Jury Fagging

Picked for jury duty, Sup Forums

what are ways to get out of it?

any jury duty advice??

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It isn't bad at all.

Why get out of it?

Paid vacation to judge people.


Tell the judge and DA you know about jury nullification and that you'll find the guy not guilty, no matter what.

Do it man.

The dubs speak!

>what are ways to get out of it?
Kill yourself. shirkers like you should be expelled from society.

If he's white, let him go (unless he's a total fag). If he's black, convict him (even if you think he's not guilty).

Just tell them that the CIA put a radio in your thumb.

but im a poorfag and can't really afford to take time off.

and it'll probably be some shitty case with some old nasty cunt suing her doctor

Man up and do your civic duty. Do your best job of it like a white man with values.

One day you may be rightly or falsely accused of a crime: what kind of person would you want sitting on the jury deciding your fate? Now be that person.

Say you're a full time student. Got me off last week

>How do you feel about capital punishment?
>Kill them all and let god sort them out.

do it and have a laugh

if after a while you see shit won't go anywhere and there's no agreement among jurors say 'after all we've seen and argued, there's nothing that will convince me to change my opinion on this case, do you guys feel the same?' if they all agree then call for a locked jury and mistrial

Just casually drop that you're really racist in some way. Even if the defendant isn't that race, there's a good chance you'l be rejected.

Walk right up the the judge and/or lawyers and whisper in their ears

>Jury Nullification

Then leave, they won't call you back.


Just go do it, asshole.

So much this.

Show them your browsing history.

This your first time OP? I got picked once while it wasn't terrible once was more than enough. I got pulled again not to long ago but luckily the case/cases we were pulled for were settled or thrown out and we were dismissed. So maybe the same will happen to you.

Plead financial hardship.

>jewing out of jewry

No dammit! You need that shit. See if a perp is a young white nationalist with proper values and make sure he gets away with it, and if its a shitskin or a leftist make sure he rots in prison.

It's time to use the whole group evolution thingy against them. Japs and Jews have the highest IQ, right? And they are both tribal as fuck, right?
It's time to start using their own bullshit against them.

nah second time around

first time i got exemption due to my duplex flooding and ruining my everything

looks like the thing to do is to


Dress very nice and look professional. Attorneys want stupid poor looking people that they think they can manipulate easily.

last time the case was a civil suit with some old nasty cunt sewing her jap doctor over some frivolous bullshit. I got exempt but later I found out the doctor was acquitted

but i am stupid and poor. I aint be got none dem fancy clothes

Do your civic duty, you nigger.

The judge is gonna ask everyone at some point, probably multiple times, "do you believer that knowing X, you'll be able to be a fair and impartial juror?" Just answer hestitantly or say probably not, and they'll have to dismiss you.

>Not wanting to get paid to get niggers locked up

Get your priorities straight m8, this is your civic duty.

Are you white?
Middle class?

Then you won't be called.

>but im a poorfag and can't really afford to take time off.

Just say that. Done.

i think you can get out if you claim you have racial prejudices, i mean its probably true so why not

Ask the judge to explain more to you about jury nullification if you'd like to get tossed from the panel.

all of those things but not middle class

When you get selected you get sent a form you have to fill out. There's a section you can write why you feel you should be excluded if you don't want to participate. Just say you're a white supremacist, worked for me. :)

So that sounds like the plan. Talk to the judge about dirty nigger scum and jury nullification. Hit the judge with the one-two

Living in the cesspool of Austin, Im sure the Judge will some whiney old cunt

>Jury duty in Austin

That could be fun.

Fuck that, I want to know ways to get selected to a jury.

Getting the card and showing up for five days only to get weeded out is fucking stupid waste of tune. If I'm going to get called to do my civic duty, at least let me do it instead of sitting around and getting told to come back tomorrow.

I've been kicked out of every jury selection pool I've been in and it's aggravating.

Didn't get me out of it the first time.

go do your civic duty you fucking communist scum

Got called for Jury duty for a federal court. It was an interesting experience.

