DISGUSTING sexual harassment of brave PoC Womyn caught on camera!
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You're late
LOOOL red pill me on this video
This guy lives in Seattle.
WA isn't lost yet, boys.
Someone greentext me the story
I don't get it.
sandy vag went some place wanting to get triggered so she can put it on camera
>Seattleite father does interview thanking Seattle Police for helping his heroin addicted daughter get help
>SJW tries to accost him directly after interview, asks for his name
>He replies with "Hugh Mungus" in reference to his weight
>SJW, in an assumption based rage, thinks he references to his genitals
>SJW begins to chimp out in public building, trying to get everyone to think this poor dad is a sexual predator
>SJW humiliates herself and emboldens the fight against cuckoldry
That bitches voice triggered me
The worst part about that video was the white knight in the background. He had no idea what had transpired, but he was absolutely ready to jump to m'lady's defense. What a fucking faggot.
Has this woman's identity been found out yet? This is so absurd kek
The video was posted by the feminist who took in on her FB page, so yes I'd say we know who she is.
zarna joshi
a fucking gross paki
Woman tells lies to cause a scene for attention. That's pretty much it.
Forgot the best parts
>Hates cops wants them to not get any funding
>Assumes building security are cops and asks them to arrest Hugh
>When cops arrive they listen to her and then escort her out.
>Posts on FB the video and why won't cops help me victim rant
>Goes to city counsel asking for better policing and be her personal SS squad.
>The very thing she is against
Thank you that bitch is nuts
Any info on the aftermath of all this? Did Hugh make it out unscathed?
Indian actually
Funny how gangrapes and actual violence against women occur in her own country but hey, who gives a shit right??
I'd rather fight the opression from my confy bed in my laptop, or scream at middle aged men who refuse to give me their names.
Rudy Pentajo for President!
Yep Hugh is just fine. Meme hero now. Police and counsel both think women is batshit insane. Donno about his work place or if feminists are going after it but I think they are focusing on the police.
Has anyone seen the interview he was doing with the news crew before that vile creature accosted him?
Yeah, I actually sent her a personal msg via Facebook calling her out for her behavior. She actually viewed it too lol
Zarna Joshi is the bitch's name
That means Scabies in Taco lmao
Ya it's pretty boring not worth the effort. Just concerned Dad thankful for help his daughter got. Basically local news fluff piece.
exactly, you know who went silent during the cologne rapes? Feminists/feminazi's/SJW
You know who opened up CCTV cameras and made the story come out despite the German government trying to shush it up? Sup Forums.
It was never lost. The bullshit is literally concentrated in the Seattle area and, to a lesser extent, Bellingham. And there's shitloads of redpilled people here, they just don't draw attention to themselves in the way the SJW fucktards do.
watched this video with the music from
It was great
Another concrete example of what a hollow, meaningless system is in place :( Designed to convince white people that it works, and then do what it will to make sure that illusion never goes away...with regard to white people that is.
I am very depressed that no one has killed this bitch yet.