Let Harvey Weinstein do God knows what to do her for years and years in exchange for roles and exposure

>let Harvey Weinstein do God knows what to do her for years and years in exchange for roles and exposure
>career never took off
>tried to get into activism
>never took off

What a shame.

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the only thing that was took off was her clothes *puts out hand for high five* am i rite boiz?

Because she wasn't that great of an actress. She played herself in everything (like most of them do). There are very VERY few actresses I actually consider good. Can't say the same about male actors.

Shut the FUCK up, Richie!

didn't she marry an italian duke or something anyway?

haha imagine him paying full price for a disgusting jew's well used fucktoy

She's quick to call Trump a sex offender, yet this whore's been taking it up the ass from one for years.

hey sis, wanna watch me take a shower

Was this confirmed or just speculation?

>little Olivia let me come in
>not by the edge of my chinny chin chin
>I'll get you a job
>Then I'll huff, and I'll puff, and I'll blow your jew knob


shes fucking ugly


>he didnt use an image of Carlos
I don't know what site you came from but you need to fucking go back.

U gay?

She has a legit 10/10 face

10? More like 9.5 goty contender from IGN.

capitalism explains this seeming paradox as bitch was too dumb, useless and untalented to be competitive at anything but at being a medium-priced whore, right?

look man I love me some manjaws on girls but too much is too much


>she wasn't that great of an actress
you're killing me with the understatements here, Sup Forums, i didn't you boys can into subtlelty

my dick took off when i saw her

It's not a "manjaw", just healthy skull development.

He did nothing wrong. Fuck feminists

I'm sure she is crying into her millions of dollars on an eider down mattress in her 10million home after coming home from her still fairly regular acting work and generally fantastic life that was handed to her for fucking some fat guy.

Every one of you would do the same thing if you had to lick rosie o'donnel's greasy pussy for a year. I know I would in a heartbeat.

The only think that bothers me is them acting holier than thou.

was adorable in TRON:L
she captured the "naive/learning/competent" persona better than Gal Gadot in WWoman



Leave some room for daddy.

that's very interesting... do you like a nice feminine penis too?

actresses are all trash whores?
HOLD ME Sup Forums

She probably enjoyed it though.

I was kind of curious about who they're saying does this kind of stuff. I guess this shouldn't be a surprise since she is so pretty it kind of hurts to look at her.


Has there even been any good roles from Weinstein in the last 10 - 15 years? These girls were marks for awards.

Yeah, some rich Italian guy from old nobility. Broke up around 2011. Gotta wonder if that was when he figured out that she was being Harvested (Tron Legacy was in 2011 I think).

Another chick who was essentially set for life early on, but chose to ride the Harvey Whorebanger to a shot at a lame movie career.

Guess it depends on who is hitting her "core".

>better at this one movie than an israeli model turned capeshitter, imo
stellar endorsement

you low test son?!

dumb bitch you can't use that!

Look at all those roles look at all that pussy