How long would it take Dredd to bring in Frank, assuming Frank had access to the same tech?

How long would it take Dredd to bring in Frank, assuming Frank had access to the same tech?

Dredd would have to call back-up, I guess.

He has no back up

Dredd still has the edge by virtue of having more experience, I guess.

Frank regularly fights creeps that are on par with Dread. Dread has more gadgets but otherwise they're the same

Are we in a Judge Dredd comic book, or a Frank comic book?

that really is the deciding factor. did dread ever go up against vigilantes that he would agree with?

In a dc book.

>dc book
Killing is wrong!

Frank is boned.


Batman about three times. But I mean. Batman.
Franks done that too actually....SO....Hmm.

It's "Dredd", creep. 5 years in the iso-cubes.

yo that's auto corrects fault, jay. i didden do nuffin
as opposed to a dc movie where the body count exceeds the two in question


Trying to strike up an inappropiate intimacy with a Judge. That's another 6 months.

What's the name of that 2000AD book where some dude gets a power suit and becomes a vigilante in Mega City One? That guy had a couple of run ins with Judge Dredd.

Why would dredd take frank in? Murder is life in the cubes, exile or execution and premeditated murder of a criminal (not to save ones life) is against the law.
Anyway dredd has the edge in any confrontation because he has shown multiple times to view civilian casualties as acceptable in pursuit of a perp. Where frank has a no cops, no innocents rule.

>Dredd has the edge in any confrontation because he has shown multiple times to view civilian casualties as acceptable in pursuit of a perp.
He may have once upon a time but that isn't something he does currently unless we're talking about a save thousands by letting a few die situation. Frank wouldn't qualify for that but you are right that Dredd would have no qualms about killing Frank (I don't know Frank well enough to say whether his no killing cops rule extends to a non democratic police state).

>How long would it take Dredd to bring in Frank, assuming Frank had access to the same tech?

Same tech?

Dredd would never, ever be able to take in Frank. Hell, the only way Dredd survives is because Frank doesn't kill cops lightly.

Dredd is a judge. Frank is a soldier.

Let's a assume the live action versions, so Stalone vs Netflixe Punisher.

Dredd and Frank would become allies.
Everyone is fucked.

Judges are everything in MC1: cops, Judges, prison guards, and all branches of the military. Inducted at age 5 into the Academy of Law it's 15 years of constant training and testing to become a machine for The Law. The very best Judges who distinguish themselves in service to MC1 get cloned so their genetics continue to uphold the law. Dredd is one of those clones.

Dredd's already beaten the shit out of, and unmasked, the motherfucking Batman. In a few panels of a single page no less. Frank's tough and all and dresses in a scary skull t-shirt, but he's not on Dredd's level.

I refuse to watch this channel after the last "episode" they had.

>Dredd's already beaten the shit out of, and unmasked, the motherfucking Batman. In a few panels of a single page no less. Frank's tough and all and dresses in a scary skull t-shirt, but he's not on Dredd's level.

There is one key difference between Batman and Frank that you aren't considering though.

Batman will not attempt to kill Judge Dredd.
Frank will.

That completely changes the nature of the fight, and Dredd vs Batman is a poor comparison to make.

Frank scares cops and crims. A MC1 street Judge is an entirely different matter.

In a straight up gunfight my money's on the machine-like guy who's got twice the working/combat experience of a mere vigilante. In all his time of the streets Dredd's probably gunned down a dozen of so Punisher types and not even thought much about it.

Frank would give up because the law doesn't have a time limit.

This right here.

Dredd probably has decades more combat experience than Frank, and in those years he has logged hundreds more hours than him.

So wait, he does it for free?

Why would he do it for money?

Don't gun repairs, tailoring and food cost money?

>Why would dredd take frank in? Murder is life in the cubes, exile or
Which requires Dredd to take in Frank

Attempting to shoot a Judge is execution I think?

Why would a Judge pay for those things?

We don't make our police or military pay for them.

Being a judge is an ideological job that yore indoctrinated into. You do it for Justice, not for an earthly reward. In theory

Mandroid. And he still wanted to put him behind bars. Dredd is not a fan of vigilantes.

Is there anything more fulfilling than upholding The Law?

Dredd would not agree with Frank.

Dredd would beat Frank. Only Frankfags will disagree.

Attempted assault of a judge is a life sentence. If a perp gives him/herself up right afterwards, a judge is more likely to just arrest them than execute them on the spot. But since you've already gotten life, most perps just try to shoot it out anyway.

>vigilantes that he would agree with
It doesn't work that way because vigilantes are inherently criminals. Remember that even assisting a Judge is a crime in MC1.