Really makes you think. Guys, I thought Trump was my God Emperor, but I'd rather beat my meat.
I am now #IllForHill
Really makes you think. Guys, I thought Trump was my God Emperor, but I'd rather beat my meat.
I am now #IllForHill
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This would be a good thing.
>dont reproduce goys just sit there in you room rubbing that cheetos residue all over your genitals... good goyim
That's pretty fucking based.
It would be near impossible to outlaw pornography (black market would be uncontrollable) but if we managed to shoah all of the streaming tubesites the consumption rate would plummet.
I'm fine with this.
Jews own most of the porn companies anyway.
Porn is Jewish slavery
>Russia does anything
>leftist "WTF I HATE DRUMPF"
Porn kills your libido and is the reason why you have no gf.
Well, you certainly are #ill.
Hitler was anti porn/prostitution
>jerking off to a video of other people having sex
Nothing more cuck than that tbqh fampai.
I thought porn was sexist
It's not like Trump is gonna ban /s/, and I don't really give a fuck about any other adult entertainment websites.
Besides, wacking it off to my imagination would probably be better for me in the long term.
> consumption rate would plummet.
All that happens is people who can make porn and distribute it will do so at a high premium in America, like alcohol during prohibition.
Oh well, more money for me. Thanks goyim :^)
Porn is misogynistic. :^)
I can make that sacrifice. Hillary will restrict way more things than just porn.
Democrats are THE censorship party. Fuck them.
honestly good. porn corrodes the soul and kills your ambition to be with real women.
>Donald and Putin are the same person, with the same ideals and policies
But I thought he was already literally Hitler, he can't be BOTH of them
>a country where, iirc, owning cheese pizza is legal
>somehow having harsher porn laws than the US
Stop posting that Jewish whore Julia Ioffe here.
Who cares, porn is bad.
One way to "ban" porn would be to actually enforce piracy laws and enforce the age rule that says you're 18 or older
All they watch on there is anime,mlp and vidya shit. Its for the best.
Yeah it is, porn is degenerate and remember if you have lust you have commited adultery, porn is a sin! It needs to be banned, it needs to be completely erased from existence, the people who make it thrown in prison. It's sick filth that destroys society.
As long as I still have e621 I don't care.
I'm fell for the Jews porn trap and even I know this is a good thing
Ban porn
Masturbation is dangerous for your health, complete abstinence is required before marriage.
>what happens in russia will happen here
If masturbation was actually bad for you the human race would be extinct by now.
but porn is bad for you
>porn objectifies women
>trump wants to ban porn
choose one femminazis
Porn is an enslavement tool that creates insecurity in males by showing horse-like genitals that bend to impossible angles and ejaculate humongous amounts of semen, and in females by showing "perfect" bodies that aren't lifelike.
>Good goy, watch that newest HD 4k porn film when tyrone rails an 18 year old "schoolgirl" with his horse dick, unlike your "small" 5 inch dick
If you want to jerk off, just use imagination, or get self-control.
>supports feminism
>but isnt against the objectification of woman and the trivialisation of sex
Oy vey what good goy
It's sexually immoral, do you think sexual immorality will help you get into Heaven? No
i like trump now
Porn is misogynistic and serves the interests of the patriarchy. It is also incredibly racist. Many porn stars will not perform with POC and demand higher payment when they do.
I watch a good amount of porn and I can get hard if the wind blows.
Don't blame porn for you erectile dysfunction
oy vey porn is unfeminist
Don't need porn to masturbate.
So feminists are now fighting for porn?
>all these authoritarians
>a body that actually exists
>not lifelike
HealthyAtEverySize please go and stay go
FWIW I would give up porn and probably a lot of other concessions as well if it meant America became nationalist.
I'd rather live in a society where a working class white man can afford to make his STD free wife into a baby factory.
>not just fucking a girl
Wait is this meme real?
Trump is anti porn?
Anyone have some links?
Aren't feminists against pornography because it objectifies women?
He's talking about plastic tits, pounds of makeup and airbrushing, you idiot.
>implying banning porn is a bad thing
this would simply motivate our nation's young men
You say that like its a bad thing.
Who cares, feminist can spin it "porn is good because it liberates women"
>low libido
>no gf
Good goy
>watching terrible porn instead of amateur stuff with natty qts
It's not my fault your shit taste ruined your perspective
You may have ruined your teeth and blown your heart up, but you don't see me screeching
>REEEEE ban the Hamburgers and poptarts!
If you choose to consume shitty stuff, be it food, media, drink or whatever, your life becomes shitty.
Make better choices.
Collapsing the porn industry in the US a advancing a step on ending de fact prostitution? Every American should be for that.
pedo hysteria at it's finest btw
By our retarded laws to block any site all you need to do is send watchdog an letter. Like hurr i think that girl is underage.
And they will block it untill site owner deletes his content or it will be proven not to be cp.
>why consume cocaine, meth, crack
Why sell it in the 1st place?
To make money for more cocaine meth and crack?
How come so many russian sites have cp then?
Because some people want it, and value a quick high over their health
wow guess I'm now a #BottomforRodham
It allmost completely dissapeared from 2005.
No, new ones will just pop up. If the Pirate Bay is still around in 2016, with governments and corporations around the world out to shut them down, porn won't get shut down either.
You can't control the supply. All that's left is to alter demand. You have to convince men not to reject porn. You have to make society want to avoid vice.
