George Soros will "Support Pedo Rights"

In the most recent interview, George Soros has recently announced that he will be spending BILLIONS of dollars to create and support a "pedo rights movement". Jesus christ it is happening.

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Nice sources

Link it

We all aready knew he was a dirty pedo. Just like Bill Clinton AND Donald Trump

And joe biden

LGBTIP coming soon


What does the i stand for?
What does the a stand for?

I told my mom and sister that fags have become accepted so fast, and that pedophiles might get accepted soon, using the fagmovement as a stepping stone.

They laughed at me, and i instantly told them that it is no laughing matter for pedophilia to be legalized or even approved of.

They think it is a funny idea.

incest and anime

>They think it is a funny idea.
They think paedophilia becoming legal is "funny"? The fuck is wrong with them?

>They think it is a funny idea

It's already starting

it was their reactions to it
I was VERY disappointed, and I hope I shamed them enough to think about it harder.

I thought Sup Forums believed that leftists and feminists were against pedophilia?

the jews are for anything that weakens society

They'll probably just remember your attitude as pedophobic or whatever the fuck the media comes up with next

I want to live to see this piece of garbage and his numale son hanged with barbed wire.

Jews, like the muslims have a religious mandate on child fucking.

No, only that "freedom fag" guy believes that.

They're laughing at you because you're a fucking retard for thinking pedophilia would ever be legalized or approved of, you autist

They were laughing because it sounds ridiculous and won't happen, not because they think it's acceptable my dudes.

nice sources fucking idiot

feminists are against because it directly reduce their shaming "power".
Soros, and the freemason are 100% for it.
Feminism, liberalism and gayshitism were only for this moment.

>leftists against the ultimate degeneracy

I thought soros was a feminist?

Source or gtfo, i doubt even this satanic fossil is stupid enough to do something like that, let alone announce it publicly.

It is the leftists that spin the fag wheel, obviously they'll spin the pedophilia wheel sooner or later, because it's an "inclusive" and obviously degenerative thing to do.

If it assists in disassembling and destroying any cultural values western society may have, they'll push for it.

Fag culture is a huge cancer upon society, imagine open support for pedophiles.

Where are they going to find young boys/girls to molest?

They still laughed, and did not even think about it as something that'll ever occur.

You do not laugh about these things, it is serious. It is severe, it is not of humor.

Worse is, my sister has a kid herself, and is trying to work for child protective services.

You do not LAUGH at these kind of things.

Give me one reason why pedophiles shouldn't have rights, while homosexuals should.

Women are actually the most pedo minded...

He is a jewish male globalist.
He fund feminism he doesn't consume any shit from it.
Remember the femen and Israel.

soros is a jew

george soros is a globalist fasist. the leftists and feminists are his useful idiot zombies

Neither should. They are both the same type of degenerate and belong in the

there isnt desu, id even take it a step further and say if we give women full sexual rights its only logical to give children full sexual rights too. once you start making exceptions its hard to justify anything

Because pedophilia hurts people and homosexual relationships do not.

First is the fag movement

next is the zoophilia/bestiality movement

and then comes the pedophiles.

They both hurt society.

No he didn't

No he's a nation wrecking jew

Same difference I guess

>did not even think about it as something that'll ever occur
That's why they laughed though. They don't see it coming so of course they don't take it seriously.

The true question is:
What will come next after pedo, incest and bestiality?

>Because pedophilia hurts people
prove it

>homosexual relationships do not
Homosexuals in US have 50 times higher AIDS rate.
Female homosexuals have highest domestic violence rate.

I'd love to see their faces when shunning pedos become politically incorrect and bigotry.

>They think paedophilia becoming legal is "funny"? The fuck is wrong with them?
They're laughing at the sheer absurdity of the idea.

The Kikes haven't been pushing the "CHILD SEX = ABUSE BAD BAD BAD BAD" for years now in tv and scientific journals just to backtrack now and do a 180.
Pedophilia will never in our lifetimes become legal, and even if it does to some degree, it doesn't mean child sex will as well.
Pedophile acceptance just means you have to accept the fact that some people are attracted to children as well, and that you ought to make sure they are able to lead normal lives while receiving proper humane medical treatment. At the end of the day most of these people are upper/middle-class whites, so I'd half expect Sup Forums to come around the issue, eventually.

Incest is pretty much a norm already. Beast is probably next

Necrophilia fucking when

>doesn't post source (if there is one)

Ok, and after that? What else could possibly be inside his dirty mind?
I'm pretty sure this is an eugeny attempt.

fucking your dogo is legal in canada, pedo rights aren't far off.

Why can't you just do the simplest of things and post a source? it's your thread, you homo.

