>0% commie
Life is good.
0% commie
What website?
Just google "which economic school do you belong to".
Its not hard to find.
And I'm on the first link faggot, wanted to ask anyway
i'd never heard of the chicago school before, i'll read up on it. i skimmed over the basic tenets and it seems pretty good.
Thx for no link fuckhead
And I legit forgot where the survey was, so I had to search it again, just like you should have figured out how to do.
Can someone explain to me what the Chicago School is?
I have no idea. I really just wanted to make sure I have 0% communism.
I looked it up and wow I think Chicago School suits me very well
I think my main problem with it is the "reliance on mathematical models". Math is nice, but an economy contains illogical action on the simple basis that human beings are responsible for it.
how are those absurdities supposed to be absurd?
there is no conflict between a mathematical approach and "illogical" individual behavior. do you understand what a mathematical model is? what it means is that it relies on empirical evidence rather than "philosophical" reasoning, which is exactly why mathematical models are so important. unlike what the average philtard believes, reality is not created in your head. a scientific approach is necessary
also, I looked up Keynesian economics and apparently it excuses deficit spending and government intervention, fucking retarded.
exactly. green is what I agree with and red is what I disagree with
>100% in both Chicago School and Austrian Minarchist
probably picked no preference or low priority on an issue that differentiates the two
As we understand more about the human mind the model will only ever become more accurate.
no it seems to scale them from 0 to 100
try to get a result without 100 or without 0
>also, I looked up Keynesian economics and apparently it excuses deficit spending and government intervention, fucking retarded.
t. I never learned economics
Yup, picked no preference on everything and got 100% in everything.
>Criminal activity is a career choice
It can be, especially when the government is out making black markets
>Smoking is an example of making an informed choice
The information is there, if you're a low time preference degenerate who cares more about the quick pleasure you get from it than the cancer later on its an informed choice.
>5% communist
should I Anhero?
You probably just have some vague irrelevant similarity with them
class struggle maybe?
100% Chicago School 0% filthy communist.
I didn't understand some of the questions, and all of the ones that asked if the government should do something I said no.
100% New Keynesian
88% Neoclassical
69% Chicago
Anyone who had a different result from this either:
1) didn't study economics
2) is dumb
gg, anons. As always, Sup Forums is illiterate and in badly need of an econ degree.
the class struggle had no part of the governement
its just about "does alienation and hate between economical class necessary?"
its a communist thing
>I blindly believe the (((Academic))) consensus
>Everyone who doesn't is dumb
At least I'm not a commie
Had to look up what an Austrian Minarchist was, and I'd say I agree with the summary completely.
>le if i just say they don't know le economics i win meme
Too bad economics is not something one can teach themselves. Too complex.
Anyone without a degree or a master should not speak
Pretty much what I expected. Good test,
Do you believe in the holocaust and feminism too then?
It's Neo- liberal kikery pioneered by (((Milton Freedman))) and (((George Stigler)))
Basically if you like Unrestricted free trade, globalism, unlimited immigration, Outsourcing all manual labor to China, Being cucked by Jamal and raising his son, but paying little in corporate tax then you're a Chicago school Neo-liberal
Ho ho ho, dumb burger. Economics is not a 'belief'. Fucking deep fried mug head.
I bet you think protectionism is good and the independent central bank is bad.
Fuck off, you know shit.
>I bet you think protectionism is good and the independent central bank is bad.
Yup because I'm not a kike
>expecting us to search through random jewgle results when you're expected to provide a link in the first place
Not our fault you're a newfag.
But I never went to school in chicago?
>2% commie
disgusted tbqh senpai
99% pan-aromatic demisexual
69% fluid spiritkin
45% Transnigger
Am I cool guys ?
>only 45% transnigger
thought you'd hide the truth with a little humour, eh frogboy?
I'm Keynesian as I expected. I support a free market as much as possible, but in certain the government just has to step in.
>but in certain
in certain times
Unfortunately/pol/ is full of idiots that think economics is just a Jewish trick because they aren't smart enough to understand the basic math and reasoning behind things like free trade.
Hello Achmed. How's the banlieue doing? Say hi to Imam Mo, he's such a good boi
there is a convenient link next to each for related gear you can buy at amazon...
fuck this website.
you may fuck my sister
Couldn't hear you over the sound of teenage girls raped by pakis
Then again I don't speak urdu, sorry Sadiq Khan
Fuck commies.
It's kinda shitty because the questions are too general.
It basically assumes if you think markets should be regulated and some workers aren't paid enough for their labor that you're a communist, even though those things aren't necessarily correlated to communism.
Frankly, I think it's a shit survey. Got New Keynesian, which is acceptably close.
If you actually honestly believe in LToV, you're a commie and should probably consider offing yourself.
0% Anarcho-filth. Only thing I wanted from this shit.
reclaim the means of productions you brainwashed wage slave niggers
>100% commie
>70% neoclassical
I think you're a bit confused.
