Bongs want to deport this

Why u do that to hardworking based poles?

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Yeah seriously why the fuck would you want to deport based Catholic slavs who hate muslims

You pointed out why. Getting rid of Poles help Nigel's muslim bulls

Because Brexiteers didn't actually think it through and are still in complete denial about all the shitskins being on their side because it puts their cousins Arsrat and Diksplash along with their 14 kids on an exactly equal footing to Pavlov and Jurgen


They want to replace them with Achmeds.

I never understood this either. Back in high school a muslim teacher got sacked for going on an angry tyrade against romanians and poles. There is some righteousness in the west, lads.

Yeah seriously why the fuck would you want to deport based Catholic Mexicans who hate blacks

They are the Mexicans of the UK. Its easy for other countrys to talk shit, you dont have millions of them to deal with.

They aren't based at all.

Poles aren't based slavs.

I worked with some.

>skip work
>chat shit
>hate the uk

They're not 'le epic based crusader slavws DEUS VULT XD'

They're chav cunts.

Russians are very good people though

yea but polish girls are hot as fuck

Because they threaten British drinking culture.

Eastern europeans are grand. I don't understand the hostility here.

But they are white. Surely better than millions of indians and muslims?

They're still white and as yet there haven't been any nationwide gangs of Poles roaming the streets looking for British kids to gang rape, murder and then grind up into fast food.

I'd rather a pole over a russian anyday.

Little wonder, considering that probably most Romanians in the UK are gipsies.

Which is also why so many Brits hate Romanians.

I would say normal people, or educated people from Eastern Europe are decent folks.

It's gipsies and peasants mostly who are obnoxious slobs.


You fucking Merkel faggot. We want them all out including these polish drunks

No one likes us Mexico

That's like comparing a rat to a cockroach.
At the end of the day they're both vermin.

Shame that's not what you voted for. By voting Leave, you showed the world that Britain loves shitskins just as much as it does white Europeans. This is litterally what Farage, Johnson and all the rest campaigned on. That current British immigration policy was unfair and even racist, because it favoured white people.

That's what you voted to support.

No jobs in Krakow?

Man, I dunno with which Poles you worked, but I can say for myself that they are pretty based.

I don't want to deport hadworking poles or anyone that works hard for that matter. The scroungers, wherever they may be from, can fuck right off though.

I think it's because immigration has become so easy and worthwhile that any random asshole can come and set up shop here.

>Be 10 years ago.
>Polish family moves in next to one of my friends.
>Go over one day to have a BBQ.
>The Poles are having one at the same time.
>They speak english to us, we chat, we share beers, swap different meats over the fence have a good time.
>Be all around pretty based. Even chased off a burglar that was trying to get into my friends house one time.
>Fast forwards to today.
>A group of a dozen young Polish guys move in next to another friend.
>Go round one day for a BBQ.
>They spend the entire time in their garden getting smashed on Vodka and hurling (presumably) insults at us in Polish.
>Generally act like thugs and do their best to disrupt our BBQ.
>Friend catches them in his garden one time trying to steal shit out of his shed.

Really it comes down to attitude. Those families who immigrated back in the day were sincere, hardworking people who wanted a better life and wanted to make a new home here, contribute to their communities and better themselves.

90% of the ones who come nowadays are freeloading fuckers who want to get drunk and leech off the system while doing as little as possible.

Every other week there is a story about some chavs smashing some Pole's face in and yet Pakis form roving rape gangs targeting white girls and there's silence from white brits, what fucking gives?

These guys?

nothing wrong with poles. they work "hard" if you know what I mean

They know they'll either get their shit pushed in on the spot, or their victims will be on the phone earlier and the entire clan will come out of nowhere to help them if they mess with Pakis.

They can't drive, steal, smell bad, and take jobs from proper Anglos.

Oh, and they abuse the welfare system on a huge scale.

Yeah nah fuck my country up with immigration familia just make sure theres some lookers among you

Now i can prep the bull

>t.Yankee cuck

pretty damn ugly/average looking desu

I think it's really bad to beat a man only because he is racially superior.

Why the fuck is everyone on Sup Forums so polarised about poles? It's like everyone either thinks they're all degenerate chavs that will destroy your country or they're the hard working sviours of the white race. There's fucking loads of poles in my town and some of them are hard working, funny, friendly guys and some of them are lazy, grumpy, cunts and everything in between.

Well you must be quite the pacifist then m8.

But theres one thing we can agree on...

>polarised about poles?

I really wish Britain deported all the Bulgarians back.

>Well you must be quite the pacifist then m8.

I do feel bad when an anglo goes out of line and needs to have an attitude adjustment, it's almost like hitting a girl.

The Poles that arrived after the 2nd World War were pretty based, because they were generally middle class and we thankful to escape the Soviets. The Poles of today are all lower class retards who just come here for the gibmedats, these ones are twats and don't deserve to be here.

