Hate Crime: Scottish muslim tourist set on fire

Police in New York are hunting for a man who set fire to a Scottish Muslim tourist’s clothes while she was shopping on Fifth Avenue.

The 36-year-old woman was browsing the boutiques on Saturday evening when she felt heat on her arm. She looked down and realised her blouse had been set on fire.

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ok good


They were just trying to make her feel more at home.


>Scottish muslim
>doesn't eat haggis



Americans literally muslim tier.

Nice source

btw the guy is black

What's a Scottish muslim?

Is that a new variant of the Mexican intellectual meme?


Whites are better than niggers.

>bombvest malfunctions
>has to explain the fire
'Muh islamophobic bigot did this'



Hate crimes are such bullshit

>Minority attacks white
Normal crime
>White attacks minority

>She looked down and realised her blouse had been set on fire.


>scottish muslim
There is no such thing. It's high time people stopped saying these oxymorons. To be Scottish is to have an identity, ethnic, religious, cultural. Muslims follow none of those, they are not Scottish.


I'm not even being racist when I say this is impossible. If she was born in Scotland she is British. Scottish English and Welsh are ethnicities not nationalities.

Scot here. Haven't seen a Muslim in months because I live in the country and hardly see any if I go to the city. Feelsgoodman.

Its by design, intended to water down white ethnicities. To them, you are not entitled to your white ethnicity.

The fight for the world is taking place. its a hella interesting time.


> clothes shopping

I didn't know Bed Bath & Beyond sold black sheets.

This. The way government is run now, the German, French, British etc. state could run and collect taxes without having a single ethnic native present. (Nationality) is now a passport and an economy, not an ethnicity and a culture.

She was a terrorist. But being Scottish was too tight fisted to buy explosives so set herself on fire instead.

Like it was told hundred times, attack liberals, not muslims. First are reason, second are consequence.

Major crime, it risked setting off her bomb vest early

>no source
You include the source in the OP, you dumb fucking spic.

Thank you America!

No true Scotsman is definitely not a logical fallacy.

Today, we should take a moment to thanks the Americans for being our eternal friends.


Under rated

I wish isis would attack some black community in the US.

It would do really well for race relations I think.

Maybe it caught on fire from some candle.

It's New York City. I was probably a deranged junkie or homeless person.

>fail at suicide bombing
>"someone set my blues on fire. I swear"

>Hate crime
>Perpetrator is nigger
Oh, nevermind, nothing to see here

That looks bloody delicious mate. What is it?

This would be a great way to fight back against Islam. Set fire to all the burka wearing cunts. The material looks like it burns well, and they're wrapped in so many layers it would take time for them to notice.

Guessing it'll be the new national sport in a few years.

It's a deep fried onion.

Its an Awesome Blossom, like the image title says.. but yea, deep friend onion pretty much.

Islam is a religion

Scottish people are extremely tolerant for whatever reason, and they have a large middle eastern population.

I know someone who told me the other day they engaged in a discussion with someone who clearly was arab, but had a thick Scottish accent.. and he actually had to go back and ask the guy if it was in fact Scottish.

He didnt set them on fire though, I dont think.

Thread theme:

>Scottish Muslim

it was probably her husband that did it


I didnt wake up one morning and think, im a muslim today lets build a mosque



This is not a scottish muslim. A muslim immigrant (parasite) in Scotland.

>the circuitry of your bomb vest sparks
>invent excuse on the spot
They are getting smarter and smarter as time goes on.

The (((globalists))) are destroying the ethno-cultural identity of white peoples, hence pushing (((multiculturalism))) and anti-ethnic optics into white identities. Anyone who happen to live in Scotland is bow as much scottish as an ethnic scott according to (((them))).

They wear the kilt on their head.

Thank you America.

t. England.

watcha doin imam?

>Scottish Muslim


This post is a fantastic post.

No it's much more than that. It's a political system that encompasses everything from finance, politics, social norms and law.

Blame the Stirred Haggis for creating """Scottish""" muslims.


Why not both?

death to blairites!!!!!

What is haggis actually made of?

Why didn't you STIR IT?

Mashed sheep guts.

Are you one of those ISIS plants who sucked dick all the way to Mexico, because Al- Baghdadi blew all your travel expenses and allowance on kiddie porn and kid slaves?

No true Scotsman

That's not very responsible he could have set off her bomb vest.

well desu every country has it's weird cuisine, but nobody comes nearer to haggis, deep fried mars bars and bubblegum flavoured water made by Barr.



>Scottish Muslim tourist

Your MPs disagree with you!

Thanks Jew York, grill those kebabs!


fucking nice

excuse me we have lots of proud scottish muslims in our country


Organs...not guts. Guts are "the bag".

Not our fault that Rome sent there some surviving Dacians as legion filling with almost the same recipe - which also need an ingredient not found in Ireland, aka -20 degrees Celsius... and pork.

Just call muslims '' new europeans '' already, and get it over with


>deep fried mars bars
yes please, there soooo goood.
£1 a pop, kebabs refuse to deep fry mars bars

i think you mean white hall

not a hate crime because black people can't be racist


Sounds good 2bh, organs are delicious if you can cook it properly. Muslims (and non muslims) here love liver and lungs

based Jew York, I've been pretty proud of my state recently. As of late this is the third or fourth kebab removal including the actual murders like this one: reuters.com/article/us-new-york-shooting-idUSKCN10O0X4

Lol they both look like literal retards.



fuck off you gypsy faggot

I'll never get over just how ugly Sturgeon is; She makes me heave.

lol he looks like a gay animal trainer

Haggis is an old English recipe anyway and it's guts/heart/liver and lungs with spices and oats iirc.

It's apparently nice, I'd try it but I haven't had the opportunity to, I have family in Inverness so if I go there I may try it.

I don't like liver unless it's chewy, you can get liver that crumbles and breaks apart in your mouth. That makes me feel sick, it's the texture of it, but chewy liver is fine.


>Scottish Muslim tourist

More like TERRORIST.

I bet she has room for a small family in her evacuated bowels.

was the stupid trash bag leaning over the Yankee Candle display?

>Scottish Muslim
top kek

Correct, 1000 to be precise.