US Pledges $38 Billion In Aid fo Israel


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He is baiting Trump to say that the wall would cost less

38 billion? what do you expect us to do with 20 billion? 10 billion is nothing goy, your muslim antisemite president wants to kill us which is why he only gave us 5 billion. remember the holocaust?


But why?

Why do the jews want more of our money?

Getting really tired of us sending so much of our money to that shitshow.


My lawyers will call you about that 50 billion you owe me


>Why do the jews want more of our money?

They want shekels to improve their wall.

lol k. half will go to the Haridi jews anyway

>Why do the jews want more of our money?
why does the pope shit in the woods?

So what is the actual reason. Israel is basically a solid gold palace, and we need to send them more money?

so you're saying that a group of jews is leeching your money?
how about that...

>more dosh I'll never see a single shekel out of
>literally 3.8$ bn per annum, about 1% of our GDP
Honestly burgers, you can keep it. We'd like a few aircraft carriers instead.

Such good goys.

oh boi let me tell you that us the Israeli citizens who arent Jews hate them aswell.

>jews start buying aircraft carriers from america instead of getting free money
>America is now up a 50 billion dollars
>Everything Trump talks about is now completely paid for

best ending ever

How many college tuitions would 38 billion have payed for?

Off by one, and I never said anything about (((Buying))) you fucking leaf.

Boi, even woven kippas hate the penguins.

Nice superpower

It's sad that the majority of conservatives support Israel

so basically israel is the usa's little pet, like niggers. keep sucking on that milk, israel.

>hate jews
>decide to move to israel
wew lad

>$38 billion dollars of American tax payer money received into Israel's bank account, used for subverting the US.
>₪10 shekels received into Obama's bank account, paid for subverting the US.

is there any nation more cucked than america

Parasite not pet, they are extremely harmful to the host body and should be removed quickly and painfully

I'm pretty sure it's the other way around, Wilfred

more like the other way around.

It's more than a fifth of your military budget.

Isreal military gets more bang for its buck. They dont have the same regulations the U.S military does.

Im thinking this much money is sort of a goodbye present before we stop giving aid.

U wot, poo ess ayy are Israel's pet. Completely and utterly cucked.

oh right, i forgot israel had the biggest economy in the world...

>But why
>Why do the jews want more of our money?

It's like asking why do fish like water or why do birds fly
Because it's their nature


it's not "israel", it's the international jew, who run both the usa and israel.

you don't honestly believe that

This is why taxation is theft. Seriously just fucking cut spending and unconstitutional agencies, slap term limits and pay caps and lower the tax rate across the board to 3%. Fucking dammit.

I wonder this too. What is their reasoning (that they tell the American people) for sending so much to a place that doesn't even need it.

>stop giving aid
You didn't mean that.

what would explaining their reasoning achieve?

Yes, well said.

seriously fuck these people. I cannot believe we are 20 trillion in debt and still paying all these shitbird countries

And the 1.5 billion to Egypt and 1 to Jordan are to keep peace with Jews.

i don't believe it i know it. are you really denying the strangle hold jews wield over america? "israeli" (fake bullshit identity) or not, they're all jews. the jew is international.

muh terrrists muh freedom muh jesus

OP's a faggot. Israel is a rouge terrorist state.
>b-b-but muh muslim killings
Christians lived in Palestine too.

People here are sick of it too, our aid budget is 12 billion I think and we give money to Argentina in the form of aid whilst the NHS is rationing operations and other procedures and we have debt.

It's ridiculous but governments just won't touch that aid budget, they increase it rather than cut it despite the public calling them out on it.

you could build a fucking mars base with that!

# i'm tired of tripping over military hardware

For what? What threat is there that Israel can't handle without our help? Fucking jews man.

Right okay, so how is that a basis for an argument in your mind? What point are you trying to make here m8?

wew lad,watcha doin Ahmed?

>Why do the jews want more of our money?

Thats why your country is fucked up, you guys are stupid as fuck. Even spics like us noticed how jews use you

Israel just needs to take over the middle east and it will be fine

Kill yourself, JIDF.

The Egypt aid is certainly, but the Jordanians were already nominally American aligned since the late 50s when everyone else in the area was turning to the Soviets.

>"Under the agreement, Israel's ability to spend part of the funds on Israeli military products will be gradually phased out, eventually requiring all of the funds to be spend on American military industries. Israel's preference for spending some of the funds internally had been a major sticking point in the deal."