>Julia Ioffe
Soviet jew who lives in the United States talking about Russia... Will this shit ever end?
And yes, these sites are blocked by Rostelecom for now.
I watch porn a lot but this wouldn't be a terrible thing for society. I'd be against it because I believe in responsibility and personal freedoms but overall it would be a net benefit to society.
I stopped watching porn when I got a girlfriend years ago.
I honestly think she wants me to use her for a bunch of weird fetish shit, but I don't have the confidence for that.
It hasn't bro. If I wanted to find cp, I'd google it with cyrillic letters.
I watch Xhamster
Oh yeah like you can't just find porn off the torrents.
All this might effect is fucking techno-illiterate retards who only own iOS products and truly if you're that inept you deserve to have to go to the adult store and pay full price for smut.
Free flowing porn is very bad for people because eventually you get bored with watching women flick there beans and get fucked and eventually leads you down fetish road. Society was better off jerking it to Playboy Centerfolds & Softcore.
>trump will outlaw porn
Retarded sub-human detected.
>He still believes in Jewish fairy ales
Best Goy
This guy gets it. We've seen with both prohibition and the war on drugs that going after the supply does nothing to change demand.
Not my shitty pleb porn sites!
I am now #TerminallyHill
>a fucking leaf
choose both
Rick Wilson already let everyone know that Trump supporters masturbate to anime
>Implying the US Government can successfully regulate the internet
I'm still using the Pirates Bay just fine
>Thou shalt not kill = Jewish fairytale and nothing more
This is how some people's brains actually operate. Holy fuck my sides.
>and eventually leads you down fetish road.
>t. regressively indoctrinated puritan
To think that after 400 years of being colonized the US is still dominated by the same religious puritanism as back then, and now people who think themselves as above those backwards people still spout this nonsense because they grew up in it.
No. Sexuality is not a bad thing.
Sexual thoughts are not a bad thing and don't harm you.
But i guess circumcision country citizen wouldn't understand.
no youtube and porn hub? thanks goodness I can still find CP through nonnude and .ru sites with it all being hosted on IMGUR for fucks sake
you tube and porn hub are most definitely not the only way to access porn and she is a retard he she thinks Russians don't watch it
>you can no longer wet your pants easily
>OP thinks the government knows where everyone gets their porn.
Holy shit what a retard
trump agreed that
- minors should not watch hardcore pornography
- there shouldn't be kiddy porn
critics say he's getting played
What's wrong with that? There are lots of streaming sites that have the same porn.
Sounds good, tbqh.
yes there is
That's why liberals have no problem murdering their babies
I'm ashamed to be a Hungarian after reading your post, sexual immorality is a bad thing. Porn is sexually immoral, it's committing adultery!
What's with the marxists and feminazis trying to ban porn? If you don't like it then don't watch it.
>lose a kike tool that emasculates you and trains you to be a cuckold faggot who can't get it up unless he's watching someone fuck someone else.
>bad thing
pick only one
But this is false.
A woman defending porn? Oh my, anything for killary, I guess. It's like they're programmed or something. Scary shit.
>falling for the gf meme
Wait, did trump say he would suck russian dock and copy their retarded politics?
Hi George.
>no libido
>no need for girlfriend
>you're not a sad fag
>you dont dependon a cunt
>you're free
Jerking off liberates you and makes you free from women's power over a man.
All those cunt-slaves spend their entire lives and all their power and money serving women to get cucked.
A free man keeps all of his power to himself so he could empower and advance himself, learn, climb the career, get a better job, become a better and a morepowerful man that women will be chasing, because all they want is money for their children.
I read this here a lot. Do you virgins really believe that those of us with girlfriends don't watch porn?
Well that's dumb though.
-CP factually doesn't have to harm anyone, but the prohibition stems from the idea that anyone under 18 is too dumb to decide things for themselves, which we won't be rid of any time soon.
-Minors watching pornography on the other hand is *proven* to *not* have harmful effects. This is pure hysterical bullshit. And this stems from the idea that sexuality is an inherently bad thing, which stems from a misconstruction of the sixth commandment and victorian puritanism.
Literally the majority of america is a living testament to the puritan efforts to curb sinful sexual thoughts. Modern circumcision was invented by Kellogg to discourage masturbation, or sexual arousal.
Some doctors fitted orphan boys with chastity devices too.
The cuck flows strong in america.
>sexual immorality is a bad thing.
>my opinions are fact and i need no rational basis for my claims
And this is why the west is currently getting cucked by muslims.
No idea who that is.
You mean (((porn)))?
Whatever i just fap to loli so no need for pornhub
Good fuck porn.
>Sexual Thoughts are equal to Artificial Stimuli
Sex is apart of life, we need it to continue as a species. As a Sup Forums neckbeard though I firsthand know the effects of using porn to substitute a sex life.
It's a numbing effect because you're only indulging your eyes, eventually just masturbating without porn becomes a difficult process because you rely on your phone or a computer. Eventually you have to start looking for different stuff to find something to satisfy you. Sexual fetishes are booming because you get bored watching vanilla sex.
Meanwhile you could be spending that time improving yourself and getting actual pussy. Which believe me even fucking a 5/10 is far more enjoyable than jacking it to a video.
There's nothing wrong with jacking off, but it's a really bad sign if you can't get hard unless you're watching a dirty video. Using your imagination is better than relying on smut.