>You're a jerk.
What would you do in this situation, Sup Forums?
You're a jerk
Have him arrested for assault
As Cruise or the interviewer?
Feel ashamed
Was is rape?
cry like a bitch knowing that if he hadnt shown me mercy and called off his security I wouldnt been fucked
Repeatedly tell him to calm down.
Hope that the Scientology death squads don't come after me
dat tom is a nice guy,some fag like will smith will punch ya
unironically shoot him
Post the Will Smith gay kiss
Tom showed great restraint I would have unleashed THE FUCKING WRATH on that eurocuck
call him a goober
Spray him again.
wonder what would of happened if it was acid
Start screaming that Tom is coming onto me when he grabs my hand.
That response is even more pathetic.
I wouldn't be surprised if this was fake
I mean, we all know scientology is fucked. Who's the say the guy who did this got paid by scientology to do this, and tom knew all about it beforehand? inb4 it was for a show balls of steel. doesn't change a goddamn thing. anglos are fucking just as worse as jews.
Whip me cock out and piss on his legs.
feel really bad and then go home and think about what a jerk I am
I didn't say I wasn't pathetic did I?
Kill myself
You're fuckin retarded