It's obviously not going to flop but what if it struggles to hit 1 billion?
Trailer was seriously pathetically bad. And pussy Luke will make shitloads of old fans angry as hell.
It's obviously not going to flop but what if it struggles to hit 1 billion?
Trailer was seriously pathetically bad. And pussy Luke will make shitloads of old fans angry as hell.
It's already completely sold out in my province.
To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand the new Disney Star Wars Trilogy. The action is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics and philosophy, most of the Jedi methods will go over a typical viewer’s head. There’s also Rey’s positive strong woman outlook, which is deftly woven into her characterisation- her personal philosophy draws heavily from Lena Dunham literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of the lightsaber, to realise that its not just an awesome future scifi glowing space sword- but it says something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Rey truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the deeper meaning in Rey’s existential catchphrase “I Bypassed The Compressor,” which itself is a cryptic reference to her overcoming her struggles of beating the Patriarchy. I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as JJ Abrams genius unfolds itself on the movie screens. What fools.. how I pity them.
>its obviously not going to flop
its going to flop m8. this will destroy hollywood.
Luke was always a loser who had no sense of personal agency.
He was just a rural farm kid who wanted to go to college until he was assaulted in the desert by space Muslims and abducted by Obi-Wan who basically brainwashed him into fighting for a terrorist organization. Then he finds out that
the man his mentor trained him to kill was actually his father all along. To make matters worse the girl he loves (and perhaps the only girl he's ever known) is his sister and she ends up in bed with a random criminal instead of him.
There's no reason to expect him not to be a complete fuck-up after RotJ. Yoda, Obi-Wan and Vader were all dead and there was nobody to guide him anymore.
a flop would be a good thing for the franchise
but don't expect any disneyfag to agree, they are a lost cause
> perhaps the only girl he's ever known
M8 you're forgetting Mon Mothma and Aunt Beru.
He wanted to join "the academy", which was probably the Empire's officer school. It sure wasn't the Sith one on Korriban or wherever it was merely long ago.
At least he wasn't a Mary Sue.
And some of the Ewoks and Chewbacca's wife from the live action part of the Christmas Special.
Just redo what they did to Carrie Fischer, kill her to spark controversy, therefore generating more sales and have less salary to dish out after filming
Pre-sale tickets are already helping it track over 1 Billion
Sup Forums BTFO again.
>mfw I'm actually reconsidering my hatred of the prequels because the sequels are this fucking bad
I'm not seeing it and since my brother has no friends besides me to see it with he's probably not going to buy a ticket either
How shit were the prequels?
And how much did they rake in?
This franchise isn't going anywhere.
its not my problem if a movie is succesful. a star wars movie will rake in a billion, people are uncritical and want a milquetoast normie brain number.
>which was probably the Empire's officer school
I'd love to see a Star Wars alternate history where Uncle Owen wasn't a huge Jew wanting to keep Luke around for another season of free labor, and so instead of getting drawn into the Rebellion, Luke left home to go be an Imperial naval officer.
A very, very sad Obi-Wan order 66's Luke as he goes off to the Empire academy.
So, Mark Hamill is next?
What are your guy's opinions of Rogue One compared to The Force Awakens / the trailer for The Last Jedi?
TFA almost completely killed all interest in Star Wars for me, which is crazy because I grew up being a tremendous fan of it all. Saw Rogue One and it sparked my interests again. R1 really saved the franchise for me.
I don't know if I can live through a second dose of heartbreak with TLJ.
What do you guys think?
This this this this this.
i loved the force awakens, didn't enjoy rogue one, and think the new one will be pretty good if they had balls to make rey evil or snoke become plagueis.
I thought the force awakens was a rehash in the purest form. I hated almost every bit of it. Only a few scenes stood out to me, and they didn't really have anything to do with the plot.
I liked rogue one cause it strayed from the pack but at it's core it was still Star Wars. It was written by a fan, for fans imho.
Rogue One was boring but atleast it was SW.