What if trying to distance itself from the prequels is the red herring just to avoid an obvious spoiler that a toddler could put together?
What if Snoke really is Darth Plagueis?
Shut up
he better be
I won't accept any other explanation
>Palpatine calls Snoke's presence an ancient and other-worldly presence
>his master has lived hundreds of years before he was murdered by his own apprentice
>literally the only plausible tie-in to the EU that fans would accept
>Snoke seems obsessed with the image of perfection and immortality
It would be a stupid twist. What reason would he have for using a fake name? Nobody in this new trilogy even knows who Plageuis is.
Luke does.
hes an ancient force vampire that wont be given a definitive back story until they do a old republic trilogy
Or until the third film comes out. Also, you realize you just described Darth Plagueis, right?
I honestly don't give a shit anymore.
I'm sorry, George.
how would luke know if even yoda didnt know? only palp knew of some legend of darth plageius the wise
No one does except mouthbreathers
It's clearly palpy
He's literally just Snoke. He's nobody and Kylo Ren will kill him to save Rey in the new one.
Plageuis is his sith name
Snoke is his real one, like sidious an sheev
Who cares, this shitty movie will be out in a month, and the board will be ruined by mouth breathing tourists and you won't be able to talk about anything else.
Until then, shut the fuck up. No one cares about leaks, muh porgs, trailers, reactions to trailers, muh memes, or any of it.
He looks ugly as fuck for someone obsessed with the image of perfection
We don't know that hermit Yoda wasn't aware of him. I mean let's face it, Sheev lived right next door to Yoda for fucking years and he didn't pick up on it. This is a shitty argument.
isn't he just some wealthy casino owner and literally who? (le ebin Drumpf reference)
He is sheev, his body was warped by the reactor's energy and he survived by using the force.
You still pushing this "they gonna spoof Trump" thing? Didn't happen in TFA, didn't happen in R1...
betrayed by his apprentice he no longer consider himself sith
i know your right but im going to pretend otherwise
Well, yeah.
he does look like he got thrown down an elevator shaft
its carth
He looks so fucking goofy. Who the fuck okayed this?
Fucking relax, autismo.
Wait until you see his shoes.
There is no way he is going to just be a literal who.
plagius is a sith though. snokes is neither sith or jedi
Snoke is not Plagueis.
Anyone who thinks he is is either underage or retarded.
I'll be laughing and basking in your tears on the 15th, or sooner if there is a leak.
t.b.h it came first to my mind when i wrote it, but yeah at this point i would very much believe that the hollywood circle jerk would use a stupid trump reference to get publicity
You know this because? After Darth Plagueis was killed the first time, he could have went extreme dark side or some autistic shit.
He's right, it was stated the Sith are gone and wiped out.
Nobody is gonna cry, faggot. It just would be an interesting character to see. It could flesh out some prequel stuff and act as a catalyst to fix prequel problems
you underestimate the power of Disney
anyways, how come the Darth Plagueis scene is the only one in the prequels that's so memorable, subtle and thought provoking like it was from totally different movie
But that doesn't mean anything. That's just something people probably assume.
because it was the only good thing written in rotj
Well make sure you filter all the movies you see with the expectation of them making fun of a comical President that nobody respects.
Because the force ghost of Anakin would have told him?
Well it would be a huge retcon. I don't especially care, and Disney can do whatever they want, but they have no reason to shit over George that much
All that Luke knows is that he killed what he assumed were the last two Sith, Vader and Sheev. Kylo certainly has the potential to Sith it up with the right holocronss to teach him and it's not a stretch to think that Anime has one.
No, he was Luke's first apprentice at the academy. He turned to the dark side and converted Kylo. That's how they knew each other. Like got into a bug fight with him at the temple and smoke got all burned and stuff. Kylo finished off the other students during the battle while Luke was dealing with snoke.
It's pretty obvious.
You faggots were crying after TFU. You will crying in December, and then you fags will claim the "huge reveal" is being saved for the last movie. Then you will probably claim that it's saved for Plaguies stand alone film, because you fucks are dumb as hell.
These new movies suck, but the one good thing they did is cause immense butthurt to prequel and EU loving faggots.
Thanks Disney.
TFA predates Trump
Rogue One had the literal screenwriter having an autism fit on Twitter about Trump and how the empire was white supremacist
The mouse kept his Spurger he rained in, but the film was still about women and people of color, exclusively, teaming up against evil white male oppressors
Rian Johnson is based so it's fine, but you're kidding yourself if you don't think JJ is making IX pure polishit
I have no clue why that autocorrected to anime
because in the new movie we learn that luke realizes that both the jedi and sith order is bs and the force is much bigger then anyone realized thats why he becomes a grey jedi. also snookes is just a huge rehash of the yuzing vong who were supposed to be some humoungus threat in the SW universe that palpatine was aware of. snoke lives off the force whether its light or dark
>pic related is the big bad in a major motion Hollywood production
Oh no no no no no...