I didn't get picked, possibly because of my answer to these three questions...

1. Do you have any family that works in law enforcement. Stopped naming them at about 8

2. Are you friends with any police or elected officials.... named the mayor and council, the chief of police and every cop on down to the new guy.

3. What are your hobbies... I write a political blog that specializes in

yeah if the case is interesting then i would be more inclined to stick around. But with all the rich cunts suing willy nilly I predict some boring frivilous litigation

Declare yourself incontinent. Works in UK.

>mfw i got called once, told them I would be a bad pick because I do not follow the news, I do not watch tv, I do not follow politics and I have no idea what is going on, I sincerely believe that black people and various others non-europeans are intellectually inferior and I have a strong bias against them because they never had european evolutionary pressure, never had to snare animals, build good shelters, better tools, better clothing, and are just unfit for our society, that it is a pattern I found to be true globally, they perform bad both in their own home cultures and here, told them I absolutely hate welfare people because I grew up poor but managed to finance myself trough an extremely demanding degree in a hard science, told them how I strongly believe in eugenics and find people who believe in evolution but not in eugenics intellectually dishonest, told them also how I also hate dishonest people in general, how I believe that there are entire millions of people who built their lives on dishonesty, bullshit and lies
>judge and lawyer people were just amused while I had a shit eating grin entire time
>judge asked me what kind of people I consider dishonest bullshiters, what about law and judges and so on
>told him I mainly disliked most arists, how that is a fucking hobby and not a job and how job absolutely must come before a hobby, how all debt related things are also bullshit, how half of economists are also bullshitters because "free" market isnt free at all and bankers should also not exist because they provide nothing to society while taking a lot of it, how majority of people working in law are also dishonest lying bullshitters in case their area of expertise is subjective and there are too many loopholes and not clearly defined rules, how politicians and generally everyone who'se job is not objective, who does not work with facts, "intellectuals" who just criticize etc
>they let me go home

>get jury duty notice
>call court house and notify them that I'm a convicted felon (really)
>she tells me to ignore the notice and that she will take care of it
>fist pump of joy

>saying you'll find the guy guilty no matter what
Yeah, not a good idea. That will get you out of jury duty and into community service.

Really op this is your answer

I said the exact opposite, brah.

When you get arrested I bet you would want a jury of your peers judging you rather than the establishment but fuck doing unto others, amirite?

>what are ways to get out of it?
Start talking about jury nullification and they won't be able to get you out the door fast enough.

Just be yourself pretend its here

If you've been "picked" as in you've gone there and been actually selected out of the gorillion people there, you're already fucked. If you received the letter in the mail and have yet to go for selection, just tell them you're a student and have classes all week. At most, you'll lose one day of work and get 10-30$ compensation based on the distance you had to drive.

>what are ways to get out of it?

Just make sure to call every nigger a nigger, every chink a chink, and, if you wanna make extra sure, ask if the judge is a kike.
Also, for lulz, call white people crackers too.

Did you get actually selected or just summoned? Depending on your state they probably asked 70 people to show up and only need to fill 13 spots (12 jurors and 1 backup). You only have a 18.5% chance of getting selected. It isn't even that bad. It was a tad dry but I enjoyed doing it.

That isn't how jury nullification works. Admitting you know about it and doing so blatantly and proudly will piss off the judge. You might be considered tainting the jury pool and will be held in contempt.

During the selection process they'll ask if you would believe a police testimony over a civilian's if there wasn't strong physical evidence for either. Say yes.

Tell them you are a member of the KKK.
Or that you assume anyone who has made it to trail is guilty and you don't care what else they have to say afterward.

Jury duty is a sacred trust.
Anyone who doesn't want to be a part of it, should absolutely not be.

Fucking this.. do your civic duty and quit being a pussy about it. I actually enjoyed jury duty.

When they question you, give a long detailed answer. Give every example you can think of, don't lie or exaggerate, just run your mouth.
You will say something that one side or the other doesn't like.

shit in your pants while youre waiting in the courthouse

Admit to knowing what jury nullification is.

