Do Americans ever see Muslims? Actual Muslims...

Do Americans ever see Muslims? Actual Muslims, not "people you think are Muslims because they don't have blue eyes and brown hair?"

or is it purely niggers and spics that is your main concern over there?

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I don't see Muslims anywhere but on college campuses because MUH DIVERSITY means that shitskins get in just to fill racial quotas.

Depends on where you live. I'm from the Midwest, where they're rare but certainly not unheard of. They're much more common on the coasts.

You'll probably have lots of rich Arabs coming in from abroad actually.

My Uni is full to the brim with Chinks and there's a few rich Arabs too.
The worse Unis have lots of Spics and Africans.

Yeah, at least at my university, the Muslims were overwhelmingly wealthy Arabs who were studying business/accounting/finance to keep their parents happy. I really don't think they were affirmative action admissions, that was mostly the nigs.

>Midwest, where they're rare
Except the largest Somali diaspora in US is in Minnesota

I live near Detroit even by a big Muslim community and hardly ever see them. Just billboards with Islam doctors and lawyers. I've seen them kayaking in their full cover shishkabobs

Yeah, lots of hi jabs on uni campuses and full ninja robes at the big medical towers, but that's Saudi money.

>haha look at these idiots they are against cancer while they never had it could they know if its bad ?

True enough. I'm not from the Great Lakes area, so I forget about them sometimes.