This is a leftist bullshit policy. Why should I have to pay for women to have babies and child care. Trumps child care sounds like bullshit failing Obamacare.
Trumps Child Childcare plan is Bullshit
>no maternity leave for fathers
fuck this palm beach dickhead
This is all part of the plan. Trump isn't going to do this shit. He is playing 4D chess. He is TRICKING as many liberals as possible to vote for him. But he has proven from his early rhetoric where he REALLY stands. Think about it, this is the smart thing to do at this point in his campaign.
He had us from the start.
Now he has to acquire lefties before time is up.
Dont worry its just to get votes and will never pass a republican congress
would you? I thought is was just health care savings accounts you could put dosh in pretax and use it for after-school indictment or care
Niggers will be having double the children they are having now if someone else will take care of their niglets.
will he make this burrito taste grat again? or are you going to keep making shitty mexican food?
we need to send more mexicans there until you do good burritos.
It is bullshit. But it's adapted from MSA's, which is the way to repeal and replace Obamacare.
Its good for white people? If its fair I don't care. I mean if it was just for white people I would enjoy it more.
Did you not see this is about maternity leave? You have to have a literal job for that, user.
we already take care of their little harambes
like niggers parents or white shits care about children inthe usa.
just look at all your mentally ill and fucked up ppl shooting up police, schools, college.
you name it, serial killers, high divorse rate, lazy women who dont clean or coock.
So progresive and a lot of freedom.
It is literally exactly what you need if you don't want the US to be a white minority by 2050. White people want financial incentive to breed now.
wont make a diffrence
You're already paying WIC for the poor and uneducated to spawn the next generation of Idiocracy. Trump's plan focuses on helping people with jobs also have children. These are the people who will raise decent, hardworking citizens for the future.
We need incentives for having children, its time to kill this culture of having no children.
Wow consider my vote courted. Nothing more attractive than underestimating my intelligence.
they are handouts, theyre tax cuts you fucking retard
arent handouts
White women don't want kids cus they cant afford it
Incentivizing women who work to have kids. Effectively boosting the white race...
Actually it's based as fuck. What's not talked about often is that the West's fertility rates are in the toilet. This plan is aimed to incentivize births among middle class/working families. AKA more white babies.
this is how we raise white birth rates... idiot
It did in Germany.
I'm not mad about it if it raises the birthrate
Good. Not all children need care. Let starvation happen in the first world and let it affect children; only then will we have a clear message to the fucking retarded rabbits of our societies that we're not supporting their poo-coloured wastes-of-space.
>b-but m-muh innocent chillen
They're 10 years (like 6 or 7 in this day-n-age) from becoming dindus. I really don't fucking care anymore.
>CTR Acts like Its own version of outraged Republicans: OP Edition
What it sounds like is step towards national socialism. If it will convince working white people to have more children, then I'm for it.
Why should i have to pay for your electricity so you can post nonsense like this on the internet?
He does have a record of... child rearing.
I mean giving to his children in the rear, that is.
Or he's a lier.
Never thought about this possibility? Perharps he just want power
Holy shit instead of importing Panjeet, Jose and Ahmed we incentive the local population to breed?
This is good for middle class white people like myself who is apprehensive about having another kid because it is so fucking expensive.
Pick one.
I'm surprised that the media hasn't called him a fascist for that specifically. Yet. Guess they can't trample on their own policies since Democrats want that too.
Yeah, just like he allegedly lied about amnesty until he shut that claim the fuck down with his big speech? I respectfully disagree with this theory, Anons.
This. Ending the brown flood, prioritizing White Westerner immigration, and now possibly helping lessen the burden of raising a White family. There is a very good trend here that some fail to see.
I haven't personally seen the speech yet, but for those who believe it could be a detriment and help nigger moms, please enunciate the specifics.
>for those who believe it could be a detriment and help nigger moms
It also offers tax credits to low income families (aka spics and blacks), but what's really more important than anything else is that white people start having kids again. Whites are still a majority, so even if everyone's birth rates go up, whites would still increase their margins.
This guy gets it.
>deport Welfare leeching Mexcriment
>defund and deport all these "refugee" programs
>take all the money from this shit...
>use it for programs that incentivize AMERICANS who don't have kids because they are WORKING and can't afford it because they are responsible
This is how you stop the "whites soon to be a minority" issue (for now) and also increases overall quality of life for the nation.
low information fucktards throwing a shit fit over the wrong thing.
You aren't paying for shit you retard. It's a tax deduction. While the mother and father go to work they can deduct child care from the taxes they pay. Niggers just go on full welfare and never get jobs.
