Does this guy have a good show? Thinking of subscribing
Gavin McInnes
Most of the time. He gets a little cringy when he starts trying too hard to emphasize his alpha male status.
He used to be with Vice
What the fuck happened?
You really need to stop making this thread Gavin, it's getting pathetic.
"Creative differences"
Gavin jumped the shark when he went full faggot. He kissed Milo, stuck a dildo up his ass, and started his alternative to the alt-right called "proud boys" which is the gayest name ever. He's just another coolservative faggot like Crowder or (((Shapiro))).
He's got some interesting ideas and can be kinda funny at times, just skip whenever he talks about religion.
He has already told us all his insightful opinions ages ago, now he is either repeating them
>h-hey, d-do you re-re-rr-remember that time when I put that feminist in her place, h-he he
Or making his cringy and desperate attempts to be edgy like bismuth.
>l-look at me, I-I'm a loonie libural, doesn't liburuls make stupid noise? h-he he
So save some money, and go through his earlier stuff, his mind isn't that expansive so it's all there.
>t. sexually insecure faggot
He's pretty funny and makes alot of good points. Definitely cringey at times but worth subscribing for him and cumia shows.
If you like watching leafs shove stuff up their ass sure. He makes some good points, but there is much better content.
Him and Seth rogan should have a show together
They are the perfect pair
He seems very hedonistic based on what he's expressed approval of. He needs to seek God.
He does a decent job of BTFOing SJWs, but then talks about some sluts he banged in his twenties for 45 minutes. Reeks of insecurity yet tries to play up this alpha male status.
Makes sense that he's kind of retarded since he's a fucking leaf.
freindly reminder he was a #CruzMissile unironically
He can be pretty articulate in some circumstances.
It can be hit and miss with him, though.
If this doesn't convince you to subscribe, I don't know what would
He makes me cringe. He acts like a child would when acting "all grown up", riddled with exaggeration and hyperbole. He has some decent points but they are undermined by his manner.
5:45 to 6:24 is absolutely golden.
He claims to be Catholic but when he explains God he sounds like a moron.
Also OP it's worth it because there are other funny shows on there too, like Anthony Cumia's show and "In Hot Water." All the hosts are conservative and entertaining.
No, he's a fucking moron, anyone who actually thinks he has any insight is a fucking moron as well
>not sticking things in your butt
God gave you a prostate for a reason. Use it or lose it.
Proud boys is a play off the song proud of my boy in aladdin on broadway its a gay coming of age song and he makes fun of it on TGMS
Total cuck. I'm not tripping my subscription after today
>has chuck Johnson on
>every time chuck mentions anything about blacks or Jews he gets offended and cuts him off
>cut chucks segment short because he's a cuck and got triggered when chuck bashed libertarianism
>brings on functional retard who literally plays with his cock
I'm out. I can't wait until he kills himself after finding out his wife has been fucking niggers on the side for years
Please leave, Gavin!
He uses acquinas's argument for intelligent design.
*re upping
Fucking auto correct.
I don't see the appeal, honestly.
Eh ant isnt funny and he looks like a Jewish alien. What other shows are there?
He's a Tunisian back alley knife fighter
Like I said, "In Hot Water" with Gino Bisconte and Aaron ((Berg.)) He's a jew but you can't tell by looking at him and he's hilarious.
That was a bad set, he had no material just riffed with the audience.
I subscribe. He's funny and there is plenty of real talk. The only thing I don't like is the alcohol/drug talk can get out of control, but it's not in most shows
That's his thing. His CD is called "Comedy Coltrane"
Catholics don't know God.
>please tell me how to think, I can't form my own opinions
Might as well sub to young turks
The average gamer has been a 30+ year old male since 2004 or so. And the gaming industry is much larger than Hollywood.
It's akin to saying that adults shouldn't enjoy movies, or books or what have you.
>look how alpha i am Lmao
Looks like a tryhard closet faggot
Lol, i bet he didnt eben got skol
That's because underneath it all he's just a normal attention whore
This entire thread is just a bunch of butthurt sam hyde fans cryibg because gavin banned him from his show after he kept eating bags of skittles and being an autistic retard.
Wait what about that ginger thing he kept having on the show? Was that not being an autistic retard
No sam hyde was chortling to himselfand interrupting with "classclown" tier jokes during interviews with other people.
Coppercab is just a troll and that segment was A+ gold
He is mostly antifeminist.
And loves to tell shit like
>hurr real menz do not listen music
>durr real men love that and not like this
It's kinda annoying when you realise he is blatantly forcing his (sometimes pretty retarded) idea of manhood onto you.
He used to do much more stupid things before he went into political stuff...
He's a cuckservative trying to appeal to the "alt-right"
it's entertaining, I like NYC Crime Report and The East Side Dave Show that are on compound media..
He said he wants to have Sam back, but that AS was telling Sam he was getting too political and to hold back for a bit
He's funny. He's not a total idiot. He's got some stuff on YouTube, watch those first, then decide.
During the marathon he banned sam hyde from his show for emailing him and saying he felt he was being talkeddown to. Hyde was a worse guest thanDavid Fuchs, he didnt say anything funny or contribute anything he just autistically laughed at himself. He isnt funny, he wears the broach of autists to get a following, but his show is dogshit. They take a premise that could be funny, draw it out,beat a dead horse, and it ends up being crap.
Fuck sam hyde
He's Jim Goad minus the edge, talent and humor.
The only good thing about him is occasionally he brings interesting people into the spotlight. Beyond that, he's just an annoying git.
He's funny but he tends to repeat himself. He'll talk about the same thing on multiple episodes. Gets boring. He's also not particularly bright so he doesn't have a lot of original opinions. Luckily he has interesting guests like Chuck Johnson on a lot to make up for it.
"I'm a @tedcruz man but if @realDonaldTrump wins, I'm still going to be dancing in the streets like a Muslim on 9-11."