Which cast is the best? And who would you cast for the upcoming TV show?

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Gilliam's is on a whole other level of terrible.

JDM IS the Comedian.

Snyder nailed 5/6.

Which one did he fuck up?

>Schwarzenegger was considered for Dr. Manhattan
>Jamie Lee Curtis as Laurie

Picture is missing the cast for the 2019 version.


Finn Wolfhard as the giant octopus

a watchmen tv show is beyond terrible... how desperate is HBO to replace GOT

Not him but I'm gonna go ahead and say it was probaby Ozy. Personally, I didn't like Malin Akerman either, but that's not a miscast, she's just terrible.

Ozy. I liked him, but he stands under the shadow of the others.
Reconsidering Malin now, thanks to this user

Snyder has the best of the bunch. I think a Bruce Willis Rorschach would have been neat. Ron perlman seems a good fit for the comedian.

Honestly, Snyder (or whoever is his casting director) did an excellent job. Ozzy doesn't bother me, its the writing there not the performance anyway.

I mean, who'd have thought of Jackie Earle Haley and JDM...but having seen it, who can think of anyone else for those roles. And most importantly, they were probably pretty cheap hires as well. Proper casting directors have like a sixth sense for this shit, its uncanny. Or you can read Sony leaks, which by contrast makes Sup Forums casting threads look informed. In fact, they could copy and paste our threads and it would probably get someone promoted.

Yeah, the problem with Ron Perlman (and the Greengrass cast in general) is that its obvious, I don't know if its casting or just typecasting. Its also a really expensive, I don't think it could actually have happened. You'd have to like pick two and leave the rest.


I don't think anyone can beat this casting...

>Nite Owl
James Marsden/Tom Welling
Sam Rockwell
>Doctor Manhattan
Michael Fassbender or Michael C hall
Jude Law or Matt Bomer
>The Comedian
Jon Hamm
>Silk Spectre
Evangeline Lilly

You missed a key detail, Silk Spectre is supposed to still be a white actress in this scenario.

would preorder ticket for this to be completely honest
would be fun as fuck

meant for


Rorschach and Comedian were cast perfectly by Snyder

I could live with half this cast.
Just lose Willard, Chedle and 12 years a slave woman


Tom Cruise DESERVES to be Adrian Veidt.

>all black cast
WAT I can't appreciate this!

>all white cast
Yes, so? Everyone can appreciate this.

Veidt, he's supposed to be the ubermensch not a twink.

I like Joaquin Phoenix as nite owl and i can dig Ron Pearlman as the comedian, but Dr. Manhattan and specially Veidt should be tall as fuck and ripped as fuck, it's like nobody read the comic book. Rorschach could be Sam Rockwell i guess

Matthew Goode looks like a skinny faggot, i don't know who the fuck cast him

Whoa wtf, stop making me really think you jerk

Fuck time warner
God damn

Yeah, I'm dropping really deep thoughts here.

How badly were you beaten for being a faggot as a child?

Only thing I didn't like about Jackie is they obviously tried to make him look tough even without his mask.
But he wasn't supposed to stand out like that.

>Film based on a comic book with established racial look
>gets mad if someone finds the fact Hollywood made them all black to be strange.

Mahershala is a fucking alpha nigger... what are you on about???

Sorry this:
Was meant for this

>established racial look

You are a square.

Pretty badly.

At least I'm white...

I'm sure it's the least important thing about you.

>implying the first silk spectre can say no to the rock

>tfw you remember 2007 was ten years ago

>Jude Law as Ozymandias

pls god