FUCKTARDS Europe has had this shit for 20 years and the fertility rates are still in the toilet.It will cost another 2.5 billion a year for the government.
>Europe has had this shit for 20 years
[citation needed]
>It will cost another 2.5 billion a year for the government.
That's a drop in the federal budget and a nonissue.
This 100%.
My wide and I are professionals, middle class. 2 kids, would like 2 more but even 1 more would put us way too close to being broke. Some of the people that work for me have 4 or 5 kids. Girlfriend never married, pops the kids out on state aid, which also covers formula for mom and kid after birth. Dad not listed on birth certificate, works full time for 25k a year unreported income and lives with the mom who is on housing and food stamps. They do just fine. And I can't afford a 3rd kid and my wife and I make 100k together. What the fuck.
I hate welfare programs. We incentive bad behavior and reward it. Just like leaving food out attracts rats and cockroaches, paying for poor people to have kids, then rewarding them with more benefits once they do, results in more and more poor trash. Who'd have guessed it.
>I HATE NIGGERS AND ILLEGALS (who don't pay for the children they have anyway draining the economy)
>White birth rates declining
>Trump offers a way to subsidize white births GUARANTEED to put them on the ascent
*imports more immigrants to replace dying off whites*
Nice try kikeselstein. Don't you have some Palestinians to shoot?
Meanwhile cartels kidnap and murder busloads of kids like it's cool down there in North Brazil.
I love how liberals advocate for the very same thing, but now that Trump is doing it, it's bad for families and even sexist.
Fucking 12D backgammon boys. All according to plan.
He's trying to win more women voters
>no maternity leave for fathers
Check your privilege shitlord
The simple answer is to not hire black people or women.
Actually his plan is genius. It's not a government hand out in anyway. It's basically tax incentives and a restructuring of Unemployment. Added bonus of increasing white birth rate
trips of truth. he's gotta pander to the wimminz like it or not
Trump is a centrist with only one or two conservative values?
You don't say!
Its almost as if he used strong rhetoric to pull people in as he's going to drag the Republican party kicking and screaming to the center so they can be competitive against dems, who have gone far left!
Whites aren't reproducing. This will provide an incentive for white breeding. Colors fuck like brainless animals so they aren't part of the conversation.
Everyone with a brain knew that Trump was center-right. Throughout the primaries, he got the most support from moderate and liberal republicans. The reason he is popular is because is moderate in a genuine way and not in a RINO way.
>Blacks who have kids constantly actually go out and get jobs so they can get maternity leave
>Black unemployment goes way down
>Republicans get the black woman vote, much more valuable than the black male, since they're less likely to be felons
Its genius really.
Trump is not really a right-winger and neither are most "alt right" parties that get called "far right" by msm. Our Freedom party is more Nationalist Socialist. Why should i support policies that cater to the (((rich))) only.
> maternity
>This is a leftist bullshit policy. Why should I have to pay for women to have babies and child care. Trumps child care sounds like bullshit failing Obamacare.
>why should i ease the economic burden on young families who want to produce american children? we can just import immigrants to replace the low birth-rate americans.
listen to yourself.
but you need to have a job to be able to have maternity leave from it.
Shills are so out of touch they have to add "failed" as one of the descriptors of Obamacare. Only a shill or leftist would be delusional enough to think that's a necessary descriptor. It's innately understood by everyone else.
You useful idiots don't deserve to live in the glory Trump is about to usher in. You deserve Russian gulags or the noose. Sage
Expand the unemployment insurance program to cover maternity leave
Allows people with jobs to have kids
Deferred tax savings accounts for kids
These are good incentives for whites and non retarded minorities to have kids
Thanks for bringing this up.
>tfw German
>tfw we have maternity leave for fathers
>feels good
What are you, some kind of Johnsonfag?
Trump is aiming to win, he has to throw moderates a bone so they don't think he's "LITERALLY Hitler" and vote for the hillderbeast.
It's like you want white people not to afford to have kids.
It gives incentives to have kids.
God you faggots are great
>there's no more masculine men!
>men are supposed to work and women stay home with kids!
>wah I miss traditional gender roles!
>wah! No maternity for men fathers!
You pussies cry about the white race dying and when Trump puts out a policy that will help save it you negroid tier low test dickwads chimp out about it.
I seriously hope you fags kill yourselves. You're no better than liberals, if anything, you're on the same level.
It is a welfare program. More government bloat.
This is definitely how I'm looking at it. Start having white kids and make it harder to justify "replacing" us
When get more money back than you pay into taxes that is called WELFARE.