What is it about this movie that's just.. perfect?
What is it about this movie that's just.. perfect?
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But that's not grave of the fireflies OP
it has the comfiest score.
it is not perfect, Miyazaki shoehorns pedophilic sexual tension into everything
That's what makes it perfect, user.
Why is it that Porco Rosso is so highly rated on here? Is it because anons are pigs like Porco so they can relate?
because it's a Miyazaki movie where the main character isn't a little kid
Is the dub good? I know it's our guy Michael Keaton but still.
It steals from better work and turns them into videoames.
it has a very melancholic stroke of fleeting era that, even if you never were a part of, you can still feel strong nostalgia about.
Also, it's very human - even the villains aren't villains at all, they just want money/power/glory because the world demands it from them.
What a great film that is.
>ywn have your own secret hideout lagoon somewhere in the pacific
He is very introspective and almost borderline depressed.
Strucks a cord with a lot of people here.
so.... why was he a pig?
>that other movie invented closeup shots
>that other movie invented planes
>that other movie invented love intrests
bruh, you might be retarded
it's Croatia/Italy
>"self-insert" the movie
It's has some flaws but maybe that's what maked it appealing.
I didn't like it but that's just my opinion.
One of studio ghiblis worst. Porco rosso just isn't a cool character at all. Maybe it is to 19 year olds.
nah just to lazy too check if pacific was correct or not. i hoped people would ignore it and focus more on the point - the comfy seclusion of porcos hideout