He's the evil king from Wreck-It Ralph
So, one tweet? That's it? Woah...this is like Hillary Clinton's Star Wars.
Did you actually watch RotJ? Luke got bailed out by Vader, who succumbed shortly thereafter.
>rained in
Kill yourself. You fat illiterate fuck
Yea, whatever, still a bunch of recton shit
It's this, but the "twist" is that he was already darkly powerful before joining Luke's academy and was just There to see who he could redpill
Everyone who thinks he's a pretty cool character is straight up retarded, but the Le Reddit "it's Plagueis" meme is a special kind of cancer for a special kind of idiot
he was sith though before redeeming himself. whats not to say palps was a jedi youngling before plag found him?
pretty cool = prequel
Speak to text, haha
please, tell me you have pictures of this turd running on flip flopsss
finally, someone not retarded
Maybe you're illiterate but none of this contradicts what I just said.
>but the film was still about women and people of color, exclusively
Most chemically balanced people don't have a problem with this, especially how it acts as a visual contrast to the conformity of the Empire, a theme that is 40 goxdamn years old.
Thats the reason, my padawan.
He isnt, so he seeks perfection.
your mom contradicted my dick before taking it up the ass
as much as that other user could be right... this will end up to be true because this is some shit written for kids to sell toys and nobody gives a fuck
You want a sticker or something? You attention whoring fag.
Do I want a sticker for finding at least one other Star Wars fan that isn't a complete idiot on Sup Forums?
Well, I kind of indifferent towards the notion, desu senpai
But that headcanon makes even less sense and is more rebbit that the thing you are complaining about
>he le sneaky sith conman who redpilled Kylo and was Luke's first apprentice bruh, like pottery
Kill yourself
>people who don't agree with my speculative headcanon specifically, are idiots.
How tight is that trilby on your sweaty head?
no he's the Goldmember
What if Phasma is really Padme in disguise?
Do you guys get hoe stupid this sounds?
What if Rey is really Jar Jars daughter!
I don't believe I mentioned any headcanon. Which is funny, since the Plagueis fags always project their weird Plagueis headcanon on everyone else.
>there's no plan
>there's no outline
>there's no vision
Nobody cares about EU, legacy or "current canon." Rian was given carte blanche to write his script, just as JJ will be given for the next film.
Your headcanon is that Snoke was Luke's first aprentice and you're acting smug as fuck in a Star Wars thread. It's like trying to be the Dance Queen at a paraplegic ball.
I never said that, sorry.
>Speak to text, haha
just when i thought phoneposters couldn't get any more terrible
Not everyone is a neet piece of shit that can waste away on a computer.
See >Snoke joined to secretly redpill Kylo
Wasn't there some leak about the force starting with a boy and a girl with each being a side of the force till the dark side boy murdered the girl? Snoke probably is that boy still alive and Rey is the reincarnation of the girl.
makes sense to me.
exactly. I dunno about you, but If I were a leader of an ancient ideology that got fucking wrecked by a bunch of hippies and some chink teddy bears, I'd distance myself from that as much as possible.
t. nigger
Yea, that's not my post. You got confused.
You only quoted this post of mine which was a response primarily to the:
>Everyone who thinks he's a pretty cool character is straight up retarded, but the Le Reddit "it's Plagueis" meme is a special kind of cancer for a special kind of idiot
Because George originally wanted the twist to be that Palpatine outright reveals that he is Anakins "father" but then he decided to remove that stanza but left the hints in it.
why is Lucas so bad at names
>"Supreme Leader"
What a stupid fucking name. Bloated as shit title. This isn't starwars at all. So glad I haven't seen Rogue One so glad I wont see this new one.
I'm pretty sure he was, but disney don't expected that everyone would figure it out instantly, now they will come with some force tree bullshit
Woah, good one! So based!
Sheev is Nu-Canon, Palpatine never had a first name in the old EU.
Jesus what a shitshow
>Bloated as shit title
The man dresses in gold and owns a casino planet, that's the point dipshit.
It will probably be plageuis having taken over Anakins body after he died. They just burned the suit. the body was stolen and survivied by plageuis minions.
>that's not me, I swear!
Lol okay samefag.
ok buddy
Except that can't work because we seen his force ghost
> Phasmas armor is canonically from Sheevs yacht
> Sheevs yacht would be the same kind of ship as Padmés cruisers
> Padmés family still lived after ROTS
You hit something there.