what would happen if i burned my passport and all identification in iceland ? could they deport me ?
What would happen if i burned my passport and all identification in iceland ? could they deport me ?
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Just say "I'm a refugee" and they will give you a comfy apt and a monthly paycheck.
Extra welfare, you poor refugee
They will lock you up until they find out who you are, then they'll send you back to your muslim dystopia.
its iceland bro not russia. i dont think theyre that cruel
consider yourself lucky sweden, your country is so shit i dont even consider going there
It's not happening, roach. Iceland isn't even in the EU chokehold.
Colombian guy gets in it.
you see, they will probably give you a 6 digits starting and an extremely comfy room, you would probably be better off on icelandic welfare than even if you were a sultan in the turkey.....
but eventually white nationalists would extract your guts out of your belly and use them to hang you
you dont have to play nice, in fact none of your kind have ever played nice, but here is a thing: ethnic whites also do not have to play nice
day of the rope is coming
last time whites were globally pissed at another race, they split the atom, they nuked a country, and than they nuked it again just because
they also killed their own god, broke the sound barrier, genocided entire shitskin hordes, enslaved the good for nothing intellectually inferior savages and ruled the world for the next 1000 years
They also took shitloads of "refugees" into their countries and will die out in 50 years
Feels good to be mongoloid
Better learn to swim before doing that.
tell me why is it my fault im not a white european and instead of a cockroach in middle east. i didnt even choose to be born here you dumbfuck
At least you arent a gook
Just stay there
I would be posting with Russian flag if the Finns of the 40's had had the same attitude you're showing. Hell, back then Finland was probably a worse shithole than Turkey of that time.
Our flag is better than yours
You are supposed to take your country and your own people and make your own life. Not infest others like a worthless, parasitical, degenerating good for nothing 'refugee' that goes to civilized world to steal, rape, assault, piss off and make young white men angry.
Instead of being a burden of other civilizations, you are supposed to civilize yourself. Abandon your retarded fucking shitslam and all other retarded bullshit.
We didnt invent this shit. We didnt invent Greek democracy. We didnt invent Roman law. We didnt invent rennaisance (Byzantine books story).
Northern countries are newcomers to civilization, just a few years ago most of them were extremely impoverished fishing shitholes, but trough lessons of history and hard work they civilized themselves.
Build a home in Turkey, Turk. You are supposed to love your own people.
They literally had a law that allowed anyone to kill a turk in mainland iceland till 1970.
its not worth. there are 80 million people here. i dont even make a difference in the least
But those white, blonde foreign girls though
Germany's population in 1940 is estimated to have been around 80 million. Hitler made a difference.
when he was 50. i dont want to waste 30 years of my life with shitskins
They could take you on boat, make it sail 40 km from shore and just dump you in sea and return.
Why not just legally move to another country bro?
im a high school graduate shitskin. why would any country accept me willingly
What about that Ataturk guy or whoever.
Whichever one of you reforms your shitslam and finally explains the people about how being secular is a way to go, you would probably launch that entire region 2000 years forward.
Muslims basically live more like animals than men and its all thanks to their retarded religion. That shit doesnt work. If allah was real, why does he reward the infidel Europeans so much more, why is entire islamic world basically a 3rd world hellhole without rule of secular law, separation of church and state, without disease control, without modern armies, without peace and prosperity, without ability to fight foreign spies and infiltrators, without good GDP, without any contributions to modern science or modern medicine or modern civilization......
Also not even to mention you are geographically unfit to live there. You would suffer.
Shitskins do not have thin noses built for winter. They are not tall. Their skin is too dark to get the vitamins from the sun. They cant drink milk. Just like I would pass out in some desert and die, you would simply suffer and wear a jacket 24/7 or something. Not even to mention people would find you ugly as fuck because your genes do not fit.
You would be interesting maybe to a bottom feeder gutter slut, the last trashy disgusting skank.... but majority of people segregate hard. Nobody likes shitskins obviously.