Wow those fucking jews man, give them free shit and the sticking point was they wanted to spend it on their own stuff. Fucking money grabbing cunts.

Why does the US give so much to afghanistan?

>Why do the jews want more of our money?
>Why do the jews want more money?

Thank you greatest ally

>there just needs to be all out war with possible nukes and it will be fine

They are quite scummy, no wonder they've been gassed and slaughtered so many times.

more like israel and saudi arabia need to be wiped off the map and everything will be fine.

> not Jew
> Israeli citizen

not for long

nah, im good.

He probably russian

How the fuck do we not have enough for a wall and paying for our own defense? Are we obligated to give them all this fucking ransom money?

If israel is gone the middle east would be a catastrophic situation, with islam spreading even more to europe

That is pretty cucked



Open the bay doors, goyim.

Can someone explain to me what benefit sucking off Israel gives us? It seems like anymore we're just doing it because it's always been that way.

Strongfoot in the middle east, in case Russia decides to ally with some of those countries. That's it, the cold war never ended for the US.

The Democratic Party? Mass immigration?

I honestly can't think of anything. I suppose it's good for your retarded ADL workers that have dual citizenship and can skim that money off to build a new house on top of some bulldozed dead American reporter?

"military aid"
What a bizarre way to spell "paying the bill"

For example, if the states needed to do a regime change in some country full of oil, having israel around is beneficial.

I too would like to know this. How does this benefit the American people?

>without saudi arabia and israel funding wahhabi extremism and jews in america destabilising the region through war and waves of chaos the region would be worse.

funny how there was no islam in europe before israel existed, the first immigration was pretty much right after it.

It's only a matter of time before your own multi-culti rhetoric destroys your country.

Show me ONE relationship that is as skewed as the one between US and Israel in HUMAN HISTORY.

You can't.
The way jews control and drain the United States is unique. And it will be ludicrous to our grandsons.

Israel isn't important, it wasn't even during WWI. Fucking Saudi Arabia is worth more (as much as it pains me to say) because of oil. Israel has nothing, even its positioning and the whole "herp muh democracy in middle east". It's not important, democracy in the middle east isn't important. And can you really call Israel a "democratic mature society" when they bomb neighbouring countries for no reason? They are an aggressive state that cause problems, not solutions.

But after the Harper government I know Canadians are as backwards and as brainwashed as the Americans are in regards to Scumsrael.

>if jews in america want to topple a regime for shekels causing massive chaos, violence, immigration, and radicalism then, having jews in israel around is beneficial.

They gotta grab all they can before Trump cuts the aid.

>funny how there was no islam in europe before israel existed,
Do you know what the Ottoman Empire and the Ummayad Caliphates were?

I'm not Jew lover but Islam conquered all of Spain m8, long before JewJews had control over Israel.

The US is sending 6'000 USD per Israeli citizen per year.

Why don't you retards revolt?

>even its positioning
The Mediterranean sea, saudi arabia does not have access to it. all the states around israel that are aggressive are also causing problems. Israels position on the map is everthing, since the states does not yet have syria

So what you get from that?

US confirmed goodest goys

If Trump loses I hope Putin and Kimmy nuke the shit out of you faggots

>implying Egypt wasn't our bitch until Obama fucked it up

that was so long ago it's utterly irrelevant. the idea that israel keeps islam out of europe or fights terrorism is retarded, these things are only problems because of jews.

>but Islam conquered all of Spain m8, long before JewJews had control over Israel.
jews actually had a lot to do with this too.

>u.s tax dollars going straight to niggers and isreal
>canadian tax dollars go to painting rainbow crosswalks
>European tax dollars go to giving achmed a mansion and 13 young white girls

Fuck taxes


Yes it is nice to help people but for fuck sake help ourselves first.

It's like if I gave to charity and then couldn't afford food myself

>why do the jews want shekels

oy vey goyim das rayciss

>giving 38 billion dollar to the jews

Only the US could be so cucked.

For the American people? Fuck all.

Oh you want to go down that route? Then Turkey is more important than Israel in that regard, in fact sacking all of Turkey, putting a Christian in control of it and wiping out all the Muslims would be far cheaper and give far more influence and control over the M.E

Or maybe the Israelis and the Americans should not have gone against the UK and France when we had tried to democratise the entire region. Israel wants influential power over the region but doesn't have the projection abilities to do so, or the size to do so.

Turkey does and Americans have fucked that one up recently. GG.