How the Brits can still be proud of their country?
Ayyy LMAO!
because its not france
>Muslim mayor
>Muslim truck drivers
Tough choice.
Yeah he might run a city but at least he doesn't run us over
Because we don't live in London.
wow, you sure showed him
Because we are playing 11d chess by allowing our country to be taken over by Muslims so they can wipe out the Jews and get the blame for it. Then we sweep in, take over and wipe out the Muslims without being vilified for it.
Genetically they are the inferior type of European
doesn't change the fact that you insulted him in a way that had nothing to do with what was being conversed
this "your not white XDXDDX" circle jerk has gotten way to out of hand
To me it looks, muslims and jews are playing chess with your country
IMO this kind of thinking is why the jews praise muslims/hide wrongdoing in the media all the time and demonize white christians.
If white christians dominate, the jews can only negotiate and undermine. If muslims become the majority they can wipe them out with force.
>implying the jews arent behind the muslims in control
also dont act like the same isnt slowly happening to you france
Because he's a powerless shitskin in relation to most of us here.
How is life Lybia? Violence n sheit?
hey, he's not related to me you bloody basterd
kek good one lad
nah, ISIS got there asses wrecked in SIrt effectively ending their main base of operations in North Africa
other than that we are slowly building back up, that is is the Americans stop backing the guys that almost noone here wants
Do you think it was right for Britain and America in particular to intervene in Libya?
I'd have thought they wouldn't allo Sup Forums in your country.
Did you like Gadaffe?
Yet another d&c, "lel, x country is more cucked than me 4 sua" thread, so led me shid on fellow whites instead of doing something against the common threats of Islam, leftist subversion and mass immigration
>be french
>get run over
she's not exactly white
I have a gay crush on Sadiq. He's so fucking cute.
i'm not, i hate my country
No in the political sense
i mean i appreciate that you helped with Qaddafi and ending the war as quick as possible before it became catastrophic for everyone living there
but the intervention in the country's politics and pushing for democracy was very very wrong, we needed a military leader to fix the country not a democratic one.
we had just left a 42 year long dictatorial regime, do you really expect us to take in the polar opposite of that so easily?
thats how Iraq was fucked after their war
Obama that absolute twat completely fucked this country, and dont even get me started on Hillary, at least Cameroon gave a small amount of a shit about Libya at first and gave us some money to help rebuild but he jumped ship as well, granted he was the last though
its now been five years and things have only NOW started to look good, we could've been back to glory by now had what was promised happened and we had been left alone
we had always been isolationist, we prefer to fix our own problems ourselves, intervention rarely helps
no only porn sites are banned but anyone with half a brain can get past that.
i have mixed feelings about gaddafi, for one he really helped the country at first, but became megalomaniacal and egotistical later on, he also wanted to take on the entire west alone with the Gold Dinar plan which is one of the biggest mistakes hes ever made
Ooga boga allahu snackbar *explodes*
we cant, we can only be proud of its former glory and its culture which was once on par with the ancient greeks
you mean at least its not france? filled with niggers who piss and shit in the streets. i mean bradford is bad, but it aint fucking that bad
I want to move to Slovakia, which is clean and cultural. Looks like a cracking place to live.
Hopefully we can bring the last remaining few true englishmen to start a colony in eastern europe some where, where we can thrive as a new country called england attempt 3 and then one day retake our motherland
did he really hold up the refugee welcome sign?
Kill this sandnigger you fucking cucks.
Obama said Cameron got "distracted" by other things and forgot about Libya too much.
And recently our Parliament said that Cameron and Sarkozy were responsible for the shit afterwards.
>Reports of sexual offences on the London Underground almost tripled over the past five years.
brits are to blame
If there's one thing we can laugh at others for, it's the amount of muslims they have. Look at us before you start pointing fingers, enculé.
Do you even have a government?
Last time I've heard Lybia doesn't control its borders. It's basically a bunch of tribes fighting among themselves.
Britain is a symptom of what has happened across the West.
SJWs have demanded that we become cucks. Anyone who is not a cuck, gets called a Naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews.
and of course, that kind of hate is undeserved and comes from nothing
oh cecil, how wrong you were
all that happened is liberals use it as an excuse to import loads of niggers to fuck our wives and daughters
I'd rather have a Muslim mayor of London than have it turn as bad as Paris. Jesus fucking Christ...
>He says when we have two muslim ministers
>France trying to make fun of the UK
This is hilarious. You have much bigger problems than we do.
Don't pretend. I've lived several years in both and Paris >>>> London.
Any worthwhile building has been destroyed in the bizarro frenzy of the 60s-70s. London is simply a ugly city, and even less British than Paris is French. It's expensive beyond measure. Even the museums are meh.
There is simply no redeeming quality whatsoever to London and no reason to live there if you are not working in finance.