Commie fag detected, go back to sucking Obamas dick and letting limpdick government goons fuck you in your man pussy.
>freedom sucks everybody should suck cock like me
I've seen better tests.
i got 100% ancap and im not even ancap
what does that mean
You value freedom over tyranny.
I don't believe labor has innate value, but I believe the economic and darwinian principles of competition would suggest obviously that a person in a position of power over salaries would work to increase his own while decreasing others'.
Doesn't mean you need to enact socialism, just that you need to ensure there are open routes for qualified people to move up and keep the market circulating, rather than installing a neo-feudalist system where executives increase salaries for themselves and their allies only.
It means your ideas about econ are ancap but you don't know it.
I got 100% new keynesian and I said I love protectionism and the fed should be abolished
>while decreasing others
0 sum game mistaken objectively wrong malarkey.
Where's your results faggot? I bet you're too busy sucking the dicks of your jewish overlords for a payrise to contribute to this thread at all.
I'm not saying you can't increase your salary while retaining that of others, I'm saying that the principles of competition advocate for that thought. Even if it's subconscious, unless you have a strong moral complex it benefits you more to have a higher salary relative to others, not just a higher salary.
id rather have an old fashioned aristocratic mafia rulers with religion and morals and stuff than capitalism tho
See here is the problem with unadulterated free trade is that economics isn't some pure mathematical construct, it's a bunch of people trading things with each other. This puts it in the realm of psychology and all the attendant problems of humans doing shit. Muh rational actors aren't a real thing.
The chicago school does not like globalism because it does not benefit nations with a strong currency and nations with welfare. America is both. It also hates welfare and generally opts for reduced immigration unless you remove the minimum wage and remove welfare. then immigration is reasonable.
Dont talk shit you dont know.
>33% Communsimn
This test is fake and gay
No, they don't. Labor is a competitive good too.
>it benefits you more to have a higher salary relative to others
This is also absolute drivel. It benefits me when other people have more as well - if I'm a millionaire surrounded by people in poverty I'm not as well off as I'd be as a millionaire surrounded by other millionaires.
Really? They don't? Then please explain the past 20 years and why wages at the lower levels have remained stagnant and why wages at higher levels have been rising?
They haven't. People are richer now than ever - they can get far more value for expending far less of their time.
Very contradicting. At this point, I think this test is plain bullshit.
People are richer now than ever because the cost of goods has decreased, not because their wages have gone up.
nu/pol/ will call you a globalist kike but here's an easy intro:
Classical bros WW@?
>the medium of exchange I utilize is worth now more than ever
>I am somehow poorer
Watch this.
Yeah, only that's not true.
It's objectively true.
Start listening
>Daily dose of "Liberty education"
Yeah no, not gonna watch 25 minutes of jew-market pushing crap, sorrynotsorry.
The change in the price of goods is a frame reference, not an objective measurement. If you're falling and suddenly your descent is
>I hate freedom and everyone ought to hate it too - fuck facts
Fucking aussies.
>100% Austrian Minarchist
>Not an argument
If I made 50k in 1970, and 50k in 2016, I would be *BETTER OFF* with the 50k in 2016 than the 50k in 1970. Despite 50k in 1970 being *RELATIVELY* to other people *MUCH* higher than 50k in 2016, *I am better off with the 50k in 2016 than the 50k in 1970*.
These questions are way too broad.
>Should there be a gold standard?
I'd prefer a silver standard. It has more industrial use, is more useful for day to day exchanges, is more practical as a physical currency etc. But if I say I don't want a gold standard they'll think I support fiat currency.
Pretty shit tier test.
is totally an argument that needs to be addressed with an argument though, and not simply mocked and derided. Yep. Brilliant~
lel I accidentally clicked out of the page but for the record I had 100% chicago school with Austrian right behind it at 87%, communism at ZERO. That's because I'm a high test man who doesn't need big brother government to jerk me off and tell me bed time stories while regulating how I walk and talk.
>fuck facts
The facts: Wages and salaries are the same they were forty years ago, adjusted for inflation and cost of living increases.
Fact: The wealthy end of town has seen their wealth double from ~20% wealth share to ~40% wealth share, while net wages are still the same for everyone else.
You're so conned into believing the current insane system is good.
I seriously doubt you're in that top percentage and if you are? Good job pushing some of these dumb faggots into believing the same nonsense.
Apparently not.
For once, a tripfag is right.
What underlies a lack of belief in a free market or free trade is a lack of belief in freedom itself.
This is true, I'm not denying this, but it's about relative wealth, not just QoL. If you are middle class on a middle-class income in 1970, and lower-class with a lower-class income in 2016, it doesn't matter that your QoL has stayed the same or increased, your relative income has gone down, which means that in society you are poorer than you were before. This is effectively stealing. Had your income remained the same RELATIVE TO ALL OTHERS, you would have significantly more money.