if the government puts fluoride in the tap water and plastic bottles release xenoestrogens in bottled water, what are you supposed to drink??
If the government puts fluoride in the tap water and plastic bottles release xenoestrogens in bottled water...
Other urls found in this thread:
Buy some Alex Jones filters to filter the fluoride, problem solved
>Falling for the water jew
Do like eastern africans : break the conditioning
freshly made tap
>still drinking water
>not ultra pure premium quality top shelf Trump Vodka
Drink your own urine
Glas bottles
I filter my water with a Jones filter. Doesn't remove fluoride but everything else from the tap.
you would be able to drink here but its polluted af and ur sheltered environment has made u weak
Almost every middle class home in India has a filter. I personally have a reverse osmosis purifier.
that's because your tap is more poo than water
filtered water in glass bottles.
But where do you POO?
Use a fucking filter.
Water's for bathing
Whiskey's for drinking
seriously though, are glass bottles the answer? i mean buying water that comes in glass bottles
I agree with that. Tap water is undrinkable here.
If he's middle class he might have his own designated shitting lane out back.
Have your own well.
glass bottles leach whatever poisons they were recycled from. only safe alternative are cartons for water
It would be drinkable if you just POO in the loo
so there's these brand new inventions called
Stand outside with mouth open when it rains.
Has anyone actually bought this thing? Does it work? Thinking about gettin one
I drink water from the tap but have a $2500 purification system my dad installed. Water is 11/10 at home.
>if the government puts fluoride in the tap water
Where the fuck does that even happen?
Doesn't happen in my country.
Everything is poison. POISON. Poison.
Don't eat that. POISON.
You only need to buy one bottle and keep it clean.
Any serious recommendations for a normal family household water filtration system?
And put fluoridated govt brainwashing water into when it's empty, of course Chaim, thank you
I live in an upper class housing society. Problem is that the slum area nearby uses the same aquifer as us.
Bottled waters have fluoride. The only option you have is wells.
Here comes dat well
oh shit tastes great
You put filtered water in, of course.
Lake superior with a name like that it was made for white people. :^)
buy a cow and drink the milk as it is
wow it's almost like if you're not poor you don't drink water from your kitchen sink
been using glass cups and filling them up at my fridge's water filter/ice maker for the past two years, one of the best investments I've made
Alexa Pure Pro
fuck off shill
4.99 for shipping and handling within the US. International costs may vary
somebody isn't breaking the conditioning...
you're not funny
seriously, fuck off shill
Look at all these fucking plebs ruining their aqua vitae. Basically all of the biggest bottled water companies have tried to buy our ground water reserves and everytime we told them to fuck off. As a result we have the safest tap water on the planet. Dont be stupid guys, everything is not for sale
I saw some healthfags on YouTube do a video on the same topic. There are some water companies that will deliver glass jugs of water for use just like a sparkletts machine. Basically sparkletts but glass instead
Have you never seen Cabin Fever?
remember what the jew did with well
we were advised that we're to put carton containers, such as milk, inside the plastic recycle bin, since it contains more plastic than paper-like material
reverse osmosis water
What the fuck does this even mean?
illegal in Germany
>what are you supposed to drink??
They give you 2 choices:
Just use filter.
Sawyer filter works fine. They are $25
you can counter the estrogen by eating food that metabolizes it, working out also helps a lot
you mean like out of the toilet?
google it, ya fuckin dope
>he doesn't have a natural fountain near his dwelling
gtf of the city jew
they only do that in U.S and a couple third world shitholes i forget wich
its not estrogens but it mimics estrogens, it can occure naturally or be artifical
basically a way for Sup Forumstards to blame the joos for their trap fetish
Fluoride isn't bad for you. Dumb libtards. Read a biology textbook.
Estrogens from shit like birth control pills get put right back into the water supply
tough shit if they're illegal where you live
ice water from your fridge you third worlder
You move out of the fucking city, and drink well water with a decent filter.
Not that difficult.
Mineral water is just tap water put in plastic battles, so you can choose between estrogens+fluoride or just fluoride.Btw there's no fluoride in tap water so just drink tap water
first, check your local water report to see if they are adding it in the first place. not all townships do, at all, and in some areas the tap water is perfectly fine to drink. in fact, tap water with high natural magnesium and calcium is linked to longevity.
Are these not a gimmick? Been thinking about getting one but I don't trust neon head.
The only correct choice, goyim.
I have well water, comes from the ground.
Did a hole, send water to be tested, set up lines and pumps to house.
How common is this in other countries?
>mfw Alex "woke" Jones made this thread and his staff is shilling off their phones in order to promote their water filters
>not pressure canning rain water/snow
Why does kirkland and nestle water taste so fucking bad compared to my tap water?
You dumbasses think fluoride is bad? No wonder people leave their countries to study in the US.
You guys are seriously fucking cucked. How do people out in the country get their god damn water?
Have it shipped out by trucks?
Why the hell can't we get some xenotestosterones.
Also well water master race.
thankfully I live in a place with no flouride in my water
Do British people have bad teeth because there's no fluoride in their water?
I use those bpa free 5 gallon jugs from the grocery store. Are those safe?
no they are just savages
Does the liberal ideology of ignorance dictate fluoride is bad?
no, but objective reality and scientific evidence do.
add a "small pinch" of Borax per 200ml of water.
Your testicles will get swole because it allows your body to restart DHT production which will have almost ceased, not only that but it will remove flouride INTERNALLY.
Scientific evidence says something that is healthy for your dental hygiene is bad? That makes sense.
Moringa Seeds kill all bacteria including cleansing harmful chemicals from the water.
does eating semen metabolize estrogen? it seems like it would neutralize it
i dont understand how this is a debate.
fluoride is BAD for your teeth.
even if it did help your teeth (it does the opposite) why would you need to INGEST the fluoride?
you realize it's actual industrial waste?
there is no actual argument for adding this shit to water.
u wot m8t?
To INGEST you fucking tard, do you eat tooth paste? Flouride doesnt belong in water its 2016, its what we have toothpaste and moutwash for
that's a meme you moron
and it's gay as fuck
They put it in toothpaste. Having floride in water is kind of pointless if you're brushing your teeth on a daily basis
Fluoride is only put in the tap water in the USA and some other shithole countries.
In civilized countries you can just drink tap water.
It's meant to correct all you xenophobs out there
>being this rude to your fellow dudes
buy the water filter, idiot.
Literally foreign estrogen. Something that mimics estrogen in your body that comes from an outside source.