How come Sup Forums hates single mothers so much, yet it never says anything about the men who walked away from their kids?
Could it be because this board is, dare I say it, full of hypocritical faggots?
How come Sup Forums hates single mothers so much, yet it never says anything about the men who walked away from their kids?
Could it be because this board is, dare I say it, full of hypocritical faggots?
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Really activated my almonds there.
As far as the pic goes, I know what really happened to Mr. Ebert's jaw: he went to his doctor and said, "Could you give my mouth that real cool, retro, 1950s urinal look, please?" He was pursuing his dream of being a human Pez dispenser.
but OP, Sup Forums mocks black men every day.
>pol is one person
Because it is the females responsibility to choose a mate.
I don't hate them, I just don't want to date them.
> yet it never says anything about the men who walked away from their kids?
What? Sup Forums rants about niggers all the time
They're morons. Best example is their belief in a White master race.
Besides that the follow up research has shown that the problem lies in poverty. There was no difference between a single parent and a couple when money wasn't an issue.
But we all know the poor shouldn't have children anyway.
we could have an entire thread on the subject of the hypocrisy of these faggots
I'm pretty sure that studies show that kids are way worse off if they are raised by single mothers versus if they are raised by single fathers. And by that I mean things like: less likely to graduate high school, more likely to end up in prison, more likely to live in poverty both as a child and an adult, more likely to be diagnosed with a mental illness, etc...
Of course, having two parents is the best, statistically speaking. But if you have to choose one, a father is better.
Because it's typically the mother who intentionally forces the father away. Fathers who walk away are almost always black, and you know how Sup Forums feels about blacks in general.
single mothers put there blame on the ordinary man.
dead beat dads blame the mother
which is worse?
Father and mother have sex
Mother finds out she's pregnant
Father bails
Mother instead of being a logical and rational human being, decides to raise the child on her own.
Man's fault? No, she could have baborted the damn thing and there would never be a problem.
Every single mother made the choice to be a single mother. It is never forced upon them.
are you actually implying that Sup Forums doesnt talk shit about irresponsible deadbeat niggers every hour of every day?
It depends on the circumstances, if the dad left and has nothing to do with the kids in any meaningful way he a shit too. Alot of the time the mother is the one to initiate the divorce tho. I understand sometimes the relationship truly just doesn't work, but kids should have both parental figures in their lives. Single moms tend to pick out shit father figures to have around their kids
> who walked away from their kids?
Weren't about 80% of divorces initiated by women?
>single mothers
>men who walked away from their kids?
Single moms are a meme.
Only niggers abandon their kids.
Other races bitches cuck their men, steal all their money, and then leave him with the kids.
In 100% of cases of separated/divorced non-nigger parents I know of the arrangement is either joint custody or father with primary or sole custody due to mother being an unfit parent.
That's the reality.
This single moms meme needs to fucking die.
Mainly because woman have the reproductive right. Men can't force a woman to get an abortion, can't force her to give up the child for adoption, etc...
It is a woman's responsibility to choose a good man to have a child with and it is also her choice as to whether if she wishes to keep the child. If men had a say in this matter, then yes, I would agree that men that walk away from paternal responsibility are scumbags too.
lurk moar CTR shill
I see tons of single moms. Not sure what you're talking about.
Women either choose horrible men. Or they choose a good man then leave him when she gets bored.
And this.
100% of non-nigger single mothers I know where the father is completely absent have 'tanned' offspring.
Man will not walk away from good wife.
>Men walked away from their children.
The courts give custody to the mothers 90% of the time despite the fact that they are far far better off with their fathers. They mothers always fight hard for that custody because it means free government money and free child support money.
We are not hypocrites, you are simply a fucking moron.
Are you retarded? I didn't say single mothers don't exist. The implication is that fathers abandon their children. But if you asked any of them wherein the baby wasn't a fetish breed you will find that they have joint custody of their child.
I.e. It's only niggers that are walking away from fatherhood.
In every other culture fahterhood is looked upon as a badge of honor.
I guarantee the vast majority will say that if the father abandons his responsibility then he's trash.
If you look by statistics white father's don't abandon their children at the rate of black father's.
Niggers don't have dads
jesus christ, that's a friend of mine's life. right down to the golf bag.
Lacking a provider, i.e. being poorer is the key trait of single mother households.
Because a woman who has chosen to engage in unprotected sex with a man of such low character that he would abandon his own offspring, is a woman not worth affording much respect.
If the mother is single following a divorce (i.e. the father stuck around, but the relationship failed) you can be almost certain that the woman initiated the divorce proceedings, and therefore probbaly put her own selfish desires ahead of her child's best interests.
The bottom line is that a woman's only test in life is the quality of the mate she chooses. If she finds herself as a single mother, that means she failed.
As others have said we constantly mock coons
Sorry, what?
Not really, seen tons of white men shunted from their kids or deadbeats.
Most kids are born out of wedlock these days.
We aren't niggers.
We hate everyone here, wait a thread or so, Phill Collins puppet.
Aren't most of the men who leave single families niggers?
Sometimes I make online dating profiles just to fuck with them. It is fun to see how desperate they really are, though betas are making it less fun these days
Women choose to be a single mother so they can get babbybux gibsmedats. It's almost like they should wait until they're in a long term relationship or married before getting pregnant. Dumb fag.
Maybe I will start to criticize dead beat dads when they are told how brave they are. why would I bash something that is hated by everyone.
Being a single mother on the other hand is treated today's society as a hero and role models instead of the dumb women who thinks with her pussy rather than her mind. sorry faggot but men and women are not equal. if a women can't keep a man he is a failure. she literally just has to cook clean and spread her legs for one man.
>yet it never says anything about the men who walked away from their kids?
Because unless the mom had a baby raped into her, it was her decision to procreate with that shitty man. He would not have been a deadbeat fuckwad of a dad if the mother had exercised sense and discretion about who she allowed to jam themselves between her legs. Women are the gatekeeper's of procreation, so outside of rape cases it's on them to make sure they choose suitable fathers for their the children of the world.
Single moms are basically just big billboard signs that said "I do not have enough sense to even be able to find a committed partner before procreating." And that's only talking about cases where it's the dad who walks out and not the mom being a cunt and driving him away, in which case it's on him not to have gotten fleshtied to some bimbo slut harpy.
Also wtf are you talking about not being critical of the kids' dads when this board has Nigger Hate Threads daily?
>Implying the court system didn't fuck them as soon as they saw that poor defenseless female sitting there in the courtroom with no way of possibly raising her children without someone else's monies.
How about some educative reading that is absolutely relevant to your subject:
OP kills himself today when he sees these dubs
Did you know other humans live outside of your house? Like at least 20 other people
They could just not get pregnant.