People live segregated as fuck, multiculti propaganda is failing even the liberals.
No, they would still find you scuttling on the floor and crush you fucking roach
Don't be so mean cunt, i want the same as you, i want to escape this shithole but for now im stuck just like yourself
kendime shitskin dedim qnq. t*rkiye avrupada tam ortadoğu imajı oluşturmuşken kaçıp iltica etmek lazım. ilerde düzelirse ülken güvenli diye almazlar
Good things happen thanks to a lot of hard work, they dont just fall from the sky. I am busting my balls 15 hours a day studying for my exams to become an engineer and to make all the good things you want happen but for myself.
This is why your country is a shithole. Because you two are shit people. You are not entitled to welfare....
I am telling you all this because I feel good today I guess. Otherwise I'd tell you to go and burden the hard working white people. I would tell you to exploit the superior culture white people built, so the day we start throwing shitskins and parasites overboard comes faster.
i dont want welfare desu. i would gladly accept a single room and work permit.
kusura bakma yanlış anladım, bende en kısa zamanda gitmeyi planlıyorum.
If you feel good to talk to t*rks in a good way, how difficult is engineering?
>accept a single room
this guy gets it
Manual laborers today are just as good for nothing as gibsmedat 'refugees'. Nobody needs technologically illiterate people in general. These jobs are done. We have a 1000 people per 1 job needed.
My advice to you is to become a doctor or an engineer. Hell even if you are a hard working manual laborer, people will still hate you for taking their jobs, most of the violent right wingers are doing these types of jobs anyway..
You need to start studying from Krasnov and Makarenko right now. You need to be able to do all calculus in your sleep. You need to know how to find a derivative of any function imaginable, and you need to do integral calculations just like you do basic arithmetic.
It is hard as hell, but this is why whites are the economy leaders, and not Chinks and Poos who have trillion manual laborers. This is why whites can just missile shitskins out of the sky and this is why whites dominate the world. Hard work. Its not easy and it's not fun.
You will be doing differential calculations in most of engineering so knowing mathematics is an absolute must.
As the semester end you should not only be able to calculate 1+1, but you would also know how to prove that 1+1 is actually 2. And you would also know how to solve almost any practical problem analytically.
If more of you muslims had any analytical skills, we would want to be refugees in your countries.
>how difficult is engineering
Very. It's not worth it here because the job market is shit.
Im senior in High school, when did you start studying this much my white friend? just so im not late. And right now i really dont know anything about engineering
hmm? im 19 years old if thats why you are reporting me for.
looks like youre going to need to send your ID to Sup Forums admin roach! I'm OK with us sharing some ideals but do not fuck with us. Even if you come to Island we will kill you when the time comes, if not you your children. Stay where you are or go shit up some other country!
Start with Irodov, Krasnov, Kadelburg etc. Those Soviet books, their politics might have been retarded as fuck but their science and mathematics and technical textbooks are legitimate.
Your age doesnt matter, what matters is not giving up because some problems will take you hours to solve, some axioms and theorems days to understand. These are all extremely accurate, proven and correct, factual works and human brain simply takes a lot of time and effort to understand these things. It's not easy like all other subjective fields where it doesnt matter if you are right or wrong.
Right and wrong is not only extremely precisely defined here, it is also absolute. There are a lot of rules and you will fail a lot, everyone fails a lot at this because it is all so huge and detailed.
Only thing that matters is not giving up, age being irrelevant.
I hate studying, just like every other normal person. But I started doing it after I have seen a factory with just robots in it. They were making cars in there much faster than any human ever could. I started studying it after they let me board a Navy destroyer once, and after I have seen all the satellite phones and blinking screens in that place. I started studying after I have seen just how easy it is to program a computer to do a thing 1000 people would require 1000 hours each to do, in less than a day.
I started studying once I realized that all the chemistry, all the engineering, all the physics, all the useful things in the world, they are all easy if you only know mathematics.
