Anyone else genuinely miss him?
Anyone else genuinely miss him?
The International Criminal Court miss him.
absolutely not
No, fuck that cuck "compassionate conservative". Trump will make Republicans great again.
a little
that doesn't mean he wasn't a piece of shit though
Terrible terrible president. He made for some good jokes though
I have a lot of dreams about him for some reason.
This, he was likable but his actions were not good. We also had a funny song involving him and Saddam Hussein.
only because I was still a kid during his presidency and didn't have to worry about anything.
true, and these other two faggots too
i like his little doggo paintings
That faggot right there is the reason why germany women are being raped on the streets (no harm done) and French people are being killed by ak-47's (intolerable cancer).
All because his family trades oil and a rise in price greatly benefits him.
Hell, I think he is even worse than Trump (assuming Trump could actually win the election).
>Implying it wasnt Bush senior who called the shots.
Don't forget Barroso.
Nah, some of the worst spending of any republican president. Honestly, I kinda preferred Clinton's spending, but he was lucky enough to have the internet boom and relative peace.
no, 2nd worst president
The Bush family is just as corrupt, if not more so, than the Clintons.
Wasn't because of him you guys had a lot of refugees from Iraq?
He was funny.
I will miss his amazing shoe-dodging skills.
I miss my life during his administration.
I remember the Bush years.
Youtube had just started. People were still blaming Iraq for Sept. 11.
Slow internet. Blogging had just begun getting big. No one had Facebook. Hardly anyone knew of Sup Forums.
not me but I'm sure Hillary does
she greatly approved of his foreign policy
I was so young and blissfully ignorant to the world around me
>Youtube had just started
>No one had Facebook
wat. i've been on thefacebook since 2004. granted, it's nothing like it used to be
I was too young to enjoy the liberal ass mad when he took the election thanks to Yeb being governor of Florida. But, he also declared war on Iraq which was the biggest flop of the new century, but that was all Dick Cheney and the PNAC mother fuckers. Generally as a person, yes, I do miss him. as much as I miss pic related.
If he was president now, ISIS would be dust.
If he had stayed president, ISIS wouldn't even exist.
George W. Bush 2001–2009
>considered the worst POTUS of all time
>gets elected twice
Explain yourselves, amerisharts.
but if no one was on facebook then how was i on facebook?
He wasn't actually as bad as people complain he was. That's why.
international law is a meme
fuck off globalist
>>considered the worst POTUS of all time
by whom?
(((Who))) writes the history?
If the US never went to Iraq do you think ISIS would be a problem today?
Yes, it just wouldn't be in Iraq.
Yeah man it's been hard not dying in any wars for Israel since he left office
I'd take this guy for a lifetime instead of two terms under King Nigger.
Universal jurisdiction is a globalist meme. The customs of the Westphalian nation state system were useful tools for keeping order. You can have international law without the bullshit of the Hague.
No. He was
Never claimed there weren't retard dindus by the millions that voted for him.. Just claimed he's a worthless president.. Which he is...
The people didn't elect him in the first place. If the people's votes mattered then Gore would have won. The government got in who they wanted and that's how it's going to be from now on. HOPE AND CHANGE, right? Obama has been nothing more than a continuation of Bush. Hillary will be a continuation of Obama. It's all predetermined and our votes mean jack shit.
He wasn't as bad as Obongo.
I don't miss his fucking VP and his mastery at being a puppet, but he put on a smile for America and didn't bend over like king nigger is doing with other world leaders, I'd sit down and have a beer with him and maybe paint, but as a president, he was way more likable than the pavement ape running hrc's campaign for her, but i wouldnt opt for another bush term
Never support NWO shills
That's what I'm saying.
Trump is a meme.
Not unlike a stick, memes are stronger in a faggot.
Terrible president. Very lovable guy
he was kinda funny.
Yes. He was a hero.
Would have a beer with/10
But he was a bad president.
Peak of his presidency was the few months post 9/11
You're probably right. ISIS would still exist, but under nominal control of Iraqi security apparatus. That's where most ISIS commanders came from anyway.
ISIS would have become a Sunni version of Hezballah, controlled by Iraq.
So Syria would still be shit.
Yemen would still be shit.
Probably Iran would look like Syria.
Bush years began in 2001, dumbass. There was no facebook between the yeas of 2001 and 2004.
So, for you that means 2001, 2002, and for 2003 that was no facebook, which is during the Bush years.
You're the kind of person no one on the planet would miss.
>Peak of his presidency was the few months post 9/11
Before people realized that he exploited their blind patriotism after a national tragedy (STEEL BEAMS) to start unjust wars that are still carrying on about 15 years later.
hell yeah
Glad his shamnesty plan didn't pass.
He's a Jew puppet and let Saudis 7/11 us fuck him
This fucker did the patriot act, whit that he basicaly put an end to personal freedom anywere on the planet.
So he can go to hell.
This. College life was good.
>they will never play dress up together again
Thanks Obama ;_;
>Islam is the religion of peace
>Fuck over the common man for big business
>Open borders
>Create a housing bubble due to giving cheap credit to minorities
>Send young white males to die in pointless wars
Prefer Obama.
Like he said, "no one" was on facebook
Get the fuck out neo-con.
He aided the fundamental destruction of America. No, I don't miss him. The Bush years themselves were great though.
Nope. I used to but then I found out he was more of the same.
Nope and again nope.