I was picked for jury duty before I moved overseas. I got to send a nigger to prison for molesting his children.

Felt good.

Wear a MAGA shirt

The only real way to get out other than acting crazy and racist or otherwise potentially breaking the law yourself is to show you know laws, lawyers will not choose anyone who actually knows the laws. Say you know your rights and was planning on becoming a lawyer at one point.The avoid legally educated individuals.

>jury duty
>plan to get out of it
>it's CP trial
>act normal, get picked
>get to review hundreds of CP evidence exhibits, top tier shit
>vote not guilty, convince black bro to do the same
>dude walks

Jury duty is fun

Do your bit for the patriarchy.

>jury nullification
Yea, that will certainly get you removed.
Especially if you tell them it is your duty to inform your fellow jurors of this.

>tfw someone in your pool does this

I'm not sure the amount of planning the local courthouse put into this, when you have a pool of five hundred odd people with one bathroom with two stalls for them.





Its when the jury lets a guy off as innocent even though hes broken the law, simply because they disagree with the law. Its completely legal, and you cant be punished if you just randomly let a guy off even though you know hes innocent.


pedo scum

>pic related

its your future

>even though you know hes guilty*

Tell them you watch a lot of Judge Judy so you can pretty much tell if someone is guilty by looking at them.


It only sucks if you have a job; jury duty pays like $40 a day. I make that in an hour and change. You never know what you'll get picked for, either. Sometimes, you go there for an hour and then they send you home.

A few years ago (before Sup Forums of course), I was in the selection for a Grand Jury case. Some nigs kidnapped this guy, robbed him, killed him, and drove upstate and ditched his body in a ravine or some shit. All the other nigs involved took plea deals, and this guy was the only one going to trial. He was facing 40 to life, if I remember correctly. I began thinking that this guy is fucked any way, but I wasn't cool with sealing his fate. Made it through a few rounds of questions, but towards the end, I stood up and told the judge that I felt bias because I already thought the perp was guilty and I didn't think I could handle putting someone in prison for the rest of his life. 2 other guys behind me immediately said "me too" and we all got dismissed.

If it was today, however, after ODing on red pills? He'd be toast.

no need to get hot n bothered, leaf.

careful, you may make him cry!


I came here to check my digits and see if Kek is with me. Praised be, our Lord.

Oh no!

if that were the case, I would have advocated death penalty express lane. I would've had the same opinion pre-red pill prescription

I guess Kek is not with me?

Checked brother


This, pretty much

Don't listen to these faggots telling you to lie about yourself. That *really* pisses off the judge and you can get fined or thrown in jail (if only for a few hours) for doing so. Not worth the trouble at all.

You have a very small chance of being selected. Even if you aren't selected, the fact that you were summoned means you are off the hook for another 2 years.

two words

jury nullification

Tell the lawyers you're a big fan of jury nullification.

Every time I have jury duty, if the defendant is black and looks like a thuggish nigger(4 out of 4 times serving on jury duty) I simply tell them that I will vote guilty no matter what during the selection process when asked to tell some information about yourself. It's worked 4 out of 4 times for me. Good luck. Also: in my state you only get $12 bucks a day for that shit. Fuck that. What does your state pay?


No, it works as well as any of that sovereign citizen crap
>as in, not at all

not really that bad. they always summon more than they need.

the last time i was summoned, we were all dismissed as every single case was settled before trial began.

Then you'll wake up a few days later in a padded room.

$40 a day in Travis County. Not sure if it's the same in all courts in Texas. Still tho, ain't shit compared to the hours I'd be having to give up at my job

mfw leaf shitposting

>leaf shitposting
>not recognizing /cfg/ format

it doesnt work like that nlgger

>Allowing your power level to show to a fucking judge

wew, lad

Be honest

I've TRIED to get on jury duty and they threw my ass out because I answered honestly

dang, ya got me...

Just don't show up? Toss the notice in the garbage can like everyone else does.
Nothing will ever come of it, and if something should, which I guarantee you it won't, just tell them you never received the notice.

nothin personal, judge