>implying this is not what people were saying about homosexuality 50 years ago

>OP still hasnt sourced his shit
>people still arguing

CP shouldn't be illegal, although making it should. I'm all for hebophellia though

Obviously not going to happen but he's well known as being fond of little boys via his journeys to pedo island and his underage """staffers""" and """servants""".

Most homosexual relationships are healthy.
Zero pedophilic relationships are healthy.

It's legal in many states in the USA too

Why shouldn't pedophiles be supported?

It's not a crime to want to fuck children, it's a crime to act on that desire. If you force pedophiles to hide these desires instead of working to overcome them, you increase the risk that they will act out violently.

It's an entirely pragmatic approach. It's overly emotional faggots who oppose it.

Is Soros actually on our side?
I mean, if it wasn't for BLM, the campus madness and the ''refugee'' crisis we would never have started this alt-right stuff
Normies will get very angry with a pedo lives matter movement, they'll finally understand how degeneracy is bad.

Honestly aside from pedo, incest, necro and zoo, nothing is really taboo anymore right?

>homosexual relationships do not
They do though. Every fag I know is an emotionally weak person, unable to cope well with routine outside stress. We shouldn't be accepting of those who choose to join a culture of weakness.

The ones that do it in private and know it to be a shameful, unclean act are OK.

How the fuck can mental illness be healthy?

>silly user~
>what do you think that important LGBT issues is some kind of slippery slope?
>ha ha jokes on you!

Here in Ontario our lesbian Premiere jointly rewrote or sex-ed curriculum to include things like fisting, exploring your sexuality, and gay tolerance with the help of a man named (((Levine))). Levine was convicted last year of raping his kids. It's far worse here than even dog fucking I'm afraid.

20% possibility Soros is at it to strengthen the World's immune system.
Yeah then people will fall to degeneracy and only the best will stand, this is eugeny.

probably not intentionally but sjw and people like them help us by shifting attention to things like race

intersex and asexual

>sexual education isn't slippery slope to LGBT infestation leftists said in 1995
Fuck this shit man, really.

Nice anecdotal evidence, dumbass.
Homosexuality is not a mental disorder. All of the major medical organizations, including The American Psychiatric Association, The American Psychological Association, and the American Academy of Pediatrics agree that homosexuality is not an illness or disorder, but a form of sexual expression.

Fags can give consent. If two fags want to fuck no one innocent is getting hurt. When a pedo fucks a kid, kids gets hurt.

Pedophilia will never ever be legalized.
Jews won't let, they are the only ones allowed to be pedos.

Why hasn't some put a .50 BMG into his forehead from a mile away yet ?

Whoa. Sick world.

Quite a few out there, but how concrete?


Asexuals aren't a discriminated group.

Frog is Soros.


Re read your post and tell me what you sound like.

This guy is right
One of the reasons pedophilia gets as bad as it does is because it's completely taboo. There's a portion of them that realize they have a problem. They realize they are sick. They love children, and don't want to hurt them. They just can't talk to anybody about it, and it drives them crazy
By no means is this all pedos though. I mean we're on Sup Forums I don't have to tell you people what kind of sick fucks exist.

Oh but yeah
>No source in OP
Yeah this is fake.

>implying lord of darkness can be killed by conventional weapons

Fags can give consent, they know what sex is and they achieved their main sexual development.
Now get out of my board disgusting pedo poster

>tfw turns out Soros was saving western civilization by redpilling them with 4D chess

Their dad.

He should be so vilified by now that no one will help him with his quests.

Maybe the pedo rights is the last straw?

Try again childfucker

But hey isn't Soros son dating a black woman or is that just a meme they made to fool people?

>bunch of American (((scientists))) said

Yeah, I don't give a fuck. Did they gave a scientific evidence, factually proving that homosexuality is not an illness?

They don't even know how, when and why do people become homosexuals.


Mentally ill cannot give consent. Children get hurt is a meme yet to be proven.

i know, but people still like throwing whatever letters they want into the acronym. I don't acknowledge any letters passed Q which stands for questioning.

you wouldn't be complaining if you knew how it felt having your dick inside a tight wet teen boy asshole

I'm sorry. We should have Eichmanned this bastard decades ago. Better yet, make sure he was found dead in a ditch peppered with bullets. Every group that has ever embraced him as their own seems to end up with a knife in the back.

>child fucker
No. Both the cock sucking faggots and kiddy diddling pedos belong in the same mass grave.

Time to draw the line, Sup Forums.


>over ninety replies
>no source

Some of you faggots are truly stupid.

wtf i hate soros now

I'm not going to spoon feed you, you retarded slavshit, research it yourself.
The qualifications for an illness aren't that we know the cause.
And this isn't even the point.
Children are aren't developed enough to consent to pedophilic relationships.
Homosexuals can consent.

source or fuck off

Let him waste his money.

People will always despise pedophiles.