You just need mathematics, and you can predict the future. From tomorrows weather, to how people behave in the market.
I started studying after I realized that if God or some sort of a cosmic entity really exists, it rewards people who know mathematics the most.
Our Útlendingastofnun (foreigner institution or something) is only taking in families that actually qualify for refugee status. If you just come here you don't get to stay, you have to be brought in through the programs.
Here's a video of what will happen to you if you come here and burn your papers:
Your paragraph just gave me a lot of motivation, ill definitely start looking into it after this, thank you for your time lad ive always liked mathmatics but never studied more then what my school asked for
deport me to norway? then what ?
You realized when the Icelantic girls were fucking the American soldiers posted there during the second world war they locked them in Insane Asylums until the war was over.
Get the fuck out of Iceland you fucking subhuman. I have Icelandic blood and i won't even move there and sully the Gene pool with the shitty anglo blood i have from the other side.
If you read the description they were then sent back to southern Iraq.
how can they do that if you have no passport.
I have worked with a lot of foreign people of science and I consider them all my equals and good people, I would gladly defend them. But when I see those good for nothing "refugees", those barely literate criminal scum I just want to murder those, only reason I dont is that they are not worth the prison.
I saw one of those darkies mugging someone once in my life (my neighborhood is pretty white), I go to the gym twice a week and I had a steel umbrella on me that day, I started hitting that guy (he had a knife) with my umbrella till police got here. Everyone said he attacked me and they let me go, he had his ribs broken I think, he was coughing blood.
But yeah anyway if you have a technical/scientific degree than you are a contributing member of society and everyone would gladly work with you, but if you want to be a refugee well a lot of people, me included, really hate those types and there are political movements popping all over Europe as well as local clubs calling for expulsion of illiterate refugees.
Don't worry brit bro im not like them. I respect other countries and their citizens. Ill work my butt off to get a degree and hopefully be respected when i leave Turkey,
Dunno, we're smart. We'll figure something out. We'll probably have records of
how you came here, unless you somehow manage to stow away on a boat.
Why can't you just go for Germany like the other mud people? Why bother us?
I just dont get why do good people from other countries never take responsibility in their own hands after they educate themselves, open up a business in their own country with their own educated countrymen.
If there was some new continent on this planet, and if this continent had better education but completely different people, different language, different culture and different all that, and if I grew up in this other culture and had other genes and had an other look and ethnicity and accent and everything....
Instead of living in the foreign continent, I would just educate my own people or find already educated people of my ethnicity, start a private business with them, do a good job, profit, expand, educate more of my own people, make my own people better.
It's how modern Germany came to be. Germans used to be utter savages going around buttnaked raping each other. But one of the kidnapped German boys was sent to Rome. Romans educated him, taught him military tactics, command structure with ranks, discipline, military technology etc.
So what he did with all that education was, he left Rome, returned to his tribe, taught them, and basically created his own country. Germany.
I haven't made my mind about where to go and study yet. Ive made a girlfriend from a western country had 2 years together with her and visited her many times, i really would love to live in a western country with her. Thats really the main reason why i want to leave Turkey i have nothing towards living here but she doesnt live here and doesnt know Turkish.
I never understood how can some people not like their own the most. I dont see my own ethnic features in them, I do not share any history with them, I have no ancestors with them for 1000s of years, we have no similar culture, no similar values etc etc....
I can work together and cooperate with other friendly people, but I just dont understand why would anyone ever want to start a family and have his offspring not be anything like him.
I dont know, it's like the ultimate cuckoldry, like you have completely accepted this inferiority complex and want to abandon everything that is you and just disappear from the universe.
You should fight for your own people first.
Im blaming Sup Forums for that inferiority complex
Also all i know is i want to live with her, it really doesn't matter where we live as long as shes fine and with me. well im too young and not experienced probably...
germany is full of muslims and its too degenerate. i prefer iceland as its very quiet and not many refugees can get to there