Because Villeneuve has submitted to Scott’s director’s-cut pseudo-profundity...

>Because Villeneuve has submitted to Scott’s director’s-cut pseudo-profundity, he loses the chance to make Blade Runner 2049 mean something in the current moral upheaval, in which dystopia and the distance between humans and apparatchiks are everyday realities. Ultimately, Villeneuve’s sequel is more ultra-hack Scott than visionary Wong. Blade Runner’s awesomeness is


Blade Runner btfo

Other urls found in this thread:

What movie this picture is from?
I don't remember Denzel having so much makeup


the gay nigger who is always right does it again

blade runner 2049 is a literal embarrassment on all levels, from the poshlost retrowave meme inspiration faggotgeist since HM dropped to shitty meme actors playing THAT THING YOU LIKED, HAHA REMEMBER THAT OLD STUFF THAT WAS COOL WELL HERE IT IS AGAIN, OMG THERE IT IS, THERE'S HARRISON FORD HAHA

if this movie was nugget sauce it would be sczechuan

Jesus fucking Christ, how does he do it?


Say it with me

it's from "gay niggers from outer space" hehehehehehehe


fuck off

Based as fuck!

what does this mean
>submitted to Scott’s director’s-cut pseudo-profundity
im a brainlet and need to be splained to

The Gay Nigger King of Sup Forums has spoken, I guess it's time to hate this film

It means Armond is based

This guy is a shill, not based

Armond thinks Blade Runner's director cut is pretentious and prefers the theatrical cut

Dishonest enemies of cinema BTFO once again

Based nigger BTFO cucks!
Reddit on suicide squad!

The only thing the director's cut of the original film adds is the implication that Deckard is a replicant. Which 2049 shoots down. So White is a fucking idiot.

WHOA! GG, White the Man

no he's based

If the critics hate it it will be a cult classic just like the original. Settle down everyone.

Villeneuve is a hack now

so is he saying that the sequel is based off something that was from the directors cut then, not the theatrical release? i havent got to see 2049 yet, but i dont recall there being that much different in the directors cut and original except the unicorn, and a voice over with ford

Dumb nigger


No, he's saying 2049 is pseudo-deep, much like Blade Runner director's cut

fuck this guy,

I like his contrarian views not because I find myself agreeing with them most of the time but because they're well reasoned and argued. Often times also original, but this is crap.

>le meme contrarian nigger
I mean I guess Sup Forums likes him ironically? I thought 2049 was shit as well desu, but pretending White even grasps what he is saying in that review is naive. He's either earnestly parodying the whole profession of film critic (which is really based if true) or he's just a fucking robot monkey who repeats the same tricks over and over again because he doesn't know any better... I believe the second to be true...

t. dishonest plebbitor enemies of cinema

Is there anything better than seeing based Armond obliterate pseudo-intellectual reddit flicks?

>The flashback repeats our era’s lousy sense of narrative structure. The slow-reveal of Lee’s tragic past makes his present inert. Lonergan’s static pace and over-obvious compositions attempt fake “realism,” but each scene looks like an acting-class exercise.

>Affleck had Henry Fonda probity earlier this year in The Finest Hours, but here he comes off as a self-pitying twerp (“I can’t beat it!”). His big scene with ex-wife Michelle Williams is a marathon of mutually fumbled schmaltz. The difference between ham-acting and depth can be seen when Lee’s Billy loses himself in a cheerleader’s eyes and whispers “Girl, I could run away with you.” Lonergan sums up working-class, ethnic blundering through phony pathos. None of these supposedly contemporary characters show self-awareness equal to Billy saying, “It’s weird being celebrated for the worst day of your life.” Lonergan’s celebration of ethnic parochialism is unhelpful. Kyle Chandler cuts a quietly robust figure as Lee’s older brother, but Lucas Hedges as the horny nephew Patrick unfortunately recalls a tall, foul-mouthed version of Matt Damon, the film’s producer.

>t. can't even terveiset properly

>dude death of the author lmao
Fuck Armond

Sounds like he finally attacked a pleb flick you liked

Yes, he's saying that 2049 is based on the director's cut of Blade Runner that implies that Deckard is a replicant (Unicorn dream, origiami), but the plot of 2049 works with either cut.

>The only thing the director's cut of the original film adds is the implication that Deckard is a replicant. Which 2049 shoots down.
Wrong, pay more attention next time, pleb.

That always fit better with the spirit of what PKD would have wanted to me. PKD was always about questioning what was real even to the point of paranoia.

Haven't watched 2049 and won't any time soon but how do they explain Deckard being a replicant if he's old?

>but how do they explain Deckard being a replicant if he's old?
They don't ever say that he's a replicant

>the plot of 2049 works with either cut.

How so?

This fag is always going on about MORALS but literally ignores the fact that the movie ends in a moralistic apatheosis for K and Deckard, each finding meaning in life that goes beyond a collective will instead lands on the side of individualism despite collectivist pressure, i.e. Refusing to kill Deckard, being with your loved one at last. Not to mention a positive father figure for once in a culture that constantly shits on dads.

>it will be a cult classic

So it will be a heavily pirated movie that no one makes any profit from so they can't make anything like it again?

Personally I don't give a fuck what PKD wanted and I don't believe Ridley Scott ever did either, but the whole Deckard is a Replicant thing was always pretty stupid to me

I never said the plot works with either cut, I just told you they never say he is or isn't a replicant and never really address the issue. I suppose what that user means though is that it is perhaps implied that he is a replicant due to the main plot point, or his scene with Wallace.

how do we save Villeneuve from hackery bros

>the current moral upheaval, in which dystopia and the distance between humans and apparatchiks are everyday realities
what did he mean by this?

Villeneuve directly disagreed with Scott's interpretation of the material, OP.

wait is he saying he liked the theatrical cut more?