>polarised about poles

>these ones are twats and don't deserve to be here

Nobody deserves to be in the Orwellian shithole known as the United Cuckdom, not even you.

I love how every irrelevant country has a wiki screencap of a battle they won against a major power

Hows that victory helping you all in Bulgaria right now?

They really aren't that good looking, at least the ones near me. Just very plain. Almost half of them are coalburners too.

>Calling anywhere a shithole

>Hows that victory helping you all in Bulgaria right now?
Well after the war they lost territory but nowadays they seem to be doing pretty well.

>a battle


>Hows that victory helping you all in Bulgaria right now?

Well, you are American, I can see why you don't understand what is like to have history.

I am also proud of that one time in 717 when we kicked the Arabs so hard, they didn't dare to approach for centuries.

But I am sure that if Americans existed back then, they would have supported the moderate opposition democratic forces of the Umayyad Caliphate.

I hired a Polish builder to help me renovate my new house, agreed to do it all with me which would be a problem with most brit builders, ended up becoming good friends with the fella and our families get on brilliantly. He's been here 25 years, top bloke.

They're 10% turks and 5% gypsies, 20% live below the poverty line and is the most corrupt country in Europe. Not sure I'd call that doing well.

>20% live below the poverty line
Hm, I didn't know that, but the turks and gypsies part sounds just like any other powerful Euro country including yours.

Poles did nothing wrong

I'd take them into my country over muslim rapefugees any day.

I don't know why but catholics tend to make the best immigrants for some reason.

Indian work and don't commit crimes. Don't compare us to Pakistanis

Britain is 90% white, we have virtually zero gypsies and turks, although we have 3% blacks and 4% Pakistanis and Indians. Fortunately they all congregate in the large cities, so I don't have to deal with them.

Your Muslims do, but they may as well be Pakistani anyway.

this is UK literally everywhere in the UK

We only get the reject poles. It's no coincidence that Poland's crime rate fell as they all started coming over here.

Plus, they are just as guilty as enclaves as stinky wogs. Entire areas with Polish shops and Polish everything. FUCK OFF. BE BRIT OR GET OUT

Alright buddy, I'm sure you'd know better than me.

>Gets raped my muslims
>London is a muslim colony now
>Blame polish people

Yeah, UK. You are officially the cuckiest cuck.

Please keep the chavs there so we don't have to deal with them. Our streets are safer now. Ty britbongs.

If you were any other country, you might be taken seriously.

Don't understand it either. Just did a EU tour; UK>Spain>Netherlands>Germany>Poland>Finland>Sweden>Denmark>back to US.

Almost every country I went to came across a Pole working as waitress or bar-back. Spoke English fairly well, + decent local language considering response from local patrons. Pretty laid back and engaging, did job well. Met a Magda in Germoney. Polish qt with awesome sense of humor.

I'm sure UK is getting a fair share of Polish chavs who are muscling in on the local cunt market, but still, so much better than Pajit and Mohammed.

>nowadays they seem to be doing pretty well.

We are dying like never before, thanks to our alliance with the britbongs and their ilk.

We were 35th in the HDI ranking back in 1985.
We had industry, science, we were a space country developing technologies used in space stations, now we are told to develop "bio tourism" and be village peasants like our grand-grandparents.

Everything was privatized i.e. stolen when the West and their puppets took control. When you connect a stronger economy to a weaker one, what happens is that the weaker economy simply disappears. "Free movement" means that they take your people (well educated civilized people) after they have ravaged your country, and present this as the "free choice" of those people. In practice it is like the ottoman blood tax but even worse as our people deliver themselves on their own two feet.

We had the strongest army in the Balkans. Our rocket forces alone ensured that nobody would dare fuck with us. They were destroyed by the west's command.

Every infrastructure project with Russia (like South Stream) was cancelled by their orders. Bulgaria cannot be allowed to be prosperous or have options. It's a peripheral dying territory for a few NATO bases.

It's really an unprecedented destruction, including that of our very identity - all the divided families due to all the people who left to search for work abroad, all the brainwashing via the western-controlled media and education.

Bulgaria has a lot of problems, but the biggest underlying problem is that it went to the Western camp after 1990. Since then we have lost 1/3rd of our population without war, absolutely unprecedented in our history.

We did not have a choice either, we would have been fucked like Yugoslavia if we did not "voluntarily" join the EUSSR and NATO and Russia was too weak in the 90s to prevent that.

Go suck off a African, Nigel.

Pls don't deport these mudbloods, nuke them or give them to Australia instead

I'd struggle to find one if I tried. You on the other hand could probably find one quite easily, although you'd probably offer your arse as well.

it's easier when everything is binary, and more ripe for shitflinging and memery

>sexualizing Star


suck to be germanic and have slavshit neighbours