans in the years leading up to the war and supported the nazi cause in the Spanish civil war in the 1930s
looks like we got screwed
plus you need to figure that this got us into the war costing us billions of dollars and hundreds of thousands of lives
> Congress had not authorized the gift of supplies delivered after the cutoff date, so the U.S. charged for them, usually at a 90% discount. Large quantities of undelivered goods were in Britain or in transit when Lend-Lease terminated on 2 September 1945. Britain wished to retain some of this equipment in the immediate post war period. In 1946, the post-war Anglo-American loan further indebted Britain to the U.S. Lend-Lease items retained were sold to Britain at 10% of nominal value, giving an initial loan value of £1.075 billion for the Lend-Lease portion of the post-war loans. Payment was to be stretched out over 50 annual payments, starting in 1951 and with five years of deferred payments, at 2% interest.[67] The final payment of $83.3 million (£42.5 million), due on 31 December 2006 (repayment having been deferred in the allowed five years and during a sixth year not allowed), was made on 29 December 2006 (the last working day of the year). After this final payment Britain's Economic Secretary to the Treasury formally thanked the U.S. for its wartime support.
It's literally a Nazi mental gymnastics thread, where Hitler dindu nuffin by declaring war on an industrial power previously uninterested in joining in.
No wonder the dumb cunt lost.
>Under international law
Literally who cares
We can go to war for whatever reason we want that doesn't mean its it is in the interests of American citizens
ment for
Lend lease was a net loss for US
fuck you . You just make this shit up wherever you go don't you?
>Literally who cares about law and civilization
Hello, nigger.
Britain was enemy of Europe.
International law only matters if there is an international military to enforce it
>nazi germany killing whites en-masse due to some crypto-jew named hitler
>travel half the globe to stop it
>die in battle after watching half my friends die on normandy
>in heaven, reading Sup Forums
>some dude from norway calling me a kike slave
If we had sided with the Germans from the start, there would have been no WWII.
National socialism would have risen and Europe/North America would be whiter than they were at the start.
South Africa would be as powerful as the rest of Africa combined and Rhodesia would be feeding half the continent.
Instead, everything is a brown shithole or on it's way to becoming one.
>looks like we got screwed
We emerged a rich superpower virtually untouched by the war with bases everywhere and economic domination of the western world.
I'm guessing you're laboring under the delusion that Britain was personally buying goods from American factories, so those factories weren't being reimbursed. Is that it? While also ignoring the benefits of employment, end of the Depression and skyrocketing economic boom?
Seems like whatever schooling you had let you down.
>International law only matters if there is an international military to enforce it
Yeah well the nazis got an international ass-kicking so it seems like the law was upheld. You're still an uncivilized nigger btw
Always putting the "too" instead of "to" in these bait posts.
Germany and Japan declared war on the United States. What, were we supposed to roll over for the fagscists?
if they took over europe they would have been a threat to america
>we gained nothing from
Aside from becoming one of the world's two undisputed superpowers and setting you up for domination of the West for probably a full century. I'd say that FDR did you some real good despite what specific policies you don't like.
I bet you didn't even read that source you nigger. The US was paid back with interest by the British. Do you even know what debt is?
>We emerged a rich superpower
We were on that path already
The postwar world was when America first stated to decline
>Yeah well the nazis got an international ass-kicking so it seems like the law was upheld. You're still an uncivilized nigger btw
And why is upholding it our problem?
I am not an international citizen
>giving Communist Russia armament for nothing in return is commerce
thanks england and jew bankers for all your tricks over the years and fucking the whole world up and trying to kill whites
>sold at 10% of nominal value
>2% interest over 50 years
>good deal
>Aside from becoming one of the world's two undisputed superpowers
which would have still happened if Hitler won
Tell the truth. You're Jewish aren't you?
Somebody has gotten racially aware, foo foo that's bad!
>for nothing
>payed in gold
>repayed debts untill 50s
>for nothing
I just love how western fucking swines SOLD some weapon and equipment for an ally and now think that was a FUCKING CHARITY.
>. The U.S. asked for $1.3B at the cessation of hostilities to settle the debt, but was only offered $170M by the USSR. The dispute remained unresolved until 1972, when the U.S. accepted an offer from the USSR to repay $722M linked to grain shipments from the U.S., with the remainder being written off.
America give Britain a loan to fight ww2 that bankrupted the empire and we only just payed it off in 2007
They were able to do this using Fed credit as the loan, America was funded by sucking the British Empire dry for the ww2 loan.
because they would have had a much stronger military to fight america with
Ya you guys got fucked by the war even more than we did
Why would they have wanted to fight us?
Well we did kinda try to take over the world somehow. It's your fault for not seeing that we were right.
>Let's kill each other strongest youth people
t. WW1
How much of them had german blood?
It would be basically treason